High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1419 Barrier Formation

In a trance, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

The cooperation between the two worlds has not been reached, and Athena's actions have not made any substantial progress. She is still wandering around the world's major gods, persuading those god kings to put the world first and save the world. !

It's a pity that they are all indifferent, except that Qin Heqing has suffered a little bit and needs to travel back and forth between the two worlds to pick up the gods of the modern time and space who went to the Warring States time and space to return, but they have not encountered other things.

Even though Anat, the goddess of Canaan, had disappeared for several days, Yue'er'an in Sumerian mythology, who was her other identity as Ishtar's father, didn't respond at all, as if she didn't know about it. In the same way, Qin and Qing felt a little more at ease while being puzzled.

Because he was really worried that there were other unknown connections and schemes between Luna An and Anat, which would allow Luna An to know Anat's situation, which would trigger his struggle with Qin Heqing.

That was not what Qin and Qing were willing to accept.

Are you all ready? Looking up at the sky, Qin Heqing, who felt that the time was almost up, turned his head and asked Natori, the witch beside him.

Standing around are other people from the shrine, as well as Nyotengu, the leader of the Tengu group who has led the group to formally relocate, as well as Yueer, Taibai Jinxing, Chang'e, and Mrs. Shangyuan. At each node, wait for the opening of the enchantment to ensure the smooth opening of the enchantment and the stability of the nodes.

It's all ready. Natori lowered his head and fiddled with the phone for a while, which was the chat group they used to share progress and information, and then raised his head and said to Qin and Qing.

Qin Heqing nodded, no more nonsense, just took a step forward, and waved his arms towards the sky.

Boundary, Kai!

Immediately, a slight shock, as if a heavy object fell to the ground, spread from the center of Xinzuo City, that is, from the side of Hirinashi Temple, and spread to the entire Xinzuo City in an instant, until it reached the edge of Xinzuo City, and even invaded some of the surrounding cities After the shock disappeared, the shock gradually disappeared, but a strange energy fluctuation spread from the city of Xinzuo immediately after the shock disappeared...

Faint clouds and mist filled the interior in unseasonable and weather conditions, flowers bloomed, trees sprouted, and the air in the entire Xinzuo City seemed to become fresher and more attractive in an instant, but the range did not spread, as if it had been destroyed by someone. An invisible force restrains the general, and only stays in the area of ​​Xinzuo City and some surrounding cities that were included in the shock before, and does not expand outward by even a centimeter.

And in fact, it is indeed the case, with the disappearance of the previous vibration, the emergence of a thin white mist, some kind of transparent, hemispherical energy shield like a thermal insulation film suddenly appeared in Xinzuo City and those who were The sky over the area of ​​the surrounding cities affected by the shock flickered, and disappeared into the void along with the shock, but the effect caused everyone who paid attention to it to look sideways——

Because at the moment when the hemispherical energy barrier disappeared, the entire Xinzuo City and the eroded surrounding area also disappeared from the sight of ordinary people at this moment, leaving only a vast expanse of white, like mist. The environment stays where it is, signaling the changes here.

This...disappeared?! The traffic police who came to guard the road and intercept passing vehicles entering Xinzuo City after receiving orders from their superiors were stunned by the sudden changes in front of them, and murmured in a low voice with disbelief on their faces. .

The same goes for the other people, their mouths opened and closed, their cigarette butts fell off, and they were completely speechless looking at the thick fog in front of them.

Fortunately, this situation did not last for too long, only about a minute, accompanied by a burst of ripples in the air, the same Xinzuo City as before appeared again in all the guards in Xinzuo City Unicom to the outside world. In the eyes of the traffic police on the streets and subway lines and the members of the countermeasure bureau, the white fog was dispelled, making everything real and ordinary again.

But as real insiders, the staff of the Countermeasures Bureau understand that Niiza City has become different from the past.

Send a message to ask about the status of the nodes. Qin Heqing, who had activated the barrier, turned his head and told Natori beside him.

Without any hesitation, Natori raised her phone and sent an inquiry message in the group.

Everything is fine, replied the others.

Okay, it's up to you two. Qin Heqing nodded while looking at the phone interface that Natori handed over, then turned his head to look at Madam Shangyuan and Great God Qige and said.

And the two of them also have no nonsense characters, nodded, and started their own operations.

In an instant, I saw two awe-inspiring divine lights, one gold and one red, burst out suddenly, and then soared into the sky, huge ripples like waves rippling suddenly spread across the sky of Xinzuo City, wave after wave. Waves... And that's not all, because immediately after, there was another sound of metal collisions like chains rubbing in the sky, and little golden lights radiated, falling towards the entire Xinzuo City.

This situation lasted for about 17 or 18 minutes, and then it ended with the disappearance of the divine light from Mrs. Shangyuan and Great God Qige, making the whole Xinzuo City calm down.

Okay. Mrs. Shangyuan replied to Qin Heqing who was looking at them.

Qin Heqing nodded again, then raised his head again to look in the direction of Hirininji Temple in the center of Xinza City, then took a deep breath, and announced to the residents of the entire Xinza City with a voice like a dragon chant, I am the owner of the Qin Clan Inari Shrine. Priest Qin Heqing, seeing the great changes in the world today, all kinds of evils abound, and the ordinary people suffer too much and cannot get good rewards, hereby set up a heavenly court of gods to regulate all things, and this new city is the foundation of the heavenly court. Combine yin and yang, reward the good and punish the evil, and resent the common people!

I take Chang'e as the goddess of the moon, who controls the yin and virtue of the sky, and protects all living beings. Taibai Jinxing controls the golden nature of the sky, slaughters evil spirits, and guards the ten directions. Madam Shangyuan is the head of the fairy gods in the heaven, and controls the fate of all living beings and females. Chi Qige is the judicial priest of heaven, in charge of the two ways of heaven and man, the rewards and punishments of truth, good and evil. Chi Baixue icicle is the god of mystery in the west, in charge of the four seasons of biochemistry, and winter storage of all things. Chi Tiangou female head is the heaven night The God of You, patrolling the midnight, sweeping away evil spirits and exterminating demons...

Eloquently, Qin Heqing canonized all the people around him, assuming that everyone was a god, and then the announcement was over, and there was the enchantment erection ceremony, which made everything truly quiet.

As for the various incidents caused by this, there are also the thoughts of the residents of Xinzuo City and those mortals who heard Qin and Qing's words...

Then he can't be bothered to pay attention.

It's all about saving the world!

Building the Heavenly Court...you... Chang'e looked at Qin Heqing with a strange expression, and didn't know what to say for a while.

Of course, the same goes for the others. They didn't expect Qin and Qing to make such a sudden move, and they were all stunned, like frozen ice sculptures, unable to say anything.

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