High Priest in Japan

Chapter 353 Cheating

Again?! Qin Heqing smiled wryly. But he had no choice but to take the move, so he had to take a deep breath to force himself up, and actively put all his energy into the intuition of being blessed. He wanted to use this to deal with Huang Quan for a while, and then think of more tricks to fight her.

Afterwards, I don't know whether it was because of enough concentration that triggered the upper limit of the effect of the blessing, or other factors affected the battle. The confrontation between Qin Heqing and Huang Quan could only barely resist from the very beginning, and gradually became a little bit more sustainable. It even started to make rapid progress in the direction of coming and going...

This is... Seeing this, Huang Quan couldn't help frowning, and became more and more disgusted with Qin Heqing, who was favored by the gods and seemed like a son of heaven.

——If she also had this kind of luck and protection before she was alive, why did she become what she is now?

Heavenly King, is this going too far? At the same time, in the other dimension above the human world where Yoyogi Park is located - Between Heaven and Man, Jiugong rushed to the side, dressed as a Picheng policewoman The blond woman smiled wryly.

Although it is a very good thing to allow one's descendants to obtain more protection at this time, there must be a limit, right? After all, Qin and Qing's crusade against the target is not simple. It is a chess piece that Izanami, the mother of the gods, put into the world. Hanging, making her more difficult?

This is really not impossible!

After all, ever since the Mother of the Gods was abandoned and hated by the Father of the Gods, the temper of the Mother of the Gods has been a little moody and extremely weird. The ghost knows whether Izanami, who seems indifferent now, will suddenly go into a rage the next moment, directly She sent the eight gods of thunder under her to the world to suppress dissatisfaction.

He didn't want such an excellent descendant of his family to be compromised here because of this incident.

In particular, his descendants are accompanied by a suspected clone of someone. I'm really going to be annoyed, if I provoke those great gods out, I'm afraid it's not really going to start another battle of the gods!

That would be really bad.

It doesn't matter, I just used the fighting power I blessed him this time to imbue him with my past fighting experience in a subtle way, so that he can improve, so if I want to talk about it in detail, I still use him With her own strength, even if Izanami notices it, she won’t say anything.” After a pause, Kunsha Mentian, who was dressed as a policewoman from Piltover, added, “If something really happens, I’ll go down and stop it. It just so happens that there is nothing to do recently, so I can take this opportunity to relax...

... Qin Jiugong was speechless, twitching the corners of his mouth, and moved a little away from her.

The upright Buddhist Dharma Guardian Heavenly King turned out to be a fighting lunatic, who would believe it?

Anyway, Qin Jiugong felt a little uncomfortable, he felt very unmonk!

Especially Kunsha Mentian from the island country turned into a woman for some reason...

It's getting more and more speechless——

Is it possible that because monks in island countries can marry wives, even the sex of Buddhist heavenly kings can be changed at will?

Although for Buddhists, it is common for their own beliefs to change from male to female and female to male...

(Avalokitesvara was originally a male, and it was not until the Tang Dynasty that he had a female body. Mahasthamaprapta Bodhisattva was also a male, but he was passed down as a female Bodhisattva. Goddess, Concubine Ming... In short, the Bodhisattvas in Buddhism are very casual, and they can be male or female. They really complied with the Buddhist scriptures: no self-image, no-person image, sentient beings, and lifeless person... to get rid of the four images and achieve detachment , for ultimate Nirvana.)

After that, Qin Jiugong didn't say anything more - after all, 'Da Lei' was already resisted, so he didn't need to worry about that aspect, and focused on the current descendant battle.


The next moment, Qin Heqing, who was gradually losing his temper, shouted Zha!

With the power of fighting in his hand, he was able to fight against the precious sword Lion King held by Huang Quan without losing the wind. A flash of brilliant divine power suddenly flashed on the undamaged wooden knife. Chopped on Huang Quan's blade.

In an instant, there was a muffled bang, Huang Quan felt his wrist tremble, and his body flew backwards uncontrollably.

Shenwei?! Huang Quan's expression changed in surprise, and he whispered with a gloomy face.

However, he played out his temper, as if King Kong had appeared in the world, and Qin Heqing, who was the angry face of King Ming, turned a deaf ear to it. With a kick, a strong spiritual brilliance exploded under his feet, like a rocket boosting, and Qin Heqing was thrown into the air, and then Qin Heqing put his hands together Holding a knife, splitting Huashan Mountain with all his strength, and with a decisive gesture of splitting the mountain to save his mother, he slashed heavily towards Huangquan with the power of killing demons and exorcising evil bestowed by the Lord God of the Great Country.

Huang Quan's eyes were scarlet, and his whole body exuded the aura of the evil ghost Shura...

It's just a pawn, don't even try to kill me! Huang Quan's fangs were half exposed, like a real evil ghost Shura, with a ferocious aura, he took the initiative to meet him with a knife.

Hokomonoka then bloomed in Yoyogi Park.


Then the earth shook, and the ground under Huang Quan's feet cracked in all directions centered on where she stood.

Everyone in the countermeasure bureau was frightened, and they all raised their eyes to Qin Heqing and Huang Quan, who were the center of the battle and the key to this battle.

Huangquannai-chan! Tumiya Kagura yelled worriedly.

The Jade Emperor has an edict! The life of the Lingbao Talisman! Slay demons and bind evil spirits! Then the next moment, Yue'er's voice suddenly sounded in the field, revealing her figure, and suddenly threw a large white paper talisman emitting golden divine light To Huang Quan.

What is still used is the most orthodox Shinto system of Yin Yang!

That is to say, the spells that inherited part of the domestic magic tradition.

Otherwise, how could there be keywords such as Jade Emperor and Lingbao Talisman in the spirit mantra? ,

As for how the yin and yang spells centered on the Jade Emperor were handed down on the island country, this is entirely because the early island country—probably the Warring States period from the late Heian period to the Warring States period before the opening of the shogunate, had a heart of Chinese civilization and organized Sending women to the island country of the Song Dynasty who borrowed people to improve population genes was deeply influenced by Chinese civilization. I also brought back my belief system and believed in it...

It wasn't until the later stage of the scene that it was abandoned for some reason!

And it's not completely useless.

For example, the Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice, which everyone is familiar with, was one of the most important sacrificial items for the princes and Chinese people of the island country before the abolition of the Jade Emperor sacrifice in the island country.

So if we really want to talk about the degree of importance and the status in the hearts of the Chinese people in the island country, the Taishan Mansion Monarch Sacrifice, whose earliest origin can be traced back to the pre-Qin period, has a much more market than the Jade Emperor Sacrifice!

Even until now, there are still many shrines that still maintain the rituals and knowledge of Taishan Fujun Festival.

For example, Qin and Qing's family, even though they were down and out, the rituals of Taishan Mansion's Monarch Sacrifice have not been broken, and have still been handed down.

Even if it's not very useful, it can't be as magical as it is in some anime, so that you can play the reincarnation of the dead...

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