High Priest in Japan

Chapter 75 Unexpected Encounter (Seeking Acceptance)

Then, within a short time - just over a minute, the tram drove into the platform amidst a jingle of arrival reminders, and finally stopped in front of Qin Heqing and the others.

Then, the car door opened, and Qin Heqing and Wuwei Liangzi walked into the tram——

Fortunately, there were not many people in the car—although it was equally crowded, there was enough space for people to stand and move around, unlike the subway during the morning rush hour, when there were so many people, it was like squeezing sand. One by one, there is no room to move.

Come over here. Qin Heqing gave way a little, motioning Wuwei Liangzi to stand over.

Thank you. Wuwei Liangzi looked around, her cheeks flushed slightly, and she moved closer to Qin Heqing—probably to the right of her arms, and stopped while holding onto the handrail.

Then the tram started again, and drove away at a balanced speed with a slight sway.

The sound of mechanical movement came to Qin Heqing's ears from time to time, like hypnotic music, making people feel like they want to sleep.

How long have you been dating Kato. At this moment, Wuwei Liangzi who was standing in front of Qin Heqing suddenly asked in a low voice.

It's been almost two weeks. What's the matter? Qin Heqing replied.

How did you know each other? Gomi Ryoko asked again.

Didn't she tell you? Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

Gomi Ryoko shook her head, saying no.

We are classmates. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

You chased her? Wuwei Liangzi continued to gossip.

It's not chasing after all. The two sides have a good impression of each other, and then under a certain coincidence, I confessed to her, and then the two of us are together. Qin Heqing recalled the whole relationship between himself and Kato Megumi During the process, I couldn't help but say a little funny.

To be able to get the result so easily, to be honest, it is quite surprising.

Will it come to fruition...then you are really happy. Gomi Ryoko looked at the scene passing by slowly outside the car window, and whispered enviously.

You are so beautiful, I believe you will soon find your own happiness. Qin Heqing looked down at Wuwei Liangzi's exposed profile, and blessed him softly.

Am I beautiful? Gomi Ryoko ignored those, but asked with concern.

Of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been so infatuated with you back then, that I would have done so many stupid things. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

...Unfortunately, the past has gone with the wind. Gomi Ryoko was silent, and then lowered her head after a while, talking to herself in a rather literary voice that only she could hear.

What? Qin Heqing, who didn't hear clearly, asked in confusion.

It's nothing. Gomi Ryoko shook her head, but did not convey her feelings to him.

Then the two returned to silence, and the tram continued to drive forward...

Soon after.

Eh? Qin Heqing let out a light hey full of surprise.

What's the matter? Wuwei Liangzi, who was closest to him and also heard Qin Heqing lightly, asked in confusion.

I saw an acquaintance. Qin Heqing smiled lightly, I'll go over.

After finishing speaking, Qin Heqing moved his body and moved towards the rear of the carriage.

There are unexpected gains. Interesting. Qin Heqing whispered.

Then he sped up his pace a little, and appeared next to a certain young man first, reached out and grabbed the young man's wrist, and greeted the other party with a smile, That's it, Mr. Rogue.

Immediately, the young man panicked, and then became stern, What nonsense are you talking about?! Who is a hooligan!? Don't spit blood!

Aren't you pleading guilty? Qin Heqing smiled, and looked up at the young man's target, a young woman in professional attire, Miss, you don't mind helping me as a witness?

This... The woman who was pointed turned red, looked around in a panic, and finally lowered her head silently, without saying whether she agreed or disagreed.

Bastard, let me go! Seeing this, the man who thought he had something to rely on suddenly became angry, and continued to shout at Qin Heqing.

At the same time, he waved his fist and punched Qin and Qing in the face.

Obviously, seeing that intimidation failed, they were ready to use violence.

Be honest with me! Qin Heqing's expression changed, he grabbed the other hand of the young man, and then raised his knee to bump it, and hit the young man's descendant bag with a knowing blow, which immediately made him feel as if he had been hurt. Lightning struck, the whole person turned pale with a pale face, and finally fell on the floor of the tram under Qin Heqing's actions.


Good lesson. At the same time, a heroic female voice resounded in Qin Heqing's ears, I'll go with you to meet the police later and help testify.

Thank you so much, Tongsheng. Qin Heqing smiled at the owner of the heroic female voice and said, Also, long time no see.

It's been a long time since you lost to me in kendo. The girl named Kiryu looked him up and down, said calmly and even a little coldly.

How long has it been, can you stop mentioning it? Qin Heqing smiled wryly.

This is again the fault of my predecessor. At the beginning, relying on my family's swordsmanship, I didn't like this or that. Then I was taught to be a man by Kiryu Soo in a certain kendo competition. Since then, I have never Having touched kendo props before, this is also one of the important reasons why Qin Heqing remembers joining the tennis club rather than the kendo club after coming here.

Speaking of which, I really didn't expect to meet you on the tram by such a coincidence. Then, Qin Heqing changed the subject.

I didn't expect that either. Kiryu Cang said coldly. It is quite a bit of the iceberg goddess temperament of Wuwei Liangzi, but I want to be more heroic and ruthless, with the feeling of an ancient female general.

Swap the phone number? Qin Heqing twitched his lips a little self-indulgently, and asked again to find a topic.

Yes. Kiryu Ao looked at him for a while, nodded, and took out his mobile phone.

Qin Heqing was a little surprised and surprised, but didn't say anything until then, and directly exchanged each other's phone numbers with Tongsheng Cang, and added the other party's LINE account to become their friends.

We will keep in touch in the future. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Sword contest, it's ok, other things, don't talk about it. Kiryu Cang responded indifferently and concisely.

Uh... ok.

Then Qin Heqing kept his voice shut and detained the wolf youth until the next stop. Then he got out of the car with Kiryu Cang and the molested young woman, went to the police booth attached to the station, and handed the youth over to the police for processing.


Okay, let's go. Half an hour later, Qin Heqing, who came out of the police station after recording the statement, said to Tongsheng Cang beside him.

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