High Priest in Japan

Chapter 702: Thoughts

Then what are you going to do in the future? Mr. Tanaka, who really couldn't answer Qin Heqing's question, asked something more substantive after a moment of silence.

What else can I do? Try to avoid chasing and killing as much as possible, and then try to kill all the invading enemies in the process, until the killing curse and forbidden road are frightened and painful, and they are reluctant to send out new killers. Qin Heqing spread his hands. , replied helplessly.

This is not an easy goal. Tanaka said.

Not only is it not easy, but if you don't do it well, you will lose your life. It is really not the work of a wise man.

Then what do you think I should do? Qin Heqing asked back.

How about joining the Countermeasure Bureau? Tanaka replied.

With their countermeasures in place, even if Curse Forbidden Dao wants to do something, he must consider the impact of doing so, so as to reduce the threat of Curse Forbidden Dao to Qin and Qing.

Forget it, I don't want to lose my freedom so easily. Qin Heqing refused.

He had already thought about this matter before, just like what he said to Ayukawa, if he could hide this matter for a while, he would not be able to hide it for a lifetime, not to mention, would joining the Countermeasures Bureau really guarantee his safety?

Not necessarily?

The Bureau of Countermeasures is not a hotel, so it’s okay to live in the headquarters every now and then, and stay there every day?

He will be suffocated!

What's more, he will always go out to meet people to perform tasks in the future, right? At that time, as long as the desire to kill him with a curse, prohibition and Taoism is strong enough, and the execution staff is patient enough, they are willing to send someone to monitor him 24 hours a day, and they will seize the opportunity to attack him again.

So hiding is impossible, and it is easier to accept fate and force it.

That is, freedom, usable depth and operation are also greater.

What does it mean to lose freedom? The Countermeasure Bureau is not a prison. Mr. Tanaka said dissatisfied.

Yes, it's not a prison, but you've joined an organization, right? Since you've joined an organization, you must pay a lot and assume some obligations. If you order them around, you can't easily violate them. This is my ideal. The way of life is very different, so, unless it is absolutely necessary, you should stop pulling me into the game. Qin Heqing shook his head and explained.


Forget it, since you are so resistant, then I won't force you any more, you can ask for blessings. Killing the curse and banning the way to fear such a thing... I guess you will not be able to complete it in a short time.

Then do your best and obey the destiny, it's better than doing nothing.

Afterwards, the two chatted a few more words, and Mr. Tanaka took Qin Heqing out of the apartment, and took him out of the police's investigation target list.

Wait a moment.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Mr. Tanaka to answer, he walked quickly to the side, found the management personnel of the apartment building he was renting, and asked the other party to help repair the apartment building he rented after the police investigation was completed. Doors and interior walls.

Although the latter was very unhappy about this, and even wanted to end the contract signed with Qin Heqing early and cancel his lease qualification, but under the threat of Qin Heqing, You don't want me to be near the apartment when I fight in the future, do you? Reluctantly, he agreed to Qin Heqing's request, promising to find someone to help him repair the house after the police investigation is over.

Of course, it was the kind that Qin Heqing paid for, otherwise he would never agree to anything.

In this regard, Qin Heqing, who has hundreds of billions of activity funds in his hand, naturally doesn't care about the small money of hundreds of thousands. After happily leaving a check, he returned to Mr. Tanaka's side and took the vehicle that Mr. Tanaka used when he came. , and left the apartment that had become disfigured.


Is it really okay to just let him go? In the car, Mr. Tanaka's personal assistant, a female secretary dressed like a career elite, looked at Qin Heqing who was gradually disappearing into the crowd and said in a low voice, This is the root of the disaster.

This can be seen from the fact that Juju Dao dared to attack and kill him with light weapons directly inside Tokyo.

With such a strong determination to kill, who knows how many incidents similar to today's apartment in Toshima District will be created if he is allowed to continue wandering around Tokyo.

There may even be an even more dire situation.

So if possible, she still prefers to bring Qin Heqing back to the strategy bureau and let the people from the strategy bureau watch him.

So what if it's not good? With his strength, just the two of us can keep him? Mr. Tanaka said helplessly.

You can call someone...

That's useless. Mr. Tanaka interrupted unceremoniously, Where is the upper limit of his strength? He is an existence that can face hard steel against Class A disasters. He has counted the entire countermeasures. It is the old director and the Showa era. The few older generations who survived can fight, but their age...

Those are the real essence of the strategy bureau!

At the same time, it is precisely because of their existence and the things they did when they were young that the Countermeasures Bureau can have its current status, in charge of the extraordinary affairs of the country, and each family dare not disturb or disobey.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a humanoid version of nuclear deterrence.

Isn't it okay for Tsuchiya Kagura too?

I'm not sure. But judging from the last contact, it shouldn't work. After a pause, Mr. Tanaka continued, So instead of trying to fight against the other party, it's better to follow his wishes and let him act outside. In this way, to some extent, the power of the forbidden curse can be restrained, and their bottom strength can be drawn out, which in turn exposes more lies to the forbidden curse.

The social aspect...

Then it depends on his self-awareness.


Then the car restarted and disappeared into the still dark sky.


Where are we going now? Yue'er asked.

Find a place to continue sleeping, and recover your spiritual power and divine power. Qin Heqing replied without thinking.

Obviously, it has already been planned.

What about after that? Yue'er asked again.

Continue to review the text and prepare for the exam.

... Yue'er's expression froze, and she looked at Qin Heqing with a strange expression, Then don't care about the forbidden path?

Do you care? Why don't you care? Qin Heqing said naturally.

Then you still... Yue'er puzzled.

There are priorities. For me now, completing the exam is the most important thing. As for the forbidden way? If you encounter it, you can intervene. If you don't, just let it go and investigate slowly. Anyway, they are there. , I can’t run away, when I finish the exam... Humph, I’ll let them know what will happen to me if they offend me.” Qin Heqing sneered.

Besides, he doesn't have any information about the forbidden way, so how can he retaliate?

Then Yue'er stopped talking and let Qin and Qing wander around the street until they came to a hotel.

go in.

Are there any available rooms? Qin Heqing asked the waiter at the front desk.


Get me one.

Is it a standard room or a business room?

standard room.

How long is the guest going to stay?

Let's open it for a day first, and we'll see the situation later.

Okay, please pay the room fee, guest.

Then Qin Heqing paid the room fee, got the key and went to the room.

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