High Priest in Japan

Chapter 244 Change

You mean the one in the Palace of You? Yue'er tilted her head and thought about the itinerary for the past two days, and said to Qin and Qing.

En. Qin Heqing nodded, Didn't we wonder how there would be water and boats underground in a well-built palace before? It seems that it's not just messing about, but it's really useful! It's probably for going to the Water Palace.

Just now there is still time, let's go there immediately.


Regarding this, Fang Xili would naturally not object if she didn't come, she readily agreed, and then followed Qin Heqing and Yue'er back to Jiejie's House, along the stone path back to the Palace of You.

Then Qin Heqing stepped forward and pushed open the door, leading the people into the palace of Youzhi...

main hall.

Right side door.


underground tunnel.

Soon, the three of Qin and Qing returned to the old wooden boat they had discovered during their investigation.

I don't even have an oar... Qin Heqing muttered helplessly as he looked at the old canoe that could accommodate at most one person.

Although, with his and Yue'er's abilities, even without oars, they can still ride the waves.

Come on. Then Qin Heqing stepped onto the canoe first, turned around and invited Fang Xili who was not coming.

Fang Xili didn't hesitate if she didn't come, she reached out to catch Qin Heqing's hand, and stood in the boat with her strength.

The boat swayed, and Fang Xili subconsciously fell into Qin Heqing's arms if she didn't come.

Be careful. Qin Heqing hugged her and said.

Thank you. Fang Xili lowered her head slightly when she was not here, and whispered with red earlobes.

The boat is not stable, let me support you. Qin Heqing shook his head, looked at the gate in the distance, and said softly at the waterway in the middle.

...En. Fang Xili pondered for a while...but under the sudden shaking caused by Yue'er pushing the boat, she still did not reject Qin Heqing's proposal, and responded with a voice like a mosquito.

Sure enough, he is worthy of being a conscience shikigami, and he plays well with assists!

Although, Qin Heqing didn't think that much at all, and Fang Xili didn't have any thoughts...

The boat swayed, and soon, it drifted to the gate of the underground palace under the impetus of Yue'er's yin and yang technique. Then Yue'er shot again, using the technique of Wanye Feihualiu to make a huge ball over one meter, and slammed it on the solid wood door——

Immediately, the door panel vibrated and the water rippled, but the door was still closed as before, and was not blasted open by this terrible impact.

Yue'er couldn't help raising her eyebrows, jumped up and came to the gate.

It turned out to be a sealing barrier.

Yue'er muttered a little unexpectedly, then changed her strategy, and cracked the seal on the door by breaking the law.

Then the gate was opened, revealing a wider area beyond the gate, which was suspected, or completely, of the lake surface of Bi'an Lake.

The boat sailed leisurely, moving towards the depths of the lake in the faint mist that diffused from the lake.

The road was very safe and sound. There were no accidents or resentful spirits blocking the way. I don't know if Kurosawa Fengshi deliberately stopped it, or the waterway between the underground palace of Youzhi Palace and the Water Palace is just so peaceful. Waves, so it didn't take too long for the boat to sail to the water palace.

Afterwards, a group of buildings covering a huge area, not inferior to those outside, such as the Meiji Jingu Shrine, which was like a large national shrine, came into the eyes of Qin Heqing and others.

A slate platform suspected of being a port blocked the way of the boat, and the lake submerged the slate, making the entire palace look as if it was built in water. No wonder it was called the Water Palace, a simple and straightforward name.

Afterwards, Qin Heqing and Fang Xili, who did not come, got off the boat, wading through the lake water that was below the ankles but not up to the knees, and moved towards the depths of the water palace...

It's just that this time, it's not as calm as the waterway when we came here, with no resentful spirits coming to obstruct it.

Instead, resentful spirits emerged one after another, attacking Qin Heqing, Yue'er, and Fang Xili who didn't come, as if they were dying.

But for Fang Xili, who has gradually gotten used to and mastered the way of fighting resentful spirits under the protection of Qin Heqing, that's the case, let alone Qin Heqing and Yue'er who are orthodox priests? One by one was either arrested by Qin Heqing, suppressed by Yue'er and handed over to Qin Heqing for arrest, or dismissed by Bulai Fang Xili with a camera, none of them could pose a threat, and they explored the palace of the Water Palace methodically all the way.

until a long time later.

Qin Heqing and his entourage came to an empty hall, and found a coffin cage that was less expensive than the bandit's chest without any copper decoration.

Qin Heqing and Yue'er then stopped, letting Fang Xili walk slowly to the front of the coffin cage, stretching out her hand with a hint of excitement...

A strange breath emerged, and the figure of a female ghost suddenly appeared above the box.

Miss Mihua!? Fang Xili looked at the ghost with a different look, but still couldn't cover up the original appearance, and whispered in disbelief.

Yes, just like her cry, Mika Kurosawa has lost her human form at this time, and has become a wraith similar to a ghost!

Yin Qi lingered around her body, and Ye Quan was nowhere to be seen, her eyes were dull, as if she had lost all personal will, like a puppet, mechanically launched an attack on Fang Xili.

Fang Xili was stunned if she didn't come, not knowing how to face everything in front of her.

Fortunately, there were Qin Heqing and Yue'er, the two of them didn't hesitate, first Yue'er made a green leaf rope with the flow of thousands of leaves and flowers, wrapped around Fang Xili's waist, and yanked her back, Qin Heqing quickly replaced her and appeared in front of the Wraith of Black Zemi Blossoms. Using the Nine-Character Mantra, an aura-like barrier blocked the attack of the Wraith of Black Zemi Blossoms and sent her flying.

After all, the situation is unclear now, and it is not easy for Qin and Qing to make arbitrarily assertive decisions, and directly dismiss Kurosawa Mihua.

What the hell is going on here?! Why did Miss Mihua become like this?! Fang Xili stared blankly at the wraith of Kurosawa Mihua who was howling hollowly, as if she was asking and asking herself muttered to himself.

We don't know either! But the key question now is, what should we do? Yue'er, who had seen many such scenes of relatives turning into wraiths, looked very calm, looking at Qin He who was struggling to stop the wraith of Kurosawa Mihua Said in a calm voice.

What to do means... Fang Xili hesitated if she didn't come.

Destroy her, or... Yue'er didn't explain what she said, but with Fang Xili's wisdom, it was enough to understand what she wanted to express.

Is there no other way? Fang Xili hesitated if she didn't come.

Let her decide Miss Mihua's life and death, she can't do it!

Then we have to seal it first, and think of a way later. Yue'er said.

...Then do as you said, Miss Yue'er. Fang Xili hesitated for a long time if she didn't come, but in the end she had no choice but to agree to Yue'er's proposal and let Yue'er seal it Miss Mihua's Wraith.

Thanks to Moran Ten Nights for the reward of 100 points.

PS: Book reviews and this chapter are not restored, I am not used to it.

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