High Priest in Japan

Chapter 900 Conference and Situation

Duel? Could it be the duel I understand? If that's the case, you might as well ask me to give up the position of general to that big-breasted woman. I'm not the type of Shingen, and I only have the vulgarity of fighting in my mind. Woman. Imakawa Yoshimoto said, his eyes widened upon hearing this, with an expression of disbelief in his eyes.

Don't worry, it's not what you think. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

As a man of Imagawa Yoshimoto, how could he not know the real level of force of Imagawa Yoshimoto, a famous man with the first bow of Tokaido? That is really unparalleled when you touch Cuju, even if you meet the mercenaries of this era—Za Hezhong, who can use Cuju to directly kill all the soldiers except the leader Za He Sunshi, but once you leave Cuju, Yoshimoto Imagawa is just an ordinary famous female general who likes the luxurious culture of Kyoto. She is pretentious and can't show any force.

Expecting her to play a traditional one-on-one duel with Takeda Shingen, who dares to fight thousands of troops with a single-handed sword, what is the difference between sending her there and asking Takeda Shingen to chop?

What kind is that? Imagawa Yoshimoto asked confused.

Have you heard of the Olympic Games? Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Olympics? What is that? Imakawa Yoshimoto asked in surprise.

She knows tea parties, flower arrangements, or other messy island specialties, but the Olympics...

Uh, Yoshimoto Imagawa said, which popular game in the countryside is this?

A sports meeting that originated in Athens, Greece. Qin Heqing smiled and patiently explained to Yoshimoto Imagawa, So my idea is very simple. After you become a general, promote the Olympic Games across the country, and then use the results of the Olympic Games As a bet, bet on the ownership of the city and the territory. In this way, even if you have no power to restrain the chicken, you can completely conquer the world through the athletes of your subordinates and snatch more from the hands of warriors like Takeda Shingen The sites and lands are used for rewards.

The Olympics... This is a good way. At that time, I can completely treat Cuju as an event and use it to gamble with other daimyos to win their cities and lands. After listening to Qin Heqing's vision of Imakawa Yoshimoto's eyes Said brightly.

In a word, she is interested in anything that can be related to Cuju!

Not to mention, this matter can win the city and land, which makes her blood boil even more, and she can't wait to hold the Olympic Games to realize her ambition of dominating the world.

Now feel at ease.

Well, you have a conscience. Imakawa Yoshimoto said with satisfaction.

Then why don't you reward me?

What reward do you want? Imakawa Yoshimoto asked doubtfully.

Of course, it's you.

After all, without waiting for Yoshimoto Imagawa to react, he rolled over and pushed her down...


However, since the miyoshi and three led troops into Kyoto and forced away the general Ashikaga Yoshiki, I don't know if some kind of taboo has been broken. Every day and every week, wars broke out, overthrowing and destroying the original forces on the land, ushering in a new ruler of the land.

For example, Shinano next to Mino was captured by the Takeda clan of Kai shortly after the Imagawa Army completed the reorganization of Echizen. Adopted, became Takeda Shingen's younger sister, Takeda Katsuyori.

At the same time, the Ueno Kingdom was also taken over by Echigo’s Uesugi Kenshin, who completely bordered Uesugi and Takeda’s forces, forming a mutual defense situation, which forced Takeda Shingen to continue to attack the north and take Etsuchu and Hida Kingdom. It made it impossible for Uesugi Kenshin to deal with Shimono and Iwashiro who were close at hand, and the main force in the Kanto side regained calm.

However, the Hojo family, which was not noticed by anyone, had a chance to be active. Under the instigation of the Takeda family and Hojo Soun's own ambition, the Hojo family also used Imakawa Yoshimoto to plan Shangluo, and had no time to take care of Mrs. Gu With a lot of convenience, I entered the Sangmo country directly from the border of Izu and the Sagamo country, and started the development of the Sangmo country.

Date's conquest of Mutsu determined his foundation and status as the overlord of the northeastern region of the island.

Then there is Kansai.

For example, the Nizi family in Izumo failed to survive the attack of the Mori family after all. It was completely destroyed three days ago, leaving only some generals who led people to retreat when the situation was not good. Completely annihilated, it can be regarded as a chance to escape, and fled towards the direction of Harima country.

Among them was the existence of Shikanosuke Yamanaka, which Qin and Qing had paid attention to.

The Mori family on the other side did not pursue either, but while cleaning up the troubles of the Izumo country, while attacking the Bingo country, they continued to use tactics to drive a wedge between the Shuo Ouchi family's retainers, preparing to repeat the strategy of the Niko family. Complete Maori domination of neighboring countries.

On the other hand, Otomo Zonglin of Kyushu cooperated with Sagara Yoshiyo of Higo to destroy the Ryuzoji clan of Hizen.

Although Satsuma’s Shimadzu wanted to trouble Hinata’s Tachibana, but because of Qin Heqing’s reminder—that is, the cooperation between Otomo Zonglin and Sagara’s family, he didn’t do anything, and continued to be her port manager in a stable manner, running the island country The trade among the Three Kingdoms, Daming, and Bangzi, as well as the trade with Nanman merchants, has accumulated strength and increased the family.

Then came the Four Kingdoms side. Under the strategy of the cunning and cunning Chang Zongwo Yuanqin, the wealthy families of the Four Kingdoms were gradually wiped out by her...

Although it has not yet reached the level of completely unifying the four countries and becoming the commander-in-chief of the four countries, this trend is already very obvious. I believe it will not take long before it can be fully achieved and become the first wealthy family governor who has completed the rule of all countries on the island... …


Then this day, when Qin Heqing was enjoying Shibata Katsuya's knee pillow service, the bronze mirror of resentment in his hand reacted again, breaking his leisurely life.

Xingbu Ji? What happened? Qin Heqing sat up, activated the effect of the bronze mirror of resentment, and looked at the slightly anxious face of Xingbu Ji emerging from the vortex, wondering.

Guan Bingwei was taken away. Xingbu Ji reported directly without hesitation.

Huh? The officers and soldiers were taken away? What's going on? Qin Heqing was stunned and asked in astonishment.

Why did he contract Xingbu Ji, a false deity who seemed not much different from the earth binding spirit, as his shikigami? In addition to being happy, there is also the idea of ​​asking her to help guard Himeji Castle and protect the safety of Kuroda officers and soldiers.

But now? An accident happened to Kuroda Guanbingwei, and Qin Heqing had to wonder whether Xingbu Ji was as useful as he thought.

I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen either. Perhaps seeing the strangeness on Qin Heqing's face, Ji Xingbu explained aggrievedly. And through the explanation, Qin Heqing roughly understood the reason why Kuroda Guanbingwei would be taken away——

If you really want to talk about it, it's really not the Xingbu Hime's fault, but Xingbu Hime and Kuroda Kanbei who didn't expect that Ukita, who is also the lord of Harima Castle, would be so careless and insane!

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