High Priest in Japan

Chapter 908 Fast Forward

As for the Miyoshi clansmen who went to the Awa country... this is simple, leave it to Yuanqin to deal with it, as a daimyo who aspires to protect the four kingdoms, she must be very happy to clean up those who broke into her sphere of influence and prepare to cause chaos in her sphere of influence Miyoshi's family. Qin Heqing smiled after thinking about it.

Yuanqin, do you mean Yuanqin from Changzong's family? Imakawa Yoshimoto tilted his head and thought for a while before realizing who Yuanqin was referring to, and said in surprise.

Well, it's her. Qin Heqing affirmed.

Okay then, I'll have someone call Singer back. Imagawa Yoshimoto agreed.


After another two days, Shibata Katsuie did not come back, but the decree of the appointment was passed into Settsu, and Shibata Katsuie was appointed as the guardian of Settsu, and temporarily assisted a certain political official who came with the edict to manage it. Settsu Kingdom, eliminate the impact of the crusade against the Miyoshi clan, and restore the commercial stability of Settsu.

Instead, it allowed her to complete the transformation of her identity, from a simple general to a guardian, daimyo, or ruler of a country, which made her identity even more important.

Then Katsuya Shibata stayed in Settsu, while calling the elders in the family who worshiped and obeyed her more and more as her status changed, came to govern Settsu and develop the family business, while taking the place of Imagawa Yoshimoto Settsu, looking at Tanba, Harima, Awaji, Izumi and Hanoi countries, deters the members of the Hosokawa family and tells them not to have unnecessary thoughts, which affects the current harmony.

Two days later, the latest news about the former Settsu Miyoshi family re-entered Kyoto——

Not surprisingly, they were attacked by Nagamune Gabu Motokin, who regarded Shikoku Island as his territory.

And because the attack came too suddenly, and because they did not have a solid enough foothold in the Awa country, it didn't take long for the Settsu Miyoshi family who had just fled into the Awa country to be defeated again, and led the remnant soldiers to flee to Zan Saki, and then in the pursuit of Yuanqin, he ventured to escape to Bizen...

Then Yuan Qin led the troops to stop Zanqi, leaving his cronies to take charge of the management, and he left Shikoku with more than a dozen skilled and famous warriors from the four kingdoms, and embarked on the long journey to Kyoto.

After that are the guardians of Kansai——

Such as the mountain name Zhifeng of the Tajima country and the mountain name Makoto of the Inaba country, as well as the common guardians of the three countries of Misaku, Bizen, and Harima, the three of Akamatsu Haruma.

But it can also be said that it didn't come.

The reason is very simple, just because Akamatsu Haruma is just a decoration, besides the Misaku country and part of the city under his name, Bizen has been completely controlled by the Ukita and Kagami family, not to mention the people next to him. Harima is also gradually getting rid of his influence. It is occupied by Ukita, Kagami, and the local Matsuda family in Harima. The Jinchuan army was dragged into the quagmire of the war.

Even if there is no such thing as him, Imagawa Yoshimoto, who wants to unify the world, will not let go of several countries.

Similarly, there is the guardian of the Inaba Kingdom, Yamashiro Tori. Although the country is in his hands, there is no rebellion by the rich, but he can’t stand it. Next to him is Bo She who is fighting with Maori. He is really worried. One day when he wakes up, Bo She Just like Izumo, She was captured by the Maori family, and then turned himself into the current Boshe, facing the terrifying force of the Maori family!

So he responded on the table, and the purpose of coming directly to Beijing for an audience is very simple, that is, to take refuge in Imagawa Yoshimoto, and let the Imagawa family be his backer, so that when the Mori family really invades him, it will help him.

Far inferior to Tajima's guardian, the purpose of Yamana Chitoyo, who was born in the same clan, is simple——

The other party really came to see him purely, without extra thoughts.

Of course, even if he had an idea, he didn't have much to do, because the country of Danma had been targeted for a long time——the Danma silver mine. Although he has become a rich man who can be ranked among the top in countless island countries, there are very few things that he can really do with his hands and feet.

So he was very calm and just waited. Anyway, no matter which force finally took him in, as long as he didn't resist, his wealth and life could still be guaranteed.

He still knows that.

Then there are the guardians of Kyushu and Kanto, because they are basically related to Qin and Qing, so even if the person who is very dissatisfied with the position of general is Imakawa Yoshimoto, not them or Qin Heqing, but out of Qin Heqing's face (personally contacted ), or have explained the things in hand, and set off from home with a few elite guards and family generals, embarking on the itinerary to Beijing.


Half a month later, the Imagawa shogunate's first meeting of guardians from all over the country was officially concluded, and all familiar and unfamiliar guardian daimyos appeared in Imagawa Yoshimoto's general's mansion.

The general's purpose for calling everyone here is very simple, that is, there are a few things to announce. Accompanied by Qin Heqing, Yoshimoto Imakawa appeared in the hall where the meeting was held, and looked at the dozen or so people sitting in unison below and let out a loud voice Said.

That is, I hope that the world can stop disputes, and then use the method I came up with to achieve the resolution of disputes and conflicts.

Master Imagawa really knows how to joke, stop fighting in the world? How can this kind of thing come true?! Changzong Gabu Yuanqin, who was the first to come to Kyoto and was also the most eccentric, retorted with a sneer on his face.

That's right, I didn't even win the whole world. Don't you think it's a bit ridiculous to say that the world will stop fighting? Tachibana Munemo, who came from Otomo's family but represented Hinata Kingdom, echoed in a low voice.

Not to mention, didn't the local nobles and guardians of the Kii, Ise and Shima countries near Kyoto not respond to Imagawa Yoshimoto's call to attend this guardian meeting?

Not to mention the Mori family who is still fighting around, and even ignored Imagawa Yoshimoto's invitation, directly threw the invitation letter into the garbage dump, and continued to do things that disrupted peace.

If they don't solve it, they want to say that the world will stop fighting. Why?

Do you have the position of general?

Then they need to give face to agree with them!

I don't care about those who didn't come, but I hope everyone sitting here can listen to me quietly and then come to discuss whether to accept my proposal and stop fighting. Yoshimoto Imagawa glanced at Tachibana Zongshige, calmly said.

Okay, let me think about what you say, Imagawa-sama, what method do you want to solve the disputes between us. I don't know if it is because of Bishamonten's reincarnation, or what, the nature is really different. Uesugi Kenshin, who likes to fight and kill for no reason, said.

The scene then fell silent, and everyone quieted down, waiting for Yoshimoto Imagawa's next words.

It is worthy of the famous name of the Warring States Period in the world, and the prestige is really enough.

Have you ever heard of the Olympic Games? Seeing this, Yoshimoto Imagawa was not pretentious. He opened the fan with his hand to cover his lips and nose, and said slowly while looking at the people present.

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