High Priest in Japan

Chapter 903 Seal

And after the matter of Kuroda Guanbingwei was settled, there were no other messy things to bother Qin Heqing, allowing him to calm down and live a stable life of sleeping with girls and studying spells.

It wasn't until Imagawa Yoshimoto's soldiers changed their defenses that the entire Imagawa forces started to move again. They went to Omi for the first time and entered Minami Omi. The Liujiao family, who can frighten everything and everyone wants to show face, completed the attack on the Omi Kingdom, and then entered the Shancheng Kingdom, entered the capital, and completed the so-called Shangluo move.

Then there are various etiquette and interest negotiations. Qin and Qing don't need Qin and Qing to worry about these for the time being. I found Song Yongxiu who was hiding in the capital and was thinking of a snake with the contemporary Guanbai Jinwei Qian Jiuxu.

You really are as unscrupulous as ever. Song Yongxiu sighed as he felt his body being hugged tightly.

Come to your own woman's house to meet your own woman, what else is there to worry about? Qin Heqing asked while playing with Song Yongxiu's precious jade, smelling her unique scent that was suspected to be some kind of phantom medicine.

You came to see me, shouldn't it be just to emphasize this kind of thing? Song Yongxiu smiled and leaned against Qin Heqing's arms without stopping his movements, smiling, and said slowly as if enjoying himself.

Is it for Imagawa Yoshimoto?

Although there is this reason, it doesn't rule out that I will help you relieve your loneliness, right? Qin Heqing said with a wicked smile.

You really know how to talk. After a pause, he asked back, It's just, don't you think it's a bit early now?

Is it early? I don't think so.

But I don't want to be interrupted in the middle of the enjoyment. So you should just tell your purpose. Song Yongxiu said calmly.

The purpose...haven't you already thought about it? Qin Heqing smiled silently, hugged Song Yongxiu and walked to the courtyard of the residence, looking at the green plants and flowers in the courtyard and said softly.

Sure enough, he wants me to join Imagawa Yoshimoto's command. Song Yongxiu sighed without any surprise.

After all, she is now the most qualified and qualified heir to the general, let alone my woman, I can never see that she has a chance to accomplish great things, so I will continue to let you make things difficult for her, right? I don't want to see a situation where my harem is not compatible, and you both lose each other. Qin Heqing also sighed, a little helpless, and a little overbearing for granted.

Then what can I get? Song Yongxiu was not surprised, and asked in a flat tone.

To use a rather clichéd saying, only the benefits are eternal, and the rest, let's talk about it in other situations.

What about you, what do you want? Qin Heqing didn't answer, but handed the question back to Song Yongxiu to answer.

Then I want more. Song Yongxiu smiled.

Tell me, as long as it's not too much, I'll try my best to help you persuade Yiyuan to agree to your request. Qin Heqing said confidently.

First of all, I need the land of a country. I don't need any good place, just the country of Yamato. Then I need her to recognize the status of foreigners who have settled in the island country, especially the non-pure people like me who have mixed blood in their ancestors. The status of the people of the blood island country allows us to have a pure national status, and at the same time, we can get ahead in the same way as ordinary people in the island country, without discrimination and prejudice. Finally, I hope she can allow me to carry out a review of my own country. Reform. Song Yongxiu was silent for a while, and then he expressed his thoughtful thoughts one by one.

Where there is nothing excessive, the requests are basically based on her actual situation, and most of them are not for herself, but like her, who exiled to the island country for various reasons and was born in For the mixed-race people in the island country.

The requirements for reform are a little bit special—after all, guardians have limited autonomy for the feudal country, and they are basically based on the premise of the national law. Private law, so despite all kinds of weirdness, it is still the national law and the privileges of the guardians that are generally upheld.

But the reform is different. It will not only shake the existing and powerful interests, but also may have serious conflicts with the national law of the island country!

Especially when the executor is Matsunaga Hideo, a guardian daimyo with a mixed race of foreign and national origins, it's really not an illusion to directly create the Meiji Restoration and the like.

This is the reason why she listed this item separately, because she was worried that she would reform too much for the benefit of those mixed-race people, which would arouse Yoshimoto Imagawa's resentment.

After all, although she has never met Imagawa Yoshimoto, she still knows that she likes Kyoto culture, and after being born in a famous family, she pays great attention to tradition. If she doesn't prepare well, she will turn against Imagawa Yoshimoto in the future and directly A head-on conflict is entirely conceivable.

It's the same even if Qin and Qing stop it.

Do you also want to follow the example of Oda Nobuna and carry out Westernized reforms? Qin Heqing pursed his lips, speechless.

Who knows? Maybe so. Song Yongxiu smiled mysteriously.

Okay, I'll tell her about you later, try to make her agree to your request, and let you do what you want. Qin Heqing clicked his lips and sighed.

Then thank you, Anada. Song Yongxiu put his arms around Qin Heqing's neck, making his body look more upright.



After such a few days, Imagawa Yoshimoto, who finally completed the exchange of interests, compromises and discussions, successfully boarded the board with the approval of the representative of the civil service and the administrator of the imperial palace, or the permission of the princess maiden. The position of general who originally belonged to Ashikaga Yoshiki became the new general who conquered barbarians, and opened up the Imagawa shogunate that belonged exclusively to her.

Then Imagawa Yoshimoto was not hypocritical, and with the help of the general's power and the cooperation reached with Konoe a long time ago, he began to block officials——

For example, Nobuna Oda changed his title from the original guardian of Owari to the daimyo of Echizen, and took a formal official position under the fifth rank.

After all, her Owari Mamoru was an illegal product before, so even if Owari Mamoru is an official from the fifth rank, Kyoto will not recognize it, at most it will not trouble you.

Shibata Katsuie was appointed as the right soldier guard, leading the five official positions, and was responsible for assisting the right horse head of the Imagawa family.

Akechi Mitsuhide continued to serve as the lord of Akechi Castle, but the official position was given to Ogaiji, an official position that wrote imperial edicts to the emperor in the original history. Regardless of the salary, no one would take it seriously.

Saito Dozo retired. Niwa Chohide leads Owari Guardian and Qingzhou City Lord. Because of their identities, Qin and Qing were sealed as yin and yang heads, regardless of whether the current yin and yang head Fujiwara family members are willing or not...

Anyway, Yoshimoto Imagawa has confirmed this position.

I don't know how much I have to pay for this to complete this exchange.

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