But having said that, in practice, Hinasaki Fukaha agreed to Qin Heqing's proposal and played with him in the amusement park evolved from the ghost domain.

Why did we do this? Sitting in the swivel cup chair, Hinasaki Fukaha asked with a puzzled expression.

Of course it's to lure them out. Qin Heqing, who was sitting across from Hina Saki Fukaha, said, If we don't play, how are they going to harm us?

Uh... Are you priests all this crazy? Hinasaki Fukaha was stunned, and then said with a strange expression.

It's not madness, it's the ability to use ghosts rationally. Otherwise, the rhythm will be controlled by ghosts, and we will be the unlucky ones. Qin Heqing argued.

However, the result was beyond Qin Heqing's expectation. Until the entertainment time of the spinning cup chairs ended, the ghosts did not attack them, which surprised Qin Heqing.

Transgender? Qin Heqing asked in surprise.


I'm wondering why the ghosts didn't attack us. As a filming partner, and also a person in the spiritual industry, Qin Heqing didn't want to hide her plan, and expressed her doubts one by one.

Isn't it good that there are no ghosts attacking us? Hinasaki Fukaha said with an abnormal look on your face.

That depends on the situation. Like now, I'm afraid they are secretly brewing a more terrifying attack...

And almost as soon as his words fell, accompanied by a violent roar of Boom, piercing screams suddenly spread in the amusement park, the crowd began to lose their minds, and then ran in a panic, like the tide, He rushed towards Qin Heqing and Hinasaki Fukaha.

You are such a crow mouth! Hinasaki Fukaha twitched the corners of her mouth, and she muttered speechlessly after having encountered this situation more than once.

It seems that I am very suitable for practicing the magic of words and spirits. Qin Heqing said, grabbed Hina Saki Fukaha's arm, and dragged her to run along the crowd——

In this case, running along is the best choice, otherwise it is easy to be scattered by the crowd, or overwhelmed, and become a stepping stone for the crazy crowd.

The two ran quickly along the path they came from, and taking advantage of the leading sheep, they gradually guided the direction and found a path, so that the two of them could escape from the crowd.

Finally, after about ten minutes, Qin Heqing led Hinasaki Fukaha to get rid of the crowd, and stood down in a place where there were no traces of people.

Qin Heqing panted lightly and looked around, observing the situation.

What shall we do next? Hinasaki Fukaha gasped for a moment while supporting her knees, then stood up and asked Qin Heqing beside her.

Go to the scene of the accident! Qin Heqing took out the information he brought with him when he entered the amusement park, checked the location and said.


If you want to know what the ghosts are up to, there is no easier and quicker way than to go straight to the core. Then Qin Heqing put away the map in the data set, and walked towards the accident site—that is, the place where the roller coaster derailed and fell. past.

Wait, wait for me. Hinasaki Fukaha had no choice but to follow.

Otherwise, she would not dare to let her stay in such a gloomy place alone.


Not long after, the two arrived at the scene of the accident.

And like the previous amusement park, this place was also realized according to the situation at the time. A large group of irrelevant people gathered around the accident site, filled with harsh noises, drowning out the painful wailing of the crowd and the shouts of the staff. down.

Qin Heqing was not surprised by the situation here, dragged Hinasaki Fukaha into the crowd, and squeezed to the innermost position.

After that, the tragedy of the accident came into the eyes of the two of them!

Several sections of carriages were piled up in one place, the carriages were deformed, and blood flowed across the road. People who could not escape from the carriages because of the protective devices were deformed under the huge impact——

Even though it was only a cursory glance, the tragedy was enough to make anyone with poor mental quality feel uncomfortable and uncomfortable, and couldn't eat or sleep well for several days.

For example, Hinasaki Fukaha turned her head to the side as soon as she entered the goal, so as not to be affected by herself.

It's so miserable. Qin Heqing said in a low voice.

What should we do now? Hinasaki Fukaha approached Qin Heqing and whispered.

Keep watching. Qin Heqing didn't move, and continued to pretend to be tourists, watching the staff's rescue, until after a while——

Qin Jun, do you feel that the surrounding atmosphere seems to be different from just now? Hinasaki Fukaha pulled the corners of Raqin and Qing's clothes and asked in a low voice.

I can feel it. You don't even need to feel it. You can see it with your eyes. Qin Heqing replied with his voice unchanged and his expression unchanged.

Eh? Hinasaki Fukaha raised her head and looked around.

Sure enough, as Qin and Qing said, unknowingly, the eyes of the people around them looked at them changed—the eyes were very clear, staring at the two of them, and the eyes were very dangerous and full of coldness, which made people see I feel uncomfortable all over, like being in a horrible cannibal tribe.

Involuntarily, Hinasaki Fukaha leaned her body to Qin Heqing's side again, wanting to use this to give herself a sense of security.

Qin Heqing didn't talk nonsense, and directly took off the bracelet on his wrist, pulled it, and tore it off, and threw the beads around, forming a barrier.

Then Qin Heqing looked at the ghosts around him who had become completely different at this time and began to be filled with resentment, and said softly, Is it finally unbearable...

Die, die, die, die... The ghosts did not hesitate, and while using curse-like means to cast curses on Qin Heqing and Hinasaki Fukaha, they rushed up and bumped into the ground under Qin Heqing's cloth. Enchantment.


Like the sound of water meeting a soldering iron, the first to bear the brunt, the ghosts in the innermost circle wailed in pain.

The body changes constantly, issuing more vicious curses.

Why don't you die!!

Resentment is not a reason for you to harm others! Qin Heqing said solemnly.

In front of the TV, you still have to be more upright.

Just like when he was going to use the demon pot to catch ghosts later, he also had to use some means to disguise himself so as not to act too much.

Fukaba, close your eyes.

Ah. Hinasaki Fukaha was stunned. Although she didn't know what Qin Heqing was going to do, but out of trust in him, she closed her eyes according to the words, and then a low-pitched curse sounded, as strong as a flash bomb exploded A strong light burst out abruptly, like a strong light, and the ghosts shrieking miserably.


Then Qin Heqing quickly rushed out of the barrier, and under the cover of the majestic light released by Molizhitian Mantra, he grasped forward with both hands, and put ghosts one by one into the demon refining pot, and used them as materials for refining.

Thanks to Huang Xingche and No. 11 Sniper for their respective rewards of 100 points.

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