Dang Dang Dang.



Come in. Hinasaki Fukaha, dressed in long trousers and long-sleeved shirt, looked at Qin Heqing standing outside the door and said.

Excuse me. Qin Heqing walked into the room skillfully, closed the door, took off his shoes, and came to the living room.

What to drink?

Water is enough. Qin Heqing said.

Here. Then he walked to the side and sat down, looked at Qin Heqing who had already sat down on the sofa skillfully, and asked, Who is this time?

It's still the same as before, it's my enemy, and it's from the same organization as the person you met before, its brain has been tampered with, simple hypnosis has no way to ask what I want from their mouths , so I can only trouble you. Qin Heqing explained helplessly.

If possible, he didn't want to bother Hinasaki Fukaha all the time because of this matter.

You haven't dealt with them yet? Hinasaki Fukaha asked in surprise.

The secret organization that has been passed down for hundreds of years is not so easy to handle. Qin Heqing smiled wryly.

Where are people? Hinasaki Fukaha didn't say anything, and directly asked for a target.

Here. Without hesitation, Qin Heqing threw out the fat man with a bald head who was drained of mana and physical strength by the power of the demon pot, except that he did not lose consciousness, and became weaker than ordinary people.

The vines around his body were imposed by Yue'er himself before coming here, the purpose is to prevent this guy from resisting too much.

After all, although Hinasaki Fukaha has the ability to see, and her background is also very special, she can be regarded as an inferior ghost clan, but her physical fitness is at the level of ordinary people after all, and she doesn't have much strength. As for the opponent of the mighty and powerful guy, if he accidentally hurt her again, then Qin Heqing would feel very sorry.

So it's better to let him lose all his power from the beginning.

Hinasaki Fukaha looked at the fat bald man who suddenly appeared on the floor of the living room and didn't make a sound, and she didn't have any unexpected emotions—after all, it was not the first time she saw him, so she walked to the position above the bald head and squatted down, stretched out her hand, and held it down. Bald forehead.

Immediately, countless pictures emerged, giving Hinasaki Fukaha a preliminary understanding of the fat bald man in front of her.

You ask. A moment later, Hinasaki Fukaha, who had simply digested the secrets and emotions hidden in the fat man's bald head, raised her head.

Qin Heqing nodded, stepped forward and looked at the fat man's bald head, What's your name?

Bah! The fat man's bald head didn't answer, but spit out a mouthful of phlegm at Qin Heqing from his neck. He looked completely uncooperative, which made Qin Heqing helpless.

But there is no surprise, after all, the relationship between the two sides is there, if the fat man cooperates so easily with a bald head, that would be a really weird thing.

So Qin Heqing didn't care, and continued to ask with a sneer, What is the name of the group you belong to? Sancai, Sixiang, Five Elements, Liu·He, or Seven Stars?

You don't need to waste your saliva there, no matter what you ask, I won't tell you a single word. The fat man glared at Qin Heqing and growled.

It doesn't matter. Qin Heqing smiled, then ignored the growling of the fat man's bald head, and continued to ask what he wanted to know——

For example, the naming rules of these dark groups.

For example, why did they appear in that stronghold building?

For example, are there any companions and contact information for them in Tokyo?

And, for example, the situation of the Anbu of the Forbidden Dao, the mission of the Anbu, and the high-level location of the Forbidden Dao, etc., etc., and asked everything he could think of or that he personally thought would be useful.

Of course, Yue'er and Ayukawa's supplementary questions were also indispensable in this process. It was not until a long time later that Qin Heqing stopped and threw the fat man's bald head into the demon refining pot again.

How is it? Qin Heqing asked Hinasaki Fukaha who was opposite him.

Wait for me to write it out for you. Hinasaki Fukaha bowed her head and pondered for a moment, organized the information she wrote down into a system, then walked quickly to the coffee table, and found the paper that she used to write things down from under the coffee table With a pen, he wrote down the content Qin Heqing wanted to know one by one from top to bottom.

That's it. Take a look. After a while, Hinasaki Fukaha handed the written paper to Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing took it and held it in front of him for inspection.

First is the name of the fat bald man, called Aikawa Konosuke, and then the name of the group he belongs to—Liu·He, and the reason why Liu·He is called Liu·He is not only because there are six official members, but also because the six of them are in the group. When they are together, they can launch a set of combo skills similar to formations, called Liuhe transfer and transfer method. According to the thoughts that Hinasaki Fukaha has spied, it is said that they have very strong defense and the ability to use force to fight! Basically, as long as they are unfolded, even if Qin Heqing and Yue'er, Ayukawa, and Yunu attack together, it will not be so easy to break or even take them down.

It can be said that Qin and Qing's victory this time was entirely due to their carelessness and Qin and Qing's sudden attack. Otherwise, how could it be possible to give them a chance to defeat each other?

And then there are the Anbu members from Tokyo. There is really one, a surviving member of the Four Elephant Group that attacked Qin Heqing before, the poisonous lady Jin Meili, who is now laying traps to frame Qin Heqing, and it seems that the execution has already begun, but Because Qin and Qing had to cope with the exams, they had not returned to the shrine to take care of the business, so they could not start.

The following is the contact number of the poisonous lady. Qin Heqing gave it to Ayukawa, and planned to solve this hidden disaster after the matter here was dealt with.

Then there was the reason for appearing in the stronghold building, there was no reason, just because it happened to be the foothold they chose, and then they ran into Qin and Qing by bad luck...

Then there is the number of personnel in the Anbu, which is indeed about the same as Doctor Chi guessed. There are only about 20 official members, but there are many reserve members, thirty or forty. In addition, each official member can mobilize special forces members ——It was the special forces that they met on the night of the apartment attack, but the total number exceeded 120.

There are two recent missions, one is to kill him Qin Heqing, and the other is to find an opportunity to kill the old director of the countermeasure bureau and the Showa five elders who exist like a countermeasure bureau...

In terms of priority, killing him should be higher than killing the five elders and the old director of the Bureau. I don't know whether to say that Curse Jin Dao thinks highly of him, or whether he should suspect how much Curse Jin Dao hates him!

It seems that he didn't dig the high-level ancestral grave of the forbidden road...

After that, there are high-level trends in the curse forbidden way - the answer is that I don't know. Because the high-level contacts with them have always been through phone calls or emails, or through intermediaries to issue tasks, and it is rare to have direct contact with them, so even members of the Anbu members of the secret army directly under the high-level Forbidden Road, there is no way to get them. Not knowing the whereabouts of the high-level people, and even what the high-level people are doing now, made Qin Heqing lose all thoughts of carrying out the beheading task.

Had to turn to check the answers to other questions.

Thanks to No. 11 Sniper for the reward of 100 points.

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