High Priest in Japan

Chapter 43 Club Activities

It's now! Yue'er shouted.

Qin Heqing didn't hesitate, and with one hand, the power belonging to the demon refining pot shot out from his palm, like a rope, instantly bound the black energy coming from the jet and the spirit contained in it, forcefully It pulled towards Qin and Qing.

And he didn't expect that his offensive behavior would turn into a self-trapping ghost panic, violently stirring up the energy in the whole body, and struggling violently.

It's just a mere ghost, so how can it be the opponent of the ancient artifact, the Demon Refining Pot? So no matter how it struggled and resisted, I still drifted towards Qin and Qing uncontrollably.

Seeing this, Yue'er let out a sigh of relief, her face froze, and countless colorful petals suddenly appeared in the room, flying quietly, and then Yue'er made a simple move, and those petals gathered like tired birds returning to their nests. In Yue'er's hands, they combined into a long sword of flowers, and suddenly slashed towards the void and the sky above Hiromi Kakuda! In an instant, there was a snap sound like a rubber band breaking, and the ghost that fell into Qin Heqing's hands let out a hollow, desperate howl again.


It's alright, let's take it away. Yue'er said to Qin and Qing as she scattered the foil sword in her hand.

Qin Heqing didn't say much. As soon as the spiritual power in his body moved, the ghost, who was imprisoned and unable to break free, disappeared into his palm amidst the wailing sound. As an element, it was waiting for the refining pot.

Then Qin Heqing put down his hands and walked up to Kakuda Hiromi.

Start the purification. Yue'er reminded.

Qin Heqing nodded, stretched out his hands and pressed on the body of Hiromi Kakuda, who had passed out naturally after the ghost left his body, and began to purify her with spiritual power.

The mellow and gentle aura spread, once again enveloping Kakuda Hiromi on the bed.



Ten minutes later, Hiromi Kakuda's closed bedroom door reopened.

Mr. Kakuda, who was anxiously waiting for the result outside the door, regained his spirits and quickly looked up at the door.

It's a shame. Qin Heqing smiled at Mr. Kakuda with a backpack in his hand.

Great, that's great. Thank you, thank you very much, I really don't know how to thank you. Hearing this, Kakuda was like a husband waiting for his wife's delivery results, and he stepped forward to grab Qin Heqing's hands full of excitement. hand, speaking incoherently.

As long as you continue to support the construction of my shrine in the future. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Mr. Qin, you can rest assured that from today onwards, I, Kakuda Masao, will be an absolute believer in the Qin Clan's Inari Shrine! From now on, no matter what happens to other merchants in the group, I, Kakuda Fang, will unswervingly stand on the Qin Clan's side. Here at the shrine, give due support! Without hesitation, Kakuda immediately patted his chest seriously and assured.

Listening to the bang bang sound, Qin Heqing was a little worried, whether Mr. Kakuda would make himself feel wrong because of it.

Then I would like to thank Mr. Kakuda for his support. Qin Heqing smiled, and didn't take Mr. Kakuda's words seriously - after all, he is in a state of emotional agitation now, even if what he said is somewhat rational It may be the same as usual, so just listen to it, if you really listen to the truth...

Well, I guess I can only pray that Mr. Tsunoda's character is strong enough.

Immediately Qin Heqing opened the door and reminded, Mr. Kakuda, let's go in and see his daughter. She is confused by the ghosts, and it may take a while to recover before she fully recovers.

Okay, please allow me to excuse you for a while, and I will come and entertain Qin Jun in person later. Hearing this, Mr. Kakuda finally thought of his own daughter, quickly suppressed his bursting emotions, and responded with a solemn expression.

Okay, Mr. Tsunoda, please go ahead.

Then Qin Heqing separated from Mr. Kakuda, and went back to the living room of Kakuda's house first.

Of course, after a while, Mr. Tsunoda, who had finished visiting his daughter, also returned to the living room.

The two parties sat down and began a polite conversation.

until dinner. Qin Heqing declined Mr. Kakuda's invitation politely, so he had no choice but to stay at Mr. Kakuda's house and had dinner with the Kakuda family. Then he was able to escape, left the Kakuda Square and returned to his home under the watchful eyes of Mr. Kakuda and his wife.

Then, another day.


Student Qin, stay here after school today. I have something to discuss. During the lunch break, An Yilun also found Qin Heqing and informed him with a very serious appearance.

About the association? Qin Heqing asked unexpectedly.

Yes. An Yilun also affirmed.

I see.

The location is in the multimedia classroom, remember not to be late. An Yilun also reminded.

Okay, I will definitely arrive on time. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

Then continue to go to class, get out of class, class, class, get out of class... Time came to the end of school in a blink of an eye.

Qin Heqing packed up his things calmly, got up and walked to Kato Megumi's side——

Because she wears the special amulet given by Qin Heqing back then, no matter how weak her sense of existence is, even if Qin Heqing instinctively ignores her existence, she will still be aware of her location and information because of the commonality of inspiration.

So since then, Qin Heqing never ignored Kato Megumi again, or didn't notice when she was close to her, so Kato Megumi couldn't help feeling a little strange towards him.

After all, besides her parents and sister, this is the first person who can perceive her existence all the time, so she naturally feels and holds different opinions.

What's more, Qin Heqing has another side that ordinary classmates don't know, which attracts her attention and makes her curious.

Kato, An Yi has informed you too. Qin Heqing said. The word classmate was omitted after the name, but in terms of intimacy, it was a step further than before.

En. Kato Megumi nodded.

Then let's go together. Qin Heqing directly invited without hesitation.

Okay. Kato Megumi responded with a smile, then quickly packed her schoolbag, picked up her schoolbag and moved towards the school's multimedia classroom with Qin Heqing, but she didn't think of An Yilunya's existence at all, as if she had forgotten that he was also with Qin Heqing. They are in the same class, and they can also walk together.

An Yilun, who had packed her schoolbag, was also stunned. Looking at Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi who had disappeared, she had mixed eyes, picked up her schoolbag helplessly, and embarked on the road to the multimedia classroom alone.

After a while, An Yilun also arrived in front of the multimedia classroom.

But before he could go in, the familiar voice of conversation reached his ears.

Why are you here? Xiazhiqiu Shiyu looked at Qin Heqing, who was not a member of the group, and asked in surprise.

Didn't I tell you that I want to join the club, and the current situation is the result of my actions. Is there any problem? Qin Heqing spread his hands, looking innocently at the astonished Xiazhiqiu Shiyu and asked back.

Thanks to 49365 for tipping 100 coins.

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