High Priest in Japan

Chapter 418 Inspection

I see. I will find a solution for the guest's affairs. You can persist. If not, we will try to change our strategy. Qin Heqing was silent for a moment, and said to Nakagawa Fumi.

Okay. Nakagawa Fumi nodded and agreed.

Go ahead and rest, I'll go up and have a look.

I'll accompany you. Nakagawa Fumi was not stupid, so it was impossible for the boss not to accompany him to chat with the employees in the restaurant, and immediately stepped forward to follow.

what ever.

Then a group of three people left the restaurant and walked up the massage parlor along the safe passage—that is, the stairs.

By the way, are there any guests in the club now? On the way, Qin Heqing thought of something again.

No. Nakagawa Fumi shook her head.

Then have you ever thought about how to solve and improve this situation? Qin Heqing asked.

And this doesn't contradict what he said at the beginning, Let him figure it out.

After all, he is the boss, and to a certain extent, he is not responsible for the specific operation, but sets the direction for the total, and the manager is the specific person in charge of the business. Otherwise, why would he spend a lot of money to invite Nakagawa Fumi back? As a housekeeper?

That Kitami Lihua can do the job, so how can I use her?

Waste of money.

You can ask people to distribute leaflets nearby and promote them online. At the same time, you can also cooperate with some supermarkets appropriately, and fill some beauty items or membership cards in the store as prizes into the prize pool of the supermarket's lottery. It is used to attract customers. Even if the funds permit, it can also directly make advertisements and broadcast them in the non-prime time of the five major TV stations to increase the popularity of the club. If such a multi-pronged approach is adopted, it may change the current business status of the club. Nakagawa Fumi thought for a while, and said to Qin Heqing with a serious expression.

Then I'll leave this matter to you. I'll give you 10 million, is it enough? Qin Heqing made a decision immediately without hesitation.

It's not clear, it depends on the situation of the discussion. Nakagawa Fumi replied.

Of course, this does not include the production of TV commercials, if that is included...

It is estimated that another 20 million will be needed to make it possible!

And it's just a TV station.

You are fully responsible for this matter. I don't care about the process, as long as the result is the result, if there is any money left, it will be paid to you as your labor bonus, and you don't need to pay it back to me.

Then I'll thank you, Boss, first. Nakagawa Fumi said in surprise and surprise.

Ten million, if you just find someone to distribute leaflets, plus network promotion, it is definitely enough and there is still leftovers!

There may even be more than half left.

After all, it doesn’t cost much to make something like a membership card, and it can be easily done by spending more than a hundred thousand, because the so-called membership amount and so on are all fake, and they can only be used here anyway, and they say they have it, they say There is as much as there is, and no one else can verify it.

Therefore, the most expensive aspect is the business consumption during the public relations of supermarkets. It's eating, playing, and then stuffing some red envelopes and other benefits. After a trip, it's not worth a million or so, and you can't hear it at all!

But only a little bit. Compared with the total activity funds of 10 million, it is really not much. From this, it can be imagined that this reward has greatly encouraged Nakagawa Fumi, and it has almost exceeded her current annual salary.

Then the group of three walked up the stairs and came to the massage parlor on the second floor.

Following that, a larger and wider hall, almost composed of the entire floor, greeted the eyes of the three of them. All kinds of equipment and special massage beds are neatly placed in the hall, and there are movable screens between the beds, which are similar to Japanese paper sliding doors, which can isolate each massage bed when the guests need it. Construct an independent single room, double room, or multi-person room to ensure your own privacy.

Of course, this is for those customers who are not very particular, and it is not enough for real status or celebrities. Therefore, inside the external massage hall, there is also an independent single room separated by a wall for those particularly picky guests.

A masseur wearing a nurse's uniform stayed in the hall, sitting on a liftable round stool, with his head lowered, not knowing what he was looking at, with a happy smile on his face. The sound is very leisurely...

Or idle.

Ruan Mei, where are the others? Before Qin Heqing could speak, Nakagawa Fumi asked first.

Manager, boss. The Vietnamese masseuse named Ruan Mei was taken aback, and quickly stood up from the stool to greet the two of them, Anna and the others are in the lounge, I'll call them.

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Heqing or Nakagawa Fumi to say anything else, he walked quickly to the innermost single room, which was also the rest room specially reserved by Qin Heqing for masseurs to rest, opened the door and said, Don't play! Here comes the boss.

As for the manager? Three days is enough for them to get a general understanding of Nakagawa Fumi's context, knowing that she is a strict but flexible woman, and will not say anything because of their seemingly lazy behavior, so they don't care. It will make them too worried, so they can ignore it for the time being, and go to find out what Qin Heqing is thinking when Qin Heqing is settled.

Suddenly, there was a sound like chickens flying and dogs jumping, and a slightly flustered female voice came from the lounge.

Why is the boss here?

how could I know.

It's dead, the salary must be deducted this time, it's really bad luck.

Who would have thought that the boss would come.

Forget it, don't worry about it so much, let's go out and talk about it first.

Then, the door opened wide, and the masseuses that Qin Heqing had recruited at the beginning came out quickly one after another, and stood in front of Qin Heqing.

Boss. Everyone greeted with apprehension on their faces.

You don't have to be so afraid. I'm not an unreasonable person. I know that it's torture for you to sit on this side of the hall without guests, so I can understand your behavior that is equivalent to being lazy, but only When there are no guests, I still hope that you can fulfill your obligations as an employee at other times, otherwise I don’t mind using someone to make an example of others, so that you can understand what rules and regulations are.” Qin Heqing looked slowly from several masseurs Sweeping over his body one by one, he spoke in a gentle but dignified voice.

Boss, I am responsible for this matter. It is my negligence in managing them that makes them behave so loosely. I am willing to accept punishment. Before the masseuses could speak, Fumi Nakagawa bowed , full of apology and remorse.

It's not that serious. As I said just now, I can understand that you want to relax and be lazy when there is no one else. After all, this is human nature. I will not be like those black-hearted bosses, even a little free I won’t give you any free time. But the premise is only when there is no one around. This can be done.” Finally, Qin Heqing turned to look at the masseuses, waiting for their answer.

Yes! the masseuses replied in unison.

Then there's no problem. Qin Heqing said with a smile.

PS: I just found out that a change in the input method has such a big impact on the code words, and it can actually affect my code words, thinking about the plot, and my mood when coding! Just like this chapter, what I seem to write has almost nothing to do with what I coded out... It's also a pain in the ass.

So before I get used to the new input method, it is estimated that the quality of the text may drop a lot, and please forgive me a little bit, thanks to the evildoer here.

Finally, I will adapt to the new input method as soon as possible and restore the state. above.

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