High Priest in Japan

Chapter 458 Poor Parents in the World

As a reward for bringing Qin Heqing and restoring her youth, Hirosue Ryoko decisively decided to take Hinasaki Fukaha to her friend meeting in the afternoon—the so-called girls’ meeting—island women They get together every now and then to chat, communicate and even complain about their husband's tea party, helping Hinasaki Fukaha to broaden her network.

After all, Ryoko Hirosue's identity is there. Even if her activity in the film industry has gradually decreased due to marriage and childbirth, her past achievements and influence are there. Therefore, her girls' club is not something that ordinary people can join, basically not Those who have a good relationship or have made some achievements in the film and television industry may not be qualified to join.

So the benefits of being able to join Hiromo Ryoko's circle of female friends can be imagined. Although Hinasaki Fukaha became a big celebrity immediately after she disappeared, it also made her sense of existence stronger than before and easier to accept. Regardless of work, it is easier to get good roles, which makes her step to the top of the film and television industry more stable and faster.

If Hinasaki Fukaha is really a woman who is keen on becoming famous...

So after everyone had lunch together and agreed on the shooting time of the commercial, Ryoko Hiromo drove Qin Heqing out, took Hinasaki Fukaha with her and started socializing.

Woman... As expected, the wind is the rain, and you have no persistence. Qin Heqing, who had become a lonely family again, underestimated a little depressed.

After that, I didn't stay idle, and after inspecting the clubhouse, I took a car back to Xinza City, changed into a Taoist uniform, and went to the shrine to perform my duties.


Master Priest, I've finally waited for you. Unexpectedly, as soon as he arrived at the shrine, before he could rush inside, a middle-aged greasy man with a haggard face and a slightly scruffy appearance who looked over forty or fifty years old came Running out of the shrine, he grabbed Qin Heqing's hands very strongly or actively with both hands, and said excitedly.

Uh, you are... Qin Heqing was stunned, because he didn't know the man in front of him, so he couldn't help hesitating.

Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself when I got excited. My name is Koga Shota. This is my business card. Please take care of me. In his arms, he took out a business card holder from the inner pocket of his jacket, took out a business card from it, and handed it over with both hands.

Qin Heqing took it politely, glanced at it and said doubtfully, You came to see me...

I beg you to save my son. Masahiro Koga begged, bowed directly, and pleaded.

Your son? This is not a place to talk, let's go in first and talk later. Qin Heqing looked around - although there were no spectators, but standing on the street like this really didn't look like a conversation, and couldn't help but trust Touching Mr. Koga's shoulder, he invited.


Following the two of them into the shrine, they sat down in the side hall of the shrine that was used to receive visitors, past the unrelated people who were affected by the program he filmed, who came here sporadically to pay homage or intended to meet him in real life.

Okay, you can talk now. Qin Heqing invited.

Hey, the family is unlucky... Gu He Shota sighed and talked about what happened in his house.

The matter is not complicated at all. In one sentence, his son was fascinated by ghosts, and he took a person who was illusory and non-existent as his wife, and he refused to repent, saying that his wife was real...

It sounded a bit like a serious obsession with paper people in an abandoned house, so Qin Heqing had to ask again, Are you sure your son is obsessed with ghosts and is falling in love with the air, or is your son a severe NEET family? The paper man became his wife?

However, the answer given by Masata Koga was even more confused, I don't know either!

The reason is not complicated at all, just because the children of his family are really gnawing at the old house, using their parents’ hard-earned money to buy figurines, peripherals, etc., so at the beginning, He really thought that his child was going crazy again, until one night, when he got up to go to the bathroom at night, he heard his son talking to himself, or talking to the air, and he felt that something was abnormal, as if his son Bewildered by something unseen.

He began to lose weight day by day, his spirit became more and more decadent, and he looked as if his bone marrow was being sucked dry, which made him and his wife very worried and prayed to God and Buddha everywhere.

But how can the priests and mages in general shrines or temples be so easy to invite? Either they don't provide door-to-door service and they need them to take the children there, or they have no real skills. When they get home and sell two talismans to cheat some money, they immediately run away, which forced him to think of other ways.

As for how did he know about Qin and Qing?

That is simpler. It is said that he learned about it from the neighbor’s child—because the latter is a fan of supernatural programs, and then he carefully watched the content of Qin Heqing’s Unbelievable World program, and felt that Qin Heqing should be really capable. This person, who traveled thousands of miles across the city to Xinzuo City, stayed at the gate of the shrine just to see Qin Heqing and ask him to help solve his son's problems.

Then have you ever thought that your son is fine, but really just immersed in his own fantasy? Seeing this, Qin Heqing couldn't help asking another question.

After all, this is not without precedent. For example, the female high school student I served before always thought that she was being watched by ghosts and was suspicious all day long, but what happened in the end? He was targeted by a pervert, and he needs to call the police to solve it. What can he do?

So it's better to say it in advance.

This...should be impossible... Immediately, Guhe Jiangtai's expression froze, and his words became hesitant.

But it didn't last long, and soon his expression became certain again, and he leaned over and begged, Please, sir, come home with me to see how my son is doing. No matter what the reason for my son Naoya Now that it has become like this, I will give a big gift as a reward for the hard work of the priest, to express our family's gratitude.

Qin Heqing silently stared at the old father in front of him who seemed that he was not ready to get up unless he agreed, sighed, and agreed, Okay, I will accompany you for a walk.

Then the two of them didn't talk nonsense, quickly checked the shuttle bus leading to their home, then bought a ticket, and took the Tokyo Express to the city where Koga's family was located - Sukagawa City as soon as the time arrived...

That is, a small city located in the south-central part of Fukushima Prefecture. Although it is not within the range of radiation due to the distance, the surrounding living environment is not a good place. It is the first time for Qin and Qing to go deep into this kind of big danger, but the invisible damage is everywhere. Some regrets...

If I knew I was going to Fukushima, I wouldn't have come. Qin Heqing sighed secretly.

But it's okay, the matter has come to this point and he can't allow him to go back on his word, so he can only bite the bullet and continue.

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