
Smoke and dust filled the air, debris flew around, and most of the space in the corridor on the top floor was filled with gray-white smoke amidst the violent explosion, and fell into a situation where you couldn't see your fingers.

Then Ayukawa, transformed into a virgin, appeared next to Qin Heqing, full of air, but his momentum gradually weakened, and he said to Qin Heqing who appeared on the top floor, Be careful, the enemy is very strong, it should be Anbu.

Then a gust of wind swept through, and the entire corridor returned to its original clear state.

The darkness remained, like the giant mouth of a monster, waiting for the arrival and entry of prey.

Qin Heqing looked at each other silently with Yue'er, Yunu, and Ayukawa who was in the apotheosis state. Without hesitation, he raised his head and chest and moved towards the origin of the explosion - Oma...

I also thought it was some blind person who came to trouble us. After a long time, it was you. This makes sense. Only you, a guy who is on the blacklist of the forbidden road, can drive ghosts of this level. For people's use. Seeing Qin Heqing appearing at the gate that had become more spacious due to the explosion, among the five bald heads except the young bald head who had been suppressed, the bald man with a knife said suddenly.

Are you the ones sent to kill me by the Cursed Forbidden Way? Qin Heqing glanced around the situation in the big room, and finally confirmed with his gaze fixed on the five bald heads with different shapes and expressions.

That's right, it's us. The bald man with the knife affirmed.

Now that you know, why don't you hurry up and suffer your death obediently? the bald man with a scar on his face said arrogantly.

Three Talents, Four Phases, Five Elements, Liu·he, Seven Stars, which one are you? Qin Heqing glanced at the scarred man, but did not make a sound, but asked the bald middle-aged monk who seemed to be the bald leader.

It can be regarded as a step closer to spying on the information you want to know.

Hehe, you even know the internal code name of our Anbu team. It seems that you know a lot. The bald man with the scar stood up from the cushion, walked towards the bald man with the knife, and said in surprise, It was the traitor who told you Is it?

Probably not. Before Qin Heqing could answer, the bald fat man over there leaned on the table and stood up, holding on to the food in his hand, and walked up while eating, According to the information, that traitor is a researcher, maybe because The research relationship, knowing the internal situation of some organizations, but the degree of contact with combat groups is limited, it is impossible and has no opportunity to learn information like our team code name, which is extremely difficult for non-insiders to know.

That is to say, he has another dark line within the organization. The bald man who was drinking, squinted his eyes and stared at Qin Heqing and said slowly, And he should be a member of the combat department, and he should be a member of the combat department. The part where the dark part touches.

A candidate... Dao Scar pulled his face with a bald head, making his expression even more ferocious.

It seems that it is necessary to go back and clean up the team again. Said the bald man with a knife in a low voice.

Have you finished? Qin Heqing asked coldly as he looked at the three bald heads standing in front of him, his expression unchanged.

Although he was a little surprised at the sensitivity of these guys and their ability to sort out clues, it did not prevent him from increasing his vigilance and murderous intentions towards the few people in front of him!

Even if they look like a group of comedians, more than killers.

Can't wait to die already? If that's the case, then we will help you. The man with the knife lowered his body and said in a posture of Iai.

Remember the code name of the team that is about to take your life—Liuhe, so that you can know who killed you when you are asked about it in Huangquan. Scar's bald head put on a small boxing stance, Looking at Qin Heqing, he smiled grimly.

Hmm. The fat man with a bald head sped up his eating speed, taking advantage of the time between the man with the scar and the man with the knife talking, he swallowed up the food in his hand, and smacked his fingers fiercely with his mouth, looking like he was still unsatisfied , Qin and Qing were speechless.

Do it! Then the fatty's expression changed, and he vomited violently with his probe, and a stream of foul-smelling liquid shot towards Qin Heqing like a torrent.

Qin Heqing evaded with a look of disgust, and the figure of the man with the scar suddenly appeared in front of him, with some kind of inscription flashing on his hand, and punched Qin Heqing on the shield that appeared out of thin air in front of him.


A strong explosion and flames emerged, and Qin Heqing was pushed backwards by a strong force and slid out.


Then the liquid spit out by the fat man landed on the ground, like the highest concentration of sulfuric acid, melting the tatami and the concrete floor under the tatami, leaving a splash mark almost a fist deep, and continued to melt the cement and steel bars inside, There is a tendency to never give up if you don't fully integrate it.

It can be seen how terrifying its power is.

And this is just a casual vomit, if it comes after careful consideration, who knows what kind of terrible thing it will be.

So Qin Heqing made up his mind not to touch the things that the fat man spit out.

Then a man with a knife appeared beside Qin Heqing, and Iai slashed out, slashing at the shield made by Ayukawa with a icy cold light.


The shield trembled, and in just a moment, the long knife in the man's hand cut through the shield, and slashed towards Qin and Qing quickly.

Qin Heqing's expression changed, and without hesitation, he immediately jumped back to hide——

He returned directly from the large room to the corridor, with the wall behind him, leaving only the left and right sides for him to dodge.

Fortunately, at this time, Yu Nu and Yue'er finally regained their composure, their spiritual power and demon power erupted together, and a frenzy of leaves suddenly emerged in the big room, like a torrent, rushing towards the big room!

At the same time, the blue waves outlined on the water-colored kimono on Yu Nu swayed, and the majestic water flow was like a real wave, and then rushed into the middle of the room, forcing the bald man with the knife, the man with the scar and the fat bald man to give up. After chasing, he quickly retreated into the middle of the big room.

Then the water and leaves mixed together to form a powerful turbid current, which hit the monk's bald head and the drunken bald head deeper.

However, the faces of the two of them did not change at all at this time. They were intoxicated, chanting sutras, and a golden light barrier appeared at the back of Dajian just as the water and leaves were about to approach them, like a dam. It abruptly fell under the impact of the stray tide.


Get ready. Yue'er shouted at Yu Nu when she saw this, and she appeared in front of the golden light barrier as if teleporting, with her left hand tucked around her waist in the shape of a martingale (scabbard), and her right hand in the shape of a sword, like a treasured sword Unsheathed, slashed vertically and horizontally in front of him——

Pro, Bing, Fight, Zhe, All, Formation, Column, Front, Go!

In an instant, a grid composed of several streaks of golden light appeared in front of the golden light barrier. When it lighted up slightly, it suddenly shattered in Yue'er's mouth sang the word broken in the spirit words, together with the power to block the big waves. The golden light barrier collapsed together into golden light fragments all over the sky...

Thanks to No. 11 Sniper for the reward of 100 points.

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