Where are we going? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who was beside Qin and Qingchao, asked on the subway.

Nan Qianzhu. Xia Zhiqiu turned on his mobile phone, pulled out the notepad, locked the first message recorded on it and replied.

Nan Qianzhu? What's there? Qin Heqing, who went to school, could only find ghosts in the local area, and only occasionally went out to hunt in other twenty-four districts on weekends.

According to the urban legends I read on the Internet, there is an overpass that makes people commit suicide over there. I am going to verify it. Xia Zhiqiu explained.

The Bridge of Suicide... You are quite bold, you dare to run anywhere, and you are not afraid to toss yourself into it. Qin Heqing looked at her profile, speechless.

A holy place for suicide, that's really not a place for ordinary people to go.

So didn't I ask you to escort me? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked back at him and smiled beautifully.

Cough, besides this? I see that you wrote a lot of things in your notepad. Besides the bridge of suicide, where else? Seeing this, Qin Heqing coughed in embarrassment, glanced away slightly and changed the subject.

There are also the seven mysteries of Honjo mentioned in urban legends. Katsushika's Aomori General Hospital. Prince's monster wine house. Takenotsuka's non-existent laundry room. Komatsugawa's night ghost. Akabane's custom girl... really I don’t know if I don’t check, but I found out that under the normal world we live in, there are so many supernatural events that cannot be explained by science. The contents of this book are described with admiration.

I didn't expect you to be able to find so many things. To be honest, I was quite surprised. But I'm curious, where did you find all the information? After listening to Xia Zhiqiu's narration, Qin Heqing was surprised asked.

It's very simple, just search the relevant forums on the Internet, and then open the corresponding topics in some large-scale comprehensive community boards, the information will emerge quickly, and then filter the corresponding information to exclude those At first glance, it is clear that it is false and untrue information, and the rest is what I have recorded in my hand. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu narrated with a face full of pride.

Then how can you be sure that the content you selected is true? Qin Heqing asked curiously.

Are you underestimating me? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stared at Qin Heqing dissatisfied and asked.

How could it be? Qin Heqing asked in astonishment, not knowing where he said something wrong and provoked her.

Then have you forgotten who I am? I am Kasumigaoka Shiwa! One of the best-selling light novel writers at the moment is not those ordinary mediocre talents. I can completely detect it from the lines of those who posted I can see the emotions they put in when they input the text. With my excellent intuition as a beautiful girl, I can tell at a glance whether the things they send are true or false! Kasumigaoka Shiwa proudly and proudly preached.

So that's the case. Hearing this, Qin Heqing didn't refute, so he nodded suddenly, expressing his admiration.

As for psychology—

Can everything on the Internet be trusted?

Lost your mind?


Ten minutes later, the two arrived at the first destination of the trip, located in the Minamisenzhu area of ​​Arakawa District, a bridge that spans over a certain line of JR and is known as a suicide bridge among some people. Overpass.


Xiazhiqiu Shiyu didn't talk nonsense, and immediately took out her mobile phone to turn on the video recording mode, and observed the situation on the bridge in this relatively strange way.

Why not? After a while, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who hadn't found anything, frowned dissatisfiedly.

Probably too early. Qin Heqing raised his head and looked at the sky, seeing that there was still a sliver of yellow sky that had not yet completely darkened, and said to Xia Zhiqiu beside him.

It's past eight o'clock, is it still early? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu put down his phone, turned to look at Qin Heqing and confirmed.

Ghosts are yin things, and yin things are generally afraid of sunlight, so as long as the sky is not completely dark, ordinary ghosts will not easily appear in front of humans. Unless...

Unless what? Xia Zhiqiu asked.

Unless they are in a special position, they can be protected or strengthened. Unfortunately, as far as the current situation is concerned, there is no such thing as a ghost that can appear in the daytime without fear of the sun. Force field, so this may be a fake supernatural place. Qin Heqing looked at the old viaduct in front of him, but there was nothing unusual about it and said softly.

This is not only his judgment, but also the judgment of Yue'er who is invisible beside him.

Yes, Moon.

To be on the safe side, Qin and Qing also brought Yue'er out.

This is also the real reason why the two of them just finished school before, but now it's past eight o'clock, and it's almost nightfall——

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu stayed in Qin Heqing's rented apartment before, watched him get ready, watched him introduce Yue'er, and by the way, tasted a Chinese dinner made by Qin Heqing in Qin Heqing's apartment that suited his personal taste.

Otherwise, the three or four hours in the middle would be hard work.

Especially after Xiazhiqiu Shiyu discovered Yue'er and became more interested after eating the dinner made by Qin Heqing, Qin Heqing couldn't resist the spirit of exploring the root of the problem.

Is it fake... I don't believe it! We'll just wait here, and when it's completely dark, I don't believe it will still look like this. Maybe it's because it was too full on the subway before, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who didn't believe that the face slap came so quickly, insisted angrily. And after he finished speaking, he really had to step aside and find a place to stay.

This kind of arrogance is worthy of her status as a best-selling light novelist.

After all, if she had no stubbornness and persistence, she would not be able to achieve the current results.

Although the bigger reason for this is that her talent is very good...


Fortunately, the time is not difficult - after all, it is summer now, and most of the island countries have a subtropical marine climate. The weather in June is not only rainy, but the highest temperature is only in the 20s, which is very pleasant.

In addition, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu himself is also seductive enough, and has long black silk long legs... Qin Heqing said that waiting for a while is really not a big problem, just play with the phone and pass it.

So I didn't notice the passage of time, and it was completely dark.

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu still didn't need to greet Qin Heqing, but took a mobile phone to record left and right on the road of the viaduct.

How is it? Qin Heqing asked Yue'er beside him in a low voice.

It's true that the atmosphere has changed, but it's still not a land of heavy spirits. There should be other reasons that make this place a holy place for suicides. Yue'er carefully observed the surroundings, and then closed her eyes to feel it. After checking the surrounding atmosphere, he opened his mouth and explained to Qin Heqing.

Thanks to Yiqiajiang for the reward of 500 points. Thanks to Fei'er, Dark Flame Light, gundam0080 and Vicissitudes of Salted Fish for their respective rewards of 100 points.

PS: Just now a child came to the house, it was a bit noisy, I almost thought I could only code this chapter today...

PS2: Why can't the scumbag smile bitterly? The first scumbag, and the Nth scumbag, the scumbag’s state of mind is different. You are talking about Pin Runan, how many times have you been a scumbag, and you are used to it. The protagonist is not ready to break through the bottom line, and now he is passively broken through. Of course you can smile wryly! !

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