High Priest in Japan

Chapter 423 Negotiation

What's the surprise? Qin Heqing asked curiously.

Accidentally, why didn't you bring another person? Hinasaki Fukaha glanced at him and said truthfully.


Isn't it just for that person that you ask me for TGC tickets?

Oh, can't it be for myself?

If you want to see it yourself, you don't need to ask me for two front row tickets at all.

That's true. Qin Heqing thought for a while, and found that it was indeed the case, and then smiled, I haven't notified her yet, so even if I want to come, I will come tomorrow morning before TGC starts. So now I am alone, It belongs only to you.”

... Hinasaki Fukaha glanced at him, didn't answer, and ignored his somewhat nasty words as air.

Waiter. Seeing that Qin and Qing had nothing to do with each other, they could only resolve the embarrassment by changing the subject.

Is there anything I can do for you? The waiter came over and asked respectfully.

I want to order.

Okay, I'll get the menu for you now. Then the waiter returned to the counter and came back with two menus.

Qin Heqing and Hinasaki Fukaha took it respectively, held them in front of their eyes and looked at them.

Do you have Kobe beef here? After a while, Qin Heqing said with some surprise when he saw something marked on the menu.

After all, although Kobe beef is produced in Kobe, Japan, it does not mean that it is in sufficient supply in Japan. You can eat it anytime you want, and there is a limited amount. Therefore, even if ordinary restaurants buy it, they only buy a small amount. Large restaurants and hotels can only buy in large quantities, and there is a limited supply every day, so even in hotels that mainly serve Kobe beef, Kobe beef cannot be eaten at any time.

Just like now.

Sorry, sir, today's Kobe beef is sold out. If you need it, you can make a reservation. We will provide you with this service when you come to dine next time. The waiter said politely.

That's it... forget it, I'm not that delicate, just give me a steak, medium rare, add a salad and a cod soup, that's it. Qin Heqing pursed his mouth and flipped it over. Looking at the menu.

Then Qinghe returned the menu to the waiter and looked at Fukaha.

Give me some borscht, and I'm adding a sandwich. Perhaps for the sake of her figure, or for tomorrow's catwalk, Hinasaki Fukaha didn't order too much, but ordered two low-calorie foods. Handed the menu back to the waiter.

Don't be afraid of getting fat, I can help you deal with fat. Qin Heqing said.

That's all right, I'm not too hungry. Hinasaki Fukaha glanced at him, and said to the waiter again.

It's not that he doesn't trust Qin Heqing's ability - after all, Qin Heqing is a special person who can even do things like Feng Ji (?), so naturally there should be a way to get rid of the fat in the human body, but she is really not very hungry.

You know, in order to keep in shape, these female artists are not living a good life. Don’t dare to eat too much, don’t dare to drink too much, let’s not talk about it. You can't touch the high-protein ones, and you can only watch others eat and eat, and you are envious of your mouth...

So in order to avoid embarrassment and discomfort, female artists develop the habit of eating less and more meals. Like cats, they find some snacks every one or two hours to supplement their physical strength in performing arts activities. consume.

That's fine. But you can do the same as Feng Ji with my skills. Promote more in your circle and attract more customers to the clubhouse. After a pause, he asked again, By the way, you can go to the clubhouse after it opens. Have you been?

Not yet. Hinasaki Fukaha shook her head.

Hey, you don't know, how deserted the clubhouse is now, you can raise pigeons at the door. So if you have time in the future, remember to bring more people over to increase popularity, and save the staff in the clubhouse from working all day. They have nothing to do here and take our wages for nothing.”

Where's the manager you hired? Can't think of a way?

Think about it, no, I just transferred 10 million to let her organize promotional activities to increase the popularity of the club.

Hey, I'm so stupid, why did I forget this? Then, Qin Heqing slapped himself on the forehead, speechless.


The manager of the clubhouse I hired before mentioned to me about filming advertisements for the clubhouse and then sending them to the TV station. I didn't pay much attention at the time. After all, you know the broadcasting status of the TV station's advertisements. It's not a small person like me with weak capital. You can afford it, so forget about it, aren’t you just a ready-made commercial actor?”

You want me to shoot an advertisement for the clubhouse?

That's right. After all, you are also one of the investors and shareholders of the clubhouse, so you should do something for the clubhouse, right?

Then how do you want to shoot? What is the budget, and which TV station do you plan to send the advertisement to for broadcast? Hinasaki Fukaha did not agree or disagree, but asked rather professionally.

As for the TV station, TV Asahi is the best place. We know each other well there, and it's also related. It's relatively simple to operate. Then I will consider whether to place advertisements on the other five major TV stations based on my financial situation. As for the shooting... ...I don't understand this, when the time comes to find a professional, the budget is... 10 million?

After all, the actor is his own person, so he doesn't need to calculate the salary, but only needs to consider the overall shooting cost, so 10 million is really a lot, which is almost enough to shoot a Japanese fast food TV series, and it is more than enough to shoot a commercial.

Compared to me, I think it's more appropriate to find someone else. After listening, Hinasaki Fukaha shook her head and said softly.

Who? Qin Heqing asked unexpectedly.

Hirosue Ryoko. Hinasaki Fukaha said a name beyond his imagination.

Guangmo Liangzi? Why? Qin Heqing asked doubtfully.

Just because she's more suitable. Then Hinasaki Fukahae explained to Qin Heqing the reason for finding Ryoko Hirosue to shoot the commercial—no one else, just because Ryoko Hirosue was getting old, and her body, skin, and appearance had become more obvious Changes, fit for a makeover!

In this way, coupled with her popularity in the island country and even in the country, she can maximize the club's reputation and let everyone know about it.

That's what I said, but, can she agree? Qin Heqing asked worriedly.

As for the pay? Let's talk about that, let's first consider whether things can be realized.

If the skills you told me are true, I don't think any woman can refuse to return to her youth and regain her beautiful face and figure when she was young! After a pause, he continued, There are even Maybe let her act for free to achieve your goal.

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