High Priest in Japan

Chapter 49 Training and Shadows

Do you know how dangerous your behavior was just now?! Yue'er didn't leave the alley with Qin Heqing as she said, but stepped forward, puffed up her face, and asked Qin Heqing with an angry look.

I know... Qin Heqing replied. It was only halfway through when she was interrupted by Yue'er, You don't know! You don't even know how dangerous the behavior you rushed out just now is! You almost died, do you know?! Ang! You think I've always been with you What is the reason for the network bride to fight at a distance?

For what? Qin Heqing asked subconsciously.

Waiting for the evil poison in the air to completely dissipate! Now I know I'm afraid? What did you do just now? Seeing Qin Heqing's complexion changed drastically, Yue'er gloated and asked back.

I, didn't I want to help you? Qin Heqing said with a pale face and a stiff face.

I know. I also know that you care about me, but fighting is not a child's play, and you can't solve everything with your blood. Fortunately, this time I met the bride of the net, who is not strong and has no particularly difficult abilities. In addition, you still have cards, otherwise your actions today will not only not help me solve my predicament, but may also bring me unexpected trouble!

Don't forget, you are my master, your safety is as important as my life! Yue'er seriously emphasized the issues that she had emphasized before.

Then he stepped forward and put his hand on Qin Heqing's stomach.

I'm sorry, I won't act recklessly next time. After hearing Yue'er's words, Qin Heqing, who also felt a little scared, apologized with lingering fear.

Forget it. You are lucky and cautious enough. You didn't inhale much demon poison in your body. Go back to rest for two days and cooperate with the purification spell to completely eradicate the root. Yue'er curled her lips, and suddenly slapped the palm on Qin Heqing's stomach, A warm spiritual power spreads in Qin Heqing's body, like a magnetic wave, it will be hidden in Qin Heqing's body, and the demon poison that has not been felt by him will be shaken out, and then, along with the exhaust gas, it will be expelled out of Qin Heqing's body with Qin Heqing's breathing.

Okay, let's go. Yue'er withdrew her hand and said indifferently.

Qin Heqing was speechless, and followed Yue'er honestly and left this wrong place, heading home.

As for the matter of finding a club to purify it that I thought about before... let's talk about it later.

After all, I'm not very 'clean' now, so don't feel bad after you've 'fighted' with someone, and then bring the woman to harm.

Then Qin Heqing checked the food stored in the demon refining pot on the way back—sure enough, it is not easy to explode part of the power of the demon refining pot, just this one, just a few seconds, Qin Heqing and Yue The two Yuanling Pills accumulated by digging left and right recently were completely consumed, and the real thief went to the empty building, leaving nothing behind. It made Qin Heqing very distressed.

Fortunately, I caught the bride of the network today. With its size and strength, I think it should be able to make up for some losses...


Student Qin seems very tired. On a new day, Kato Megumi looked at Qin Heqing, who was a little listless, and said in the multimedia classroom that was about to turn into the exclusive department for club activities.

Ah, there's no way, who told me to have a very bad night. Qin Heqing muttered with his arms folded on the table, his head resting on his side, lying down on the table.

The nightmare of the night was still the kind of nightmare that seemed to be fragrant, but turned into a spider spirit when it reached the real part. Qin and Qing really doubted whether they would leave any indescribable sequelae.

Go out to fool around, and then get beaten up by the woman's boyfriend, friend, or a man you don't know? Kasumigaoka Shiwa, who was sitting on the side, said without warning.

The words are as poisonous as ever, making it difficult to answer.

Don't make me sound like a playboy or a nightclub cowboy. Qin Heqing said helplessly.

Really? Then why are you so proficient and think of those two identities as soon as I finished speaking? I really can't think of anything other than because you have always had a deep understanding of your own behavior. Other possibilities.

Can't it be envy? Qin Heqing sat up and asked Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who had been staring at the computer interface.

En? Envy? I didn't expect you to be such a person. Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu took his eyes off the computer screen for a rare moment after hearing the words, and then sighed with an expression as if looking at scum.

... Qin Heqing was silent, feeling speechless.

Could it be that he is really a scumbag?

Hmm... thinking about it again, it doesn't look too bad.

Having money, a house, and a woman, you don’t have to be responsible for things, and you may even be voluntarily subverted by a woman. From a man’s point of view, it’s really a very desirable life.

But having said that, Qin Heqing didn't intend to let Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu be proud of it. He turned his eyes and said to her with a slightly weird expression, Since there is time to slander me here, teacher Xia Shizi must have finished the game. Have you created the script? Then, as a member of the same club, can I have the honor to read teacher Xia Shizi's masterpiece first?

Immediately, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's face froze, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously twitched, then he looked away, pretending to be calm and said, Of course there is no problem in writing the script! But I am not someone after all, and I like to strive for excellence, so the story and so on are not available for the time being. I can’t let you see it, let’s talk about it after I completely modify it to a satisfactory level.”

Is that so? Then I'll wait and see. Qin Heqing looked at Xia Zhiqiu with an unnatural expression, with a half-smile, and leaned back on the table to rest with his eyes closed.

Sure enough, if you want to purify your soul, you still need a girl.

At least in this short period of time, the image of the new bride in Qin Heqing's mind has been reduced a lot. I believe that as long as it takes a while, or a few fights with beautiful girls, he can completely get rid of the trouble left by the new bride. Shadow, back into a hormonal teenager.

Kato Megumi did not disturb the two, and at the request of Ying Lili, cooperated with each other to start character creation.

Put on an angry face.

Put on a jealous face.

What about the expression of contempt?



How is it? An Yilun, who had returned from shopping for snacks, also looked at Kato Megumi and Eiriri who were sitting together and asked.

I've never seen such a difficult heroine. Ying Lili complained helplessly like a deflated ball, It's neither the kind of Lingbo type who has no emotion and expression, nor the ordinary girl of the daily type. High school student, no special features, no features, you really caused me a lot of trouble.

Well... I didn't expect Kato-san's situation to be so complicated. An Yilun also put snacks and drinks on the table, and said with an embarrassed dry smile.

Thanks to Fei'er, Luojiao, Wanjiaoxi and I don't understand the world of Europeans for their 100 point coins.

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