High Priest in Japan

Chapter 580 Red

Come on, pull up your clothes, and I'll check your spine. After asking about your living habits and checking your posture, the female doctor said to Qin Heqing who was standing in front of her.

Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and according to his words, he lifted up his shirt, exposed his back, and faced the medical examiner.

The latter stretched out his hand, and felt the condition of Qin Heqing's spine joint by joint from the first joint under the cervical vertebrae... But when he almost moved to the seventh and eighth joints, the gesture suddenly changed Change, from the original fingertip touch to a posture similar to a tiger's claw grabbing, grabbing the two sides of the two spines violently, and at the same time thrusting down and hooking the fingers hard, trying to put the two spines directly The posture of being pulled out of his body finally made Qin Heqing change his face.

Teacher, what are you doing?

However, the other party did not answer, and continued to tug on his spine until the crisp click sounded.

Immediately, Qin Heqing's eyes popped, and his expression became painful.

Heqing! At the same time, Yue'er's voice full of shock and anger rang out, and the teacher in charge of Qin Heqing's physical examination flew upside down under the action of a huge force, and hit the wall of the health care room heavily. On, there was a muffled bang.

Tables, chairs, and utensils on the table were scattered all over the place, and all the teachers, students, and staff present were shocked by the shocking changes in front of them——

Isn't it a physical examination? Why are you still engaged in martial arts?

Ayukawa appeared next to Qin Heqing immediately, activated super powers without saying a word, and the telekinetic shield protected his body from harm, and applied the healing power to Qin Heqing himself, which can save dying people , Strongly repaired his damaged spine and connected the nerves, allowing him to return to the intact state before the physical examination.

You are a person who curses the forbidden way?! Qin Heqing flipped out a bottle of sake, opened it, and poured a big gulp into his own mouth, while continuing to heal himself with Dionysus blessings, reducing all the possibilities caused by the injury The impact and sequelae, said in a deep voice while looking at the female medical examiner who was slowly standing up against the wall.

That's right! You can call me Chi. I didn't die after suffering such a serious fatal injury. It seems that our organization needs to re-evaluate your threat level. The female doctor raised her hand and tidied up her messy hair. Ignoring the bewildered health care teachers, male doctor colleagues, and nurses around, as well as other teachers and students of Class 2B who were curious to check because of the noise, they just stared at Qin He and said in a calm voice.

She didn't have the awareness and nervousness that she was in danger at all, and she didn't know whether she was too confident, or she had other trump cards that allowed her to save her life in front of Qin Heqing.

Or maybe both?

But no matter which one, Qin and Qing are not going to give her a chance to continue her activities——


Ayukawa then exploded with telekinetic power and blasted at the opponent forcefully.

Although the female doctor code-named Chi didn't know who Ayukawa was calling, the warning signal fed back by her excellent innate inspiration still made her aware of the existence of danger in the first place. The scalpel flashing with cold light shot towards Qin Heqing quickly.

And the angle is very tricky, it's the kind of position that he can't avoid——

Because there are innocent ordinary people and classmates behind him, if he dodges, those classmates may not be able to dodge.

So Qin Heqing had no choice but to choose to resist forcefully, and asked Ayukawa to change his attacking momentum to defensive, and his telekinetic power turned into a defensive barrier again in front of him!

Of course, it doesn't mean that he will give up attacking Chi, after all, Ayukawa is not the only one around him who can help attack, so in the next second, Yue'er's attack appeared in front of Doctor Chi.

Bang bang bang bang!



The lightning flashed, and all of Yue'er's attacks were blocked by a barrier that appeared out of thin air...

But the barrier couldn't withstand the heavy load. After completing the mission of protection, it shattered like glass, turning into countless fragments and disappearing into the air.

Shikigami... It's really hard to deal with. It seems that we can only change our strategy. After Chi muttered, he turned and ran to the window of the health room. He fell back and while avoiding another attack from Yue'er, The glass shattered and fell out of the building.

The health care room is placed on the first floor because it is responsible for emergency treatment of student injuries. Not to mention that Chi has obviously received training in the curse forbidden way and physical fitness, even for ordinary people, this height of more than one meter It was obviously not enough to endanger human life, so the moment he got out of the health room, he rolled all over his body, stood up again from the ground, and threw out two unsealed metal test tubes made of metal with each hand. Without hesitation, he turned around and ran out of the school.

Flying thousands of miles away after a single hit is really very much like an ancient assassin.

Dingling jingle.

Then the metal test tube fell to the floor of the health care room, and a puff of green smoke visible to the naked eye quickly emerged from the opening of the test tube...

Even if the students present and Qin Heqing didn't know what it was, they knew it wasn't a good thing just from the color, it should be some kind of very dangerous plaything, so Qin Heqing didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately asked Ayukawa to help With the power of thought, he restrained the green smoke, then picked up the metal test tube and transported it to him, and he personally sent it into the isolated place of the demon refining pot for thorough digestion.

Go! Never let this guy run away!

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the teacher and classmates to speak, he rushed out from the broken window of the health care room, and led Yue'er and Ayukawa to chase in the direction where Doctor Chi left.

Heqing-san! At this moment, Teacher Hasami Kanoko, who finally recovered from the series of surprises, subconsciously called out.

Unfortunately, it was a step late, and Qin and Qing Xinsi were not here, even if they heard it, they would not stop, so the result would be the same whether she called or not. But it woke up the surrounding students, and there was an uproar immediately, and they started discussing with the students around them.

What happened just now? Why did they suddenly start fighting?

Yes, yes, and what is the yellow light outside Qin's body? Spells? Superpowers? Or something else?

It's unbelievable, Qin Heqing is actually a superpower!

Since superpowers exist, do other magics also exist? There are also demons and ghosts?

Unfortunately, classmate Qin is not here, otherwise I really want to ask him.

Okay, okay, everyone be quiet. Mr. Kimura and Yuka, please look at the other students. I'll go to the principal's office and see how to solve the problem here. Kanoko Hasami finally recalled her responsibilities, and quickly comforted the students, then handed over the students to Yuka Sasaki, the class monitor, and Takami Kimura, the female health care teacher hired by the school. The principal's office on the fourth floor.

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