Beauty, alone, together? On the street in front of Exit B of such-and-such a subway station, three young men surrounded by high-spirited young men were wearing a professional OL suit and dressed as a white-collar Nagao Yuka, laughing. said with a joke.

... Nagao Yuka didn't speak, she guarded her small bag, and turned to look aside.

Why hasn't Qin Jun come yet...

Don't ignore people, what's your idea? As long as the three of us can do it, how about making sure you are satisfied with the beauty? The other of the three stood in front of Nagao Yuka again, and said with a smirk.

Please get out of the way! Otherwise, I'll call the police! Yuka Nagao's expression changed slightly, and she yelled sternly, suppressing the panic in her heart and the sequelae caused by last night's experience.

Oh, it's so scary, we're so scared! The pissed-off young man looked at each other, and laughed strangely, Report it, just report it, don't say we didn't do anything to you, even if we did What, there is no monitoring and no one around here. When you say that the police will come, who does he believe? Is it you or us? So don't expect to scare us by calling the police. At worst, you will spend two days in the police station. When he came out, he was a good man again!

Brothers, am I right?

That's right, that's right, but it's nothing more than staying in the police station for two days! The others echoed.

Suddenly, Nagao Yuka's heart sank, and her inner emotions became more flustered.

Okay, beauty, don't pretend to be reserved. Since you chose to stand here alone, it has already shown that you want to find a man to accompany you. Now that you have us three brothers, what are you waiting for? Come with us.

As he said that, one of the breezy guys stretched out his hand and grabbed Nagao Yukana's arm.

Let go of me! Yuka Nagao resisted fiercely and yelled sharply.

Long Tai, tell her to shut up! Another young man shouted.

Then the last young man walked around behind Nagao Yuka, covered her mouth with his hand, and the three of them worked together to snatch Nagao Yuka away...

Although the whole situation seems a bit exaggerated, it feels like a reappearance of the content of movies and TV shows, but surprisingly, neither the three men nor the occasional passers-by made any reaction, and the passers-by lowered their heads and walked quickly from the side of the three. Walking by, I looked like I didn't see anything, which made people very chilling.

Nagao Yuka was in despair, a feeling that the world was so big that there was nowhere to stand involuntarily rose from the bottom of her heart.

Asshole! Stop it!

Then at this moment, Qin Heqing's angry voice suddenly reached Nagao Yuka's ears.

Nagao Yuka's eyes lit up, and the eyes were instantly filled with the color of life.

At the same time, the complexions of the three young men who didn't know which nerves were wrong and dared to plunder people in the street changed, and they all turned to look at Qin and Qing.

But before they caught Qin Heqing's figure, Qin Heqing rushed to them with a burst of spiritual power, three punches and two kicks, knocked down the three angry guys to the ground, and howled in pain.

Alas, alas...

Qin Jun! Nagao Yuka, who was freed, threw herself into Qin Heqing's arms without saying a word.

Okay, it's okay, it's okay, I'm here, don't be afraid. Qin Heqing patted Nagao Yuka's back lightly, staring at the ground and howling, the three comforted softly.

After a while.

How do they deal with it? Qin Heqing asked Nagao Yuka in his arms.

What do you mean? Nagao Yuka left the decision to Qin and Qing.

Call the police! Qin Heqing said coldly without hesitation.

This kind of scum, not calling the police is not enough to calm the hatred, not calling the police is not enough to purify the world, in a word, we can't keep them outside for the New Year!

Even with the current situation, the three of them will not be locked up for long after they are sent to the police station, or they will be released from there within ten days and half a month.

As for the reason?

Not enough evidence!

This is not like the crime of being an idiot. Because of the bias towards women, even if there is no reason, you can win the lawsuit and let the man die socially.

I'll listen to you. Yuka Nagao didn't hesitate, took out her phone and called the police.

And the police responded very quickly. In about seven or eight minutes, several policemen patrolling the street appeared in front of Qin Heqing and the others, recorded the situation here, and brought everyone back to the police station.


Forty minutes later, Qin Heqing and Nagao Yuka left the police station.

This kind of culture is really... After listening to Nagao Yuka's account of the whole incident in the police station, Qin Heqing couldn't help crying and laughing.

Pick-up culture, a special culture aimed at making contact with single men and women on the street, and thus starting love, making friends, and even dating vigorously and deeply. It first started in Europe and the United States, and then became popular in island countries. Culture and so on have become one of the unique cultures of the island country.

Its characteristic is that as long as a good-looking woman or man stays alone on the street for more than five minutes, it shows that this person is a person who can strike up a conversation, and people who are interested in her or him can come to make contact. Then unfold the various processes.

As for whether the men and women being approached have boyfriends and girlfriends, whether they are waiting for someone, and whether they are willing to be approached, these are completely out of the scope of the approached person's consideration, and it is a dialogue that will start after the approached.

Correspondingly, this kind of chat-up culture also has its own unique rules, that is, no entanglement-after the person being hit-up clearly expresses that he does not want to contact, the person who hit-up should leave with interest and not add trouble to the person being hit-up .

But obviously, this kind of rule is not accepted by all men who love to strike up a conversation on the street and ask someone to fight. Naturally, certain things happened.

It's just that she didn't expect that the things Nagao Yuka encountered were so evil, and she didn't know whether to say that she was unlucky or what.

Be careful in the future, try not to stay in places with few people or no monitoring for a long time, so as not to attract the attention of some people. Qin Heqing said softly to Nagao Yuka, who was depressed beside him.

Speaking of this, I have to mention a little bit more. Although the island country is classified as a developed country, in terms of the popularity of the city monitoring system, it is really not as good as the Skynet system that can be seen everywhere in China.

Coupled with the addition of special groups like social cancer, Yazaku, etc., the security situation in the island country is really not necessarily good, and it is really far worse than the stability and stability in the country, which makes people feel at ease.

En. Nagao Yuka responded lightly, and followed Qin Heqing like a child who made a mistake. In terms of emotions, it seemed that the situation was a little worse than yesterday.

Come on, it looks like I won't be able to leave again tonight. Seeing this, Qin Heqing thought helplessly and incomprehensibly, Maybe for a long time in the future, Nagao Yuka won't be able to live independently anymore .”

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