High Priest in Japan

Chapter 705 Fatigue

Qin and Qing were taken aback for a while, and then pondered the smell.

That's right, it's God's power like a prison!

Even for those gods who destroy the world and create the world in myths and legends, the eight million grass-headed gods in the island country are a little watery, and the weak ones can even suppress some warriors with a little bit of skill. But the upper limit is also quite high!

The three gods of creation are far away, and the innate five pillars are not counted, and there is also Amaterasu Omisami, a high-level god who gathers the power of the entire island country, not to mention the foreign and local gods in the past two thousand years of history. All kinds of buddhas and ancient gods that were born are really going to explode, not to mention destroying the world, but there is still not much problem in destroying the city and the country.

In this way, coupled with the subordinate families and priests under the gods, the power is so huge that it is far beyond the comparison of the strategy bureau or the forbidden way.

So unless the person who cursed the forbidden way was crazy, he would risk being attacked by the power of the entire island country to offend the gods!

Not to mention, behind the gods of the island country, there is often not one god, but several, or even a dozen of them, which really affects the whole body, like a hornet's nest. Not much better.

In this way, he really wanted to understand why, during the Qin Clan's sacrifice, the cursed Taoist did not attack the Dajiu Shrine where all the elites of the clan were present, but attacked and assassinated people on the road after the sacrifice was over. Here is the reason.

To put it in a slightly literary sentence: the gods belong to the gods, and the mortals belong to the mortals.

That's good. Qin Heqing relaxed.

Otherwise, he would not have the confidence to complete the contract ceremony in the shrine.


It is different from the time when Hanako in the contract toilet and Slimes were contracted. If you want to fully contract the monster Yu Nu, or let Yu Nu follow your instructions after the contract is completed, it is not to suppress the other party with strength. The rain girl's life counts as a success! Because Yunu has a strong personal obsession—she looks forward to her husband's return!

So if you want Yunu to be obedient, you have to let Yunu ignore the existence of her husband, or replace herself as her husband.

In this way, the simple contract circle is completely useless!

Because the traditional contract circle cannot change Yunu's consciousness, on the contrary, the alternative contract circle developed by Yue'er combined with black magic has the ability to achieve this effect.

And it's tried and tested.

This is also the reason why Qin Heqing would return to the shrine to make a contract with Yunu at the risk of being cursed and forbidden.

Otherwise, there are so many vast worlds outside, so why bother?

So not long after arriving at the shrine, Qin Heqing took Yue'er into the main hall of the shrine, and released Sanyue, who had been suppressed and had all the demon power in her body extracted. After a while, the contract ceremony began.

Then azure blue light burst out from the magic circle, covering Yu Nu and Qin Heqing in an instant.


And this shroud lasted for more than ten hours. Even in the daytime, the entire contract ceremony did not end, but continued to run until two or three o'clock in the afternoon.


I'm going to die, I'm going to die, no loss is the key to Yunu becoming a demon, it's really troublesome to change! Even if it wasn't for the strengthening pill extracted from the two killers of the curse forbidden way, it would almost be sucked clean Qin Heqing, whose face was a little pale, and whose footsteps were even a little sloppy, supported his old waist, underestimating with lingering fear.

Did that work? Yue'er asked, stepping forward to help.

It's considered a success. The image replacement was barely completed, and I became the husband she knew. Qin Heqing opened the door and walked out of the main hall, sighing as he looked at the sky that was about to enter the sunset outside the hall.

It's good if you succeed, your hard work is not in vain. Yue'er laughed.

I'd rather keep it simple. Qin Heqing walked to the side corridor and sat down, shaking his head.

This time, he was so tired that he was almost afraid of that kind of thing, this is not good!

Life is just such a little bit of fun, if this is gone...

How much meaning is there to be alive?

Thinking about eating all day?

He is not a pig.

However, this is also good. It just allows me to feel at ease and enter the review state, and it also prevents me from being constantly attracted by hues and not being able to calm down. Qin Heqing sighed. Then, Qin Heqing looked at Ayukawa, who was presiding over the shrine instead of him, and asked, By the way, nothing happened, right?

I have a commission. Ayukawa walked over and said.

What commission? Qin Heqing asked curiously.

It is said that her husband is bewitched, and I want you to go over and take a look, but... Ayukawa introduced.


I didn't see any filth in her body. Ayukawa said.

As a ghost, she understands how contagious the filth can be. Let alone her husband, who is a pillow person whom she sees every day, she is bewitched by the evil spirit. As a matter of fact, the third party who is the contact person will also be contaminated with some breath.

Even if these auras will dissipate soon, it is impossible for no traces to remain.

Do you suspect that she is lying? Qin Heqing said in a deep voice after his expression changed.

It's not that he's terrified, but at this special moment - facing the situation of being chased and killed by the forbidden way, a woman hastily approached him and asked him to come to the door to eliminate the demon, and she seemed to have lied. The other parties will also subconsciously suspect whether this is an ambush trap created by the forbidden way.

That's right, her attitude is very sincere, and I can basically be sure that she is telling the truth, so I suspect that she may have misunderstood and regarded her husband's abnormal behavior as a ghost. Of course, I cannot rule out that she is A chess piece that curses and bans the way, it just doesn't know what to do. Ayukawa explained.

Then what do you think? Qin Heqing looked at her and asked back.

I'll listen to you. Ayukawa said simply.

If you have time, go there. As a shrine maiden, confirm the situation of the other party. If it is true, you can help solve it. If it is false, you can also explain the situation. As for if it is a trap of the curse... Well, judging from my current contact with them, if I hadn't personally come forward, they probably wouldn't show up, so play it by ear. Anyway, with your ability, they probably won't be able to keep you. Qin Heqing thought for a while road.


Then Qin Heqing took out his mobile phone and ordered a bunch of takeaways, then turned around and got into the side hall of the shrine, and lay down on the floor to rest.

The fierce battle for more than ten hours in a row, and it was a kind of mentally exhausting one, even with the strengthening pill, it still made her feel exhausted.

Coupled with the physical loss, it is also time to take a good rest and sleep to restore energy.

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