It is a normal phenomenon that the sky collapses and the earth breaks, and the sea surges upside down. The sun and the moon are reversed, and the yin and yang are disordered, which is also the meaning of the title. What's more, the earth, water, fire, and wind that originally made up the world have begun to emerge to join in the fun, tossing the world to a boil. It seems that at any moment there is a danger of total disillusionment.

Not to mention, the pollution and influence brought about by the influx of Chaos Qi.

It is easy for ordinary monsters and ghosts to become monsters, and it is really eye-opening for Qin Heqing and all the great powers in the world to turn ordinary beasts into monsters similar to evil.

In addition to this, there are contradictions between Da Neng...

Anyway, Qin Heqing felt that if he didn't intervene, the world would be hopeless.

Unexpectedly, at this time, Fuxi and Nuwa, who had not participated in the mighty chaos, came out. One directly said that he could mend the sky, and the other directly said that he knew what to do to save the world. The people from the dragon, phoenix, unicorn and lich tribes who were still fighting fiercely so as not to wipe out the other party really stopped, and began to cooperate with Fuxi and Nuwa to carry out world rescue work——

Among them, there is nothing to say about mending the sky. The way of good fortune, at most, is that the materials that can be used to mend the sky are hard to find. However, with the joint efforts of the five major groups of the dragon, phoenix, unicorn and lich, the so-called five-color stone It was still sacrificed by Nuwa, and then transformed into a goddess and ascended to heaven to fill the hole.

Then Fuxi also took advantage of the opportunity of his sister to contribute her life to enhance the prestige and favor of the hundred clans, and revealed her plan to save the world.

It's not complicated, isn't the earth cracked? That would be enough to make up for it. It happens that among the hundreds of clans, Qilin is the best at doing this kind of thing, so at this time, the Qilin clan will take full responsibility.

Isn't the sea water churning? Let the Dragon Clan deal with it. Anyway, they are formed by the essence of water, and they are the source of all water. As long as they work hard, there is no water in the world that they cannot subdue!

Earth, water, fire, and wind are also simple. After the earth is well adjusted, the earth's qi will naturally calm down. After the sea level returns, the water energy will naturally return to circulation. Only the wind and fire need to be dealt with by someone, but it is not troublesome. It is enough to hand over the fire movement to the Phoenix family to suppress it, and it happens to help suppress the volcanoes on the earth, and help the Qilin family reduce the trouble of repairing the earth.

As for the wind...

He Fuxi took it. Anyway, what he is best at is gossip, which is change and easy counting. He can easily feel the change of wind, and then find a solution to calm down the wind, that is, the impact of change on the world, and guide it to the world. On the plus side.

In this way, both Earth, Water, Fire and Wind and the world's fetal membranes have people to deal with, and they have found something to do for the dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans, so that they will not cause new troubles because they have nothing to do, and then bring disaster to the world.

But the Lich Clan didn't have any, so after pondering for a while, Fuxi started to find work for the Lich Clan——

Isn't it possible for you Wu clan to master the laws of heaven and earth? Then go to the land of the mountain god. There is also Zhu Jiuyin, you go to evolve the long river of time and space to adjust Yin and Yang. Dijiang stabilizes the space, Gonggong and Zhurong manage the water and fire in the mortal world and assist the dragon and phoenix to suppress the water and fire. Xuanming, Jumang, Rushou, and Qiangliang are the gods of the four seasons, assisting Zhu Jiuyin to control the changes in time and space.

Tianwu is the god of weather and meteorology.

Shebishi is the stalker of the undead, responsible for calming down the wraiths, ghosts, and all kinds of mutated monsters and ghosts that were born after the chaos was poured into the world. Xizi will temporarily act as a messenger and herald to help Fuxi convey various orders to relevant personnel.

And then there are the demons, that's even simpler, just rush them all into the starry sky, let them adjust the planets, clean up the starry sky, and restore the operation of Zhou Tianxing Dou, so as to strengthen the world's protective power.

Di Jun is in charge.

As for Taiyi?

I'm sorry, this world is not really prehistoric, but there is no place for Taiyi to appear, even if it does appear, it is the Tao, it is the Emperor of Heaven, not Dijun's brother, busy for Dijun like a general manager.

In short, under Fuxi's arrangement and deployment, the people of the hundred clans not only stopped the war, but also turned into good sons of the world, and put in all their efforts to help the world recover.

It can be said that in terms of this kind of behavior of giving orders, Fuxi already has the strength and foundation to ascend to heaven and become the emperor.

Especially when he has a younger sister who can mend the sky to support him.

So after thousands or even thousands of years, Fuxi officially became the Emperor of Heaven recognized by hundreds of clans in this weird prehistoric world.



Qin Heqing let out a long breath and opened his eyes.

Yes, I opened my eyes. In other words, at this moment, he finally broke away from that inexplicable chaotic space.

As for how to escape...

It's also very simple, or inexplicable, because on the day when Fuxi became a Yuanhui, that is, 129,600 years later, a golden light suddenly shot out from Fuxi, who was at his desk handling affairs, and entered. Qin Heqing's forehead, and then Qin Heqing's realm broke through the Jinxian bottleneck that had troubled him for thousands of years, and even blasted him out of that inexplicable chaotic space.

At the same time, the situation there was transmitted into Qin Heqing's mind in the form of information——

Where is that chaotic space?

To put it bluntly, it is not new at all, but it is the backhand left by the real Haotian God back then, a dream space used to test the strength, disposition and means of the future successor of the Heavenly Emperor! A fantasy space built on the time dimension, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the world of Huangliang Yimeng.

That's why Qin and Qing were able to open up the world there so easily, act out there so easily without worrying about the impact, and even the passage of time...that's why they spent so much effort and couldn't break free from that space.

After quarreling for a long time, it turned out that he really didn't find the right way to solve the problem - that is, to open up the world, and then become the emperor of the world he created to experience the real authority and hard work of the emperor and the encounters he will encounter. All kinds of problems and solve them, until the remaining Haotian consciousness in the fantasy space thinks it is ok, he can break through the blockade, and the consciousness returns to the body.

It can even be said that if the second world he created hadn’t opened up the heavens by chance, and the emperor of heaven appeared, and he had really been more attentively lurking beside Fuxi to learn and understand the state of the emperor of Fuxi. He had to be trapped there for countless hours, and he could break the seal and break free until he wanted to be the God of Heaven in boredom.

Thanks to the classmate Sentimental Todd for the reward.

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