High Priest in Japan

Chapter 344 Assembly

Now that you already know who I am, you must have no regrets, right? That's just right, the time is almost up, and it's time for me to send you on your way, to walk around among the ghosts. The red light in Huang Quan's eyes became even brighter. Sheng, looked down at the three of Uda and said in a low voice.

No! You can't kill me! I am a member of the Canghashi family. If you kill me, the Canghashi family will not let you go! Due to the huge threat of death, Satomi Ryotaro, Uda Kazushi's Ogura Toshie suddenly collapsed, and shouted to Huangquan with snot and tears all over his face.

He wanted to make a coat out of tiger skin, and use the power of the Cangqiao family to frighten Huang Quan.

Unfortunately, the way is a bit silly.

And the wrong one was chosen.

Astrology Cangqiao family... Do you think a shabby household with a noble name can scare me? It's ridiculous! If that's the case, I'll let you see how I deal with you who rely on your family background , always a arrogant, self-righteous guy.

Luan Honglian, kill them!


The spirit beast at Huang Quan's feet roared, its whole body fell down, and then kicked its limbs, like a black shadow rushed towards Uda, Satomi and Ogura.

No!! Xiao Cang completely collapsed, slumped on the ground, and because of extreme fear, he could no longer control the functions of his body, making the ground wet.

In contrast, Satomi Ryotaro and Uda Kazushi, who were still able to maintain a certain degree of sanity at this time and resisted while Ranguren launched an attack, were quite different, and lived up to the name of their family inheritors.

It's a pity that the opponents they are facing are too strong. No matter what kind of spells they use to resist, the madness emitted by Luan Honglian, who is at least B-level, has no effect. It shatters instantly like an egg hitting a stone. Kailai, being forced by Luan Honglian, waving the beast's claws, Satomi Ryotenro and Uda Kazushi were severely injured one after another, fell to the ground pale, and got up after a long time.

Compared with Huang Quan, a demon exorcist who had focused on physical training during his lifetime, their more orthodox onmyoji's physical fitness was obviously much worse!

In addition, if there is no powerful shikigami guard, and there is no powerful samurai guard accompanying him, it is conceivable that he will be easily torn apart by Ran Hongren.

Then Luan Honglian lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite the two of them.


A shrill scream came out, which stimulated Ogura Shoumei, who was afraid to look at it, to tremble, and buried her head even lower in her arms.

Where's your pride? It's as fragile as glass, and it collapses when touched lightly. I really don't know where your confidence came from before. Isayama Huangquan ignored the messy red who was eating people Lian walked slowly in front of Kokura Shoumie, mockingly with a look of disdain.

Don't kill me, please don't kill me, I don't want to die yet... Ogura Shoumeijiang didn't dare to raise his head, just huddled there and begged for mercy in a low voice, trying to impress Huang Quan with words and gain a chance of survival .

Is this the quality of people in Yin Yang Division? It's really bad.

After all, Huang Quan couldn't be bothered to pay attention to Ogura Shoumeijiang, and directly cut with a knife——

After hearing the sound of 死, Shoumeijiang's voice of begging for mercy stopped for a while, and his eyes were dull, and he looked up at Isayama Koizumi who seemed to have not made any movements in front of him. He opened his mouth, and his head was in a rush of blood It surged down and tumbled out, and fell to the ground beside it.


Then the headless corpse fell to the ground, silently proclaiming its existence, expressing its unwillingness and despair.

Luan Honglian, remember to keep your head.



More than ten minutes later, accompanied by the sound of helicopter propellers, a black transport helicopter appeared near Yoyogi Park, hovered slowly, and transported people wearing The members of the supernatural disaster countermeasures room in black combat uniforms were put down.

And the subject is none other than the countermeasure room elite headed by Koji Iwatata, Kagura Tsuchimiya and others!

Because the road traffic was blocked, they had to ask for help from the headquarters, and borrowed a helicopter from the government to help transport them to Yoyogi Park, otherwise they were expected to come by car?

That's not sure how long it will take.

After a while, another helicopter flew over...

Obviously, inspired by this, the countermeasure bureau also changed its strategy, no longer allowing the mobile forces in its hands to move on its own, but to arrange them uniformly through helicopters to strengthen transportation and movement capabilities.

Therefore, not long after Koji Iwata and others arrived in Yoyogi Park, a large number of fighters gathered outside the exits in the north and south of Yoyogi Park——

Among them are old and young, men and women, but no matter which one they are, they are definitely the absolute elite of the strategy bureau, each with a unique temperament, giving people a feeling that they are not easy to mess with.

But what is more noticeable is that the group of guys dressed not like elite fighters at all, but like clergymen or social elites, all of them have casual postures, and they don't seem to have any discipline at all. The members of the Countermeasures Bureau in uniform black combat uniforms seemed out of place and couldn't get along.

But no one said much.

Because everyone present knew their identities—the inheritors of the various families of the Onmyo Division of the Countermeasures Bureau.

In terms of group combat, they may not be the opponents of the elite fighters of the countermeasure bureau, but when it comes to fighting alone, each of them has the strength not weaker than the elite countermeasure room!

And the methods are weird and hard to guard against, so as long as they don't have enmity themselves, members of other departments rarely conflict with them.

As for the reason?

Without him, I'm just afraid of being tossed secretly.

Even if it's a harmless little joke, but when it's used at the right time, being disgusting is no worse than hurting someone maliciously.

So keep it at a respectful distance, if you can't provoke it, you can always hide it, right?

It's all here. Fujiwara, the commander from the headquarters who was in charge of the crusade against the level A spiritual disaster, asked the heroic girl in black slim combat uniform beside him.

Six out of the thirteen special operations units belonging to the countermeasure room have assembled, and more than 70% of the members of the Onmyoji Division have arrived at the scene, except for the members who really can't get out of birth. The woman replied.

Very good. Fujiwara nodded and walked to the front of the crowd.


Immediately, everyone fell silent and looked up at Chief Fujiwara in the field.

I'm Fujiwara from the headquarters. Before I came here, I think everyone already knows about the spiritual disaster in Yoyogi Park. Yes, although it is unbelievable, after repeated observations by the Spiritual Investigation Division, it is indeed true There is a spiritual disaster target with a threat level of A! And the next thing you have to do is to crusade against him! Eliminate him! Do your best to end the current chaos in Tokyo!

Thanks to I Love Sheep for the 100 dots.

PS: Magical little theater...

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