The next day, Qin Heqing appeared at the shrine instead of Rumina who was on vacation as usual, and started the day's affairs as the host.

Brother, here we are. The familiar bald Tsuchida got out of the car he was driving, ran to the back door courteously, bent down to open the door, and said to Takehara Hikaru who stepped down from inside.

And Takehara Hikari stood beside the car, looking at the not-so-luxury, even a bit rudimentary shrine in front of him and didn't speak for a long time.

until a moment later.

Let's go.


Then Hikari Takehara led the way, followed by Tsuchida with the bald head, and the two of them stepped up the stone steps of only ten steps one by one, walked into the shrine, and appeared in Qin Heqing's sight.

Huh? Qin Heqing, who was sitting in the sales room and fiddled with his mobile phone boredly, stood up from his chair with a frown.

But he didn't go forward, but continued to stand still in the sales house, quietly watching Takehara Hikari and Tsuchida come forward to pay homage.

Bang bang bang bang.


Then Hikaru Takehara turned around and walked straight towards the sales house where Qin Heqing was.

Excuse me. Takehara Hikaru saluted Qin Heqing.

I'm open for business, since you're willing to come, there's no need to bother me. I don't know if Team Leader Zhuyuan wants to buy something from me? Qin Heqing dealt with it with a calm expression and a rather cold attitude.

I don't know what Mr. Qin has here? Hikari Takehara didn't mind, and asked with a smile.

Amulets, painted horses, shimenawa, the statue of the three imperial pillars, the Inari body, the statue of Emperor Qinshihuang, human figures... I have them here in general shrines. Qin Heqing replied.

Then give me a portion of everything. Hikaru Takehara asked boldly without any hesitation.

Of course, it’s just looking heroic. If you really want to calculate it, the total value of this set of things is only about 150,000. Basically, any working class can grit their teeth and bear it. The heroism of not taking money is really different.

Chenghui, one hundred and thirty-eight thousand yen. Qin Heqing was also based on the idea that if there is a business, he would not do it for nothing. He was not polite, and directly took out the items one by one, and quoted.

Here. Then Hikaru Takehara reached out for money and handed a check to Qin Heqing.

You paid too much. Qin Heqing glanced at the amount written on it - 500,000, his pupils shrank slightly, but he said calmly with no expression on his face.

The extra is my offering to the gods. Hikari Takehara didn't seem to take it back at all, and still insisted on saying, Also, if possible, I hope that our Sanye group can become a support group for your company. I wonder if Mr. Qin is willing to accept us.

As long as there is no trouble, I will naturally not object. Qin Heqing took the check to the counter and said calmly.

But psychologically, I have to admit that Hikaru Takehara's calculations are precise enough——

First, he used money to buy himself, and then in the name of supporting the group, he got the Sanye Group involved with him. In this way, when something happened to him, he would come to him, and he would have to do it because of his interests. to aid...

What? Are you saying you can refuse?

Yes, it is possible to refuse, but if there is no valid reason, it is somewhat unreasonable. At that time, instead of being able to push out the trouble, it may cause even greater trouble.

After all, the Sanye Group is a group of a certain nature. If they really want to play dirty, it is not something that Qin Heqing, who is only a high school student, can resist.

Even if he is a priest.

So even if I really don't want to have anything to do with the Sanye group, I still have to compromise under the social rules.

So, people are in the rivers and lakes, and they can't help themselves.

It is impossible to say that in the future, because of the relationship of interests, he will solve the troubles of supernatural powers for Hikaru Takehara.

Although this also made it possible for him to have an additional channel to learn about supernatural events.

Don't worry, there will definitely be no troubles in terms of affairs. Seeing that Qin Heqing had collected his money, Hikaru Takehara said with a brighter smile on his face.

That's good. Qin Heqing said.

Then Takehara Hikaru didn't say anything more, and directly asked Tsuchida to put away the statues, amulets and other things, and led people away from Qin Heqing's shrine with interest.

Because he knew very well that he was not very popular with Qin and Qing.

Tsk. Then Qin Heqing sat back on the chair, took out the check paid by Hikaru Takehara, looked at the number marked on it, and uttered a soft tsk rather bored.


Then in the afternoon, Qin Heqing, who felt that nothing happened, left the shrine, took Yue'er, and moved towards the nearby old commercial street.

The distance is not far, and the bus will arrive in ten minutes.

Then the block with a big metal arch came into his sight.

Under the archway is a relatively spacious stone street. There are various shops lined up on both sides of the street. The antique flavor and modernity have a sense of time and space evolution. Pedestrians intertwine on the street, although there are not many, but you can vaguely see its bustling appearance.

Qin Heqing didn't have too much emotion, and walked into it with Yue'er.

One after another, they finally stopped in front of a shop imitating an ancient building from the Edo period.

Without hesitation, he stepped into it.

Welcome... ah, it turns out that the priest is here, please come inside, hurry up, please come inside. The owner of the shop, Kakuda, first greeted him routinely, and immediately smiled warmly when he found out that the guests were Qin Heqing.

Old lady, come out and look at the store. Then, Mr. Kakuda shouted into the room behind him.


Then Mr. Kakuda didn't linger in the store, and took Qin and Qing directly to the living area used by his family at the back of the store, and sat down in the small living room.

Mrs. Kakuda came forward to offer tea, and then consciously went to the front to take care of the shop on behalf of Mr. Kakuda.

I'm so sorry that I made you come here in person. Mr. Kakuda said with an apology on his face.

Where is it? If it weren't for Mr. Kakuda's support, how could my shrine be as stable as it is now? Maybe it has become a wild shrine that no one cares about like some shrines. Qin Heqing shook his head, and said politely .

Where, where, it's not my credit alone, there are other merchants in the group, I don't dare to take the credit. A big smile appeared on Kakuda's face. Although he felt very comfortable being blown away, he was still quite eye-catching and humble. road.

He is experienced in dealing with people.

Mr. Kakuda is modest. However, Qin Heqing didn't get too entangled in this aspect, and quickly changed the subject to the point, I just don't know why Mr. Kakuda invited me over...

Hey. I really have nothing to do. Hearing this, Kakuda's expression froze, and he let out a long sigh full of misery.

Then Qin and Qing didn't need to ask, they just talked about it on their own...

PS: They are all old drivers...

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