High Priest in Japan

Chapter 63 Viewpoints

Yes, ordinary. Qin Heqing nodded affirmatively, After all, we are all ordinary people, and we may have all kinds of fantasies in our hearts, but when it comes to reality, not many people really think that fantasies can become reality .”

Of course, some alternatives don't count.

So senior sister, you are good, but your goodness is too prominent. Coupled with your usual performance, it will put a lot of psychological pressure on the boys. Naturally, you don't dare to expect too much, and instead focus on more important things. For my own girl.

Is this also the reason why you suddenly pulled back and stopped being so active? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu was thoughtful, but when the conversation changed, he suddenly rushed forward.

Uh... almost. Qin Heqing said awkwardly.

Can he say that it was actually the fault of his predecessor?

That is to say, you still have fantasies about me, but because I'm so good, you feel a lot of pressure, so you took the second best and set your target on Kato Megumi, who is easier to attack, right? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked up at Qin Heqing and said slowly.

... Qin Heqing didn't answer, and couldn't answer, so he had to respond silently, and let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu figure it out by himself.

Cowardly, coward. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu glanced at her mouth, and said contemptuously, There is no one else here, so what if you speak your mind? She still knows.

Qin Heqing remained silent and did not respond.

Oh, boring guy. Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who didn't get the feedback she wanted, sighed boredly. After a pause, he frowned again and said, No.


No! The reason you said can only explain why you chose Kato Megumi to be your girlfriend, but it can't explain why that guy An Yilun also likes Kato Megumi.

Probably because An Yi is an otaku? I'm not an otaku, and I don't understand the worldview, outlook on life and values ​​of otaku, so I can't give a reasonable explanation from the same standpoint. Qin Heqing shook his head. .

After all, the houses of the Chinese people and the houses of the island countries are two kinds of things. The former is generalized by the Chinese people. Basically, as long as they stay at home, whether it is because of the relationship of the second dimension, they can be classified as houses.

The island country is much more orthodox. Only those who are addicted to the second dimension and can’t extricate themselves, and because of this, they don’t even leave their homes and don’t even contact the society are considered nerds!


Anyway, Qin Heqing has never come into contact with that kind of person... Well, Yue'er doesn't count, she is still in the process of evolution, so it can't be used as an example.

What's more, her gender is still female, and she is also a shikigami, so Qin Heqing is too incomprehensible to figure out what is going on in An Yilunye's mind, and naturally, it is impossible to talk about the origin of his favor and the reason for the change of feelings where.

But come to think of it, the above reasons are generally the same.

After all, An Yilun is also a boy, even if the three views are different, some things are still common——

For example, the pursuit of female sex.

For example, the fantasy of the harem.

For example, vanity and so on.

That's right, that guy's brain is abnormal, does he really think everyone is a fool? Speaking of An Yilun, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu couldn't stop being angry.

She's not an idiot, so how could she fail to see what An Yilun's behavior was for?

But it was weird at the beginning, I actually thought it was wrong to be a good 'princess', and insisted on being a married woman...

Is it really because some of the plots and lines of my first best-selling light novel Love Metronome were born in discussions with him, and I wrote my feelings for him at that time into the book, Into the drama too deep?

Anyway, the more I think about it, the more I feel worthless for myself.

Unfortunately, you already have a girlfriend. Otherwise, I wouldn't mind giving you a chance to pursue me. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked up at Qin Heqing, and sighed regretfully.

... Qin Heqing was stunned, and looked at her speechlessly.


After a while, the waiter came over with the tray.

This is the mapo tofu you ordered, please use it slowly.

Have some rice, serve us two bowls of rice. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu withdrew her mind and ordered to the waiter.

OK, just a second.

After a short time, the waiter brought over two bowls of rice.

Served in a small bowl, the rice rises a little bit high, looks solid and full.

Qin Heqing and Xiazhiqiu Shiyu were not pretentious, picked up a spoon to put a spoonful of tofu in the tofu plate, and put it in their mouths.

Hmm... so hot. Xiazhiqiu Shiyu opened his mouth, put his hands in front of his mouth, and gasped while sucking in cold air.

Eat slowly. Chinese food is different from others. It pays attention to oil and sauce, which will lock all the heat and juice of the food in the ingredients, so it may look like nothing on the surface, but the feeling after putting it in your mouth is completely different from Western food. Qin Heqing swallowed a mouthful of mapo tofu with rice, which was very different from what he remembered, Chongxiazhiqiu Shiyu explained.

As for why he knows so much as a humanities student? As a Chinese, have you never eaten pork or seen a pig running?

Coupled with the popularity of various gourmet programs and chef friends around, even if you are not proficient in cooking, you will know clearly some characteristics of Chinese cuisine.

Not long after that, the same extremely hot boiled pork slices were also served.

Qin Heqing didn't have the time to talk to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, so they used both spoons and chopsticks, and ate all kinds of mapo tofu and boiled pork slices.

Waiter, another bowl of rice! Qin Heqing shouted loudly.


An hour or so later, the two sat down on the chairs after they were full of wine and food.

As expected of Chinese cuisine, it's a bit spicy, but it feels good after eating. Kasumigaoka Shiyu's face was ruddy, eyes squinted, and he sighed lazily.

That's right, in terms of deliciousness, no country's cuisine in the world can compare to Chinese cuisine. Qin Heqing said proudly.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, I quite agree with it. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at him and agreed.

After sitting for a while, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu called the waiter to pay for the meal—yes, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu paid for it. Although Qin Heqing wanted to help with the checkout, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu did not agree, and directly took out the card and handed it to the waiter, asking the other party to help her pay with the card.

Then the two left the Chinese restaurant and walked on the street again.

At this time, it was already dark, and there were more pedestrians on the road.

What are you looking at? After an unknown amount of time, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, who noticed Qin Heqing's strangeness, frowned, and at the same time turned his gaze, following Qin Heqing's line of sight——

Unexpectedly, there was nothing ahead, except for Ru Zhi's pedestrians, there was nothing worthy of her or Qin Heqing's attention.

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