High Priest in Japan

Chapter 255 Daily life

Clang clang clang.


Have you packed it? Qin Heqing said.

Okay. Kato Kei said.

Then let's go down and eat.


Then the two locked the door, came to the elevator, and took the elevator to the restaurant of the hotel.

Yes, hotel. Because the place where the two are located at this time is not Tokyo, where they usually live, but Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Kyushu Region.

As for the reason for appearing here, it is because of the upcoming Jade Dragon Flag Cup National High School Kendo Conference.

As a national competition that evolved from the Pan Kyushu Kendo Conference, which was born in the Kyushu region, its venue has never been separated from Fukuoka Prefecture, and it only rotates within the county.

However, in most cases, it is still held by Fukuoka City.

After all, it is the birthplace, and the number of times it has been held is enough, and it has enough experience in holding conferences, so it has an advantage, so that other cities and towns that want to get rich have no way to snatch it.

What do you two want to eat? The waiter stepped forward and handed over the menu to ask what the two wanted.

One steak, medium rare. One each of lynx fresh soup and stir-fried seasonal vegetables, as well as this candied fruit, plus a vegetable salad. Then Qin Heqing handed the menu in his hand to the side the waiter.

Then I'll also have a steak, and this salmon soup, plus a salad and French cake, that's all. Kato Megumi didn't show any pretense, and reported what he wanted to eat.

Where's the drink? the waiter asked again.

Just mineral water. Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi looked at each other and decided.

After all, there are soups and desserts, so if you drink fruit juice, it's really a bit of a taboo.

Okay. The waiter nodded, wrote down the things, turned and walked away.

Is it true that I don't need to contact Senior Kiryu? After the waiter left, Megumi Kato, who also felt that he needed to find something to talk about, asked about the business of the trip - about the arrangements for participating in the Jade Dragon Banner.

No need. We are not very familiar with those team members. There is really no need to disturb their sleepover just because of this matter. Qin Heqing shook his head and said indifferently.

Co-accommodation means that group members eat and live together for a certain event. It is generally seen in team building at the corporate level, and pre-competition intensive training for a certain sporting event by an animation student club in an island country.

For example, this camping activity of Toyosaki High School Kendo Club is to prepare the team members to adapt to the climate environment, weather and temperature differences in the Fukuoka area, and to strengthen their personal abilities and prepare for collective action.

The funds are paid by the school, so it is considered nourishing, no worse than Qin Heqing and Kato Megumi's self-funded travel.

Of course, this refers to the case where the training content is not included. If it counts...

The level of comfort is about four or five streets away from Hesu.

Then we should also say hello, right? It also prevents senior Kiryu from worrying about gains and losses and affecting his state. Kato Megumi reminded.

After all, Tong Shengcang attaches great importance to this Yulong Banner Conference, and has high hopes for Qin Heqing's appearance. If she really doesn't give her any news, it is inevitable that she will become restless before the conference starts and affect her. to the individual game state.

That's what you said. Let's wait until the meal is over. After the meal, I'll call her. Qin Heqing said.

It's good that you know your mind. Kato Megumi said.

Then the two of them changed the subject and talked about other things.

By the way, what have you been doing lately?

Read the documents you lent me, and practice kendo.

Other than that?

I have been a member of a fitness club near my home for a month, and every night when I have nothing to do, I will do physical training there for about two hours.

Uh... You don't need to work so hard on yourself. It's just about your physical fitness. I can help you lift it up. Qin Heqing was stunned, and persuaded with some distress.

That kind of elixir should not be easy to make, right? Kato Hui tilted his head, looked at Qin Heqing and asked.

You mean body strengthening pill...it's not difficult, basically as long as you have meat, you can make it. Qin Heqing spread his hands.

...Is that so? I thought it was hard to get that thing, and I spent money to get a membership card because I thought I could save some money... But I didn't expect that I was being self-indulgent... What a pity. Kato Megumi looked at him speechlessly, then sighed lightly, with no expression on his face, but still said in a way that made people feel disappointed.

Sorry, it's all because I didn't make it clear. Qin Heqing said embarrassedly.

He didn't expect that Kato Megumi would apply for a fitness card for this matter, and he would do fitness during the summer vacation.

You must know that this is summer vacation, the hottest time of the year, it makes people feel distressed to think about it.

This has nothing to do with you. I took it for granted. I thought that such common sense should be rare... However, the fact is that, like common sense, it is something that cannot be understood by common sense. It can be regarded as spending money to buy a Let’s learn a lesson.” After a pause, he continued, “Besides, this money is not a waste of money, and there are practical things to use, which is pretty good.”

Then why do you keep shaking hands? Qin Heqing looked at Kato Megumi's averted eyes, and the palms that were placed on the table but kept clenched and loosened.


Is it expensive? Qin Heqing asked after thinking about it.

It's so expensive, it's not expensive, it's just... I used the pocket money I saved, so I feel a little distressed... Kato Megumi sighed, powerlessly.

... He didn't know that Megumi Kato had a side of saving money.

But out of rational considerations, Qin Heqing didn't rashly say I'll return the money to you. Otherwise, the relationship between the two may no longer be sustainable.

Because that's not for her good, but to humiliate and belittle her.

So after a short pause, Qin Heqing suggested, How about I also go to the fitness club where you applied for a card to get a card, and then work out with you?

This is the serious answer of a person with emotional intelligence.

Even if it's not necessarily the best.

Do you have time? Kato Megumi blinked and asked back.

You're filming shows, hunting ghosts, and managing shrines. Are you sure you spend so much free time with her in the gym?

Of course. Qin Heqing assured without hesitation, patting his chest.

It's only two hours, he can spare it.

Okay then. Call me when the time comes, and I'll take you to the gym to apply for a membership card. Kato Megumi said with a slight smile on his lips.

Then the topic changed and we talked about other things.

However, most of them were trivial matters or plans for the future, etc., which were flat and without ups and downs, but also extremely warm, which made Qin Heqing feel quite comfortable.

Especially in Kato Hui's soft voice, it is very loving.

Therefore, the waiting time passed unknowingly, and the waiter delivered the food ordered by Qin and Qing one by one according to the unique serving order of western food.

Come on, let's eat first. Qin Heqing greeted.

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