High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1445 Surprised

I didn't expect that even in other worlds, I still couldn't escape the evil god's intrusion. After listening to Qin Heqing's narration, Lu Chengxuan sighed helplessly.

Hiding? Qin Heqing frowned, grabbing a key word in his words.

It seems that the previous battle had a great impact on you. Even if you were reincarnated as a newcomer, you still haven't recovered much of your past memories. Lu Chengxuan looked up at Qin Heqing in the hall and said.

Reincarnation, are you talking about me? Qin Heqing asked in surprise.

He never knew that besides being Qin Heqing and Qin Heqing, he was also the reincarnation of the demon refining pot!

Yes. Although your appearance has changed a lot, your aura and the essence of your soul have not changed in any way from before. That's why I can be sure that you are the reincarnation of the demon refining pot, not just luck. A young man who has been favored by the demon refining pot. After a pause, he continued in a slightly joking tone, And even if you are really a lucky ordinary young man, as a practitioner who has cultivated to the level of a golden fairy, have you ever Have you ever seen any artifacts or immortal artifacts that can be refined and absorbed into the body without special sacrifices?

Of course, except for a special magic weapon that has been refined for a different purpose.


That's why he was so lucky. In his previous life, he knocked his head on the demon refining pot, and then he was lucky enough not to die and completed the reincarnation, let alone the demon refining pot recognized its owner and became his golden finger?

Although these words are reasonable, Qin Heqing's ears were shocked when he first heard it——

Well, it is destined to be reincarnated into this world with me getting the demon refining pot? The reason is to come to reunite with you artifacts who came to this world voluntarily for some unknown reason before?

Come to think of it, this fact is really fucking crazy.

Anyway, Qin Heqing couldn't accept it for a while, feeling like a DOG.

Why, I feel a little unacceptable? Lu Chengxuan smiled lightly after noticing the change in Qin Heqing's face.

It's really hard to accept. Qin Heqing admitted frankly.

Then you can think back, after you reincarnated as a human, has the demon refining pot ever affected you and interfered with your life? Lu Chengxuan asked back.

Is that true? Qin Heqing shook his head.

Have you ever advocated independently, influenced your decision, or forced you to do certain things or put you in danger? Lu Chengxuan asked again.

Qin Heqing continued to shake his head.

He can be sure of this point, whether it is the self in the previous life or the self in this life, what he does and thinks comes from his own heart, and there is no trace of interference from the outside world, that is, the demon refining pot.

Otherwise, with the old-fashioned mind of the Demon Refining Pot, it would be impossible to see him being so depraved, engaging in a harem, and being a scumbag...

Even when he was still the Immortal in the Pot, he would occasionally envy Xuanyuan Huangdi, whom his wife talked about thousands of times.

Then why do you care about whether you are the reincarnation of the Demon Refining Pot? After all, whether you are the reincarnation of the Demon Refining Pot or not, your current life is managed by yourself, and there is not much direct relationship with the Demon Refining Pot. relationship. Lu Chengxuan finally concluded.

But it also said that there is not much direct relationship, but it is not without any relationship, that is to say, the existence of the artifact still has some influence on life, at least Qin Heqing can understand that if it is not for the existence of the demon refining pot, even if he is Reincarnated into this world as a descendant of a priest, with Yue'er, she wouldn't live such an exaggerated life——

It is a clubhouse, and it is to save the world, which is not something that ordinary priests should participate in and be able to do.

Thank you for opening the solution. I'm much better. Let's go back to the previous topic. What you said is... Qin Heqing nodded, adjusted his mood, and asked Lu Chengxuan above again.

It's not considered 'hiding', it's just because our origins were severely damaged and polluted in the war that year, so out of the idea of ​​being responsible for the world, we each chose a direction to migrate, that is, borrowing This opportunity to find a new world for self-cultivation is also to prevent the power of the evil god remaining on us from reactivating and causing new harm after we get together. So I came to this world after the great war and stayed On the Heavenly Court side, I used the spirit of the Nine Heavens to wash away the evil god's aura remaining on the Eastern Emperor Bell and me, but I didn't expect that this seemed to become a beacon again, leading the evil god into this time and space... Lu Chengxuan sighed.

Then what are the other artifacts that exist in this world? Qin Heqing continued to ask in confusion.

Now that they are all separated, the world should only have the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Haotian Tower, plus at most three artifacts sent by his demon refining pot with a special method. There are no traces of other artifacts at all. Is a reasonable phenomenon. But now, he not only discovered the whereabouts of the Eastern Emperor Bell and the Haotian Tower, but also found the feedback of the other two artifacts during the big investigation just now! No way, they are the same as the demon refining pot, they travel across time and space through reincarnation, right?

If they were all that powerful, then the existence of the Pangu Ax that can travel through the void would not be so special.

I said, I've had enough, and I don't want to drag the East Emperor Bell and Haotian Tower's original source back because of my own reasons, so before you came, when I still had strength, I used the summoning technique to call Other artifacts came to this world and took me and the Donghuang Bell away. It's a pity that they didn't release their collapsed true spirits for reincarnation like you did, but still maintained their original posture and remained silent. Restoration, so...

Although Lu Chengxuan didn't continue to say the following words, Qin Heqing also understood what he wanted to express - so he didn't die, and he has lived until now. Therefore, in this world where only the Eastern Emperor Bell and Haotian Tower should exist, there are two other artifacts that should be recuperated in other time and space.

So that's it. Qin Heqing suddenly said.

Do you have any other questions? Lu Chengxuan asked again, who seemed to feel that the time was almost up.

Can't you really stay? Qin Heqing hesitated for a while, and finally asked unwillingly.

No, I will only continue to drag Haotian Tower and Donghuang Bell if I stay, so that they can't be used wholeheartedly for you to help you resist natural disasters and the threat of evil gods, so whether it is out of my own will or you Considering my actual needs, it is the best and most correct choice for me to leave here.”

Then, well... I wish you can reunite with Xia Rou in another world and live happily ever after. Qin Heqing sighed helplessly, cupped his fists, and bowed deeply to Lu Chengxuan Blessed said.

Thank you...

Then bright and soft rays of light began to erupt from Lu Chengxuan's body, diluting the traces of his existence, revealing a gilded four-sided pagoda...

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