High Priest in Japan

Chapter 1406 Court Council

Sanxian Qin Heqing from the lower realm, pay homage to Haotian Jinque, the Supreme Sovereign, Naturally Wonderful Miluo to the True Jade Emperor God. May the gods enjoy immortal blessings forever, and the years are endless. Sitting on the arch, the majestic and sacred Jade Emperor pays homage to the road.

The Jade Emperor didn't make a sound, but opened his eyes and scanned the past and future of Qin and Qing with the authority of the Emperor of Heaven...

Sure enough, you are not a living being in our world. A moment later, the Jade Emperor, who had penetrated through time and scanned the list of life and death, retracted his Dharma eyes, and said softly with some sighs.

Regardless of Qin Heqing's mood, most of the immortals in the hall changed their expressions and began to make noise in a low voice.

What?! What do you mean by not living beings in my world?

People from other worlds?

Could it be that the three thousand worlds mentioned by the Buddha really exist?

Qin Heqing's expressions remained unchanged, waiting for the Jade Emperor's next words.

Stay flat. The Jade Emperor raised his arms falsely.

Thank God. Qin Heqing straightened up and said.

Why did you come to our world? Jade Emperor asked slowly and knowingly.

Come here for the safety of the two worlds. Qin Heqing replied.


I don't know what it is, He Anwei. Seeing the Jade Emperor uttering a modal particle, Taibai Jinxing came out of the silent Taibai Jinxing, and asked Qin Heqing who was standing in the hall.

At this time, your world is under the influence of external forces, and it is rushing towards our world. If you can't figure out a way to solve all this as soon as possible, it may not be long before the two worlds officially collide, and then reproduce the evolution of the world. scene.

Hiss... what evidence do you have to prove what you said? Another immortal jumped out and asked.

I don't know if you usually pay attention to the lower realm, but have you noticed that the inexplicable mirage scenes between heaven and earth have appeared more and more frequently recently? Qin Heqing looked at the questioning immortal and asked back.

The immortal was stagnant, and his eyes turned to look at the other immortals around him...

Qin and Qing Sanxian are right. In the recent period, the number of inexplicable mirages in my Kyushu mainland is indeed a bit abnormal, and more importantly, different from the usual mirages, the scenes presented inside these mirages Not only are they different, but they are all plausible or beyond common sense. The places where mirages appear will also cause a certain degree of interference and damage to the surrounding space and reality, causing many incidents and casualties Could it be that this is the change caused by the proximity of the two worlds? The Taoist immortal dressed in Taoist robes but with a very heroic appearance came out and asked with a frown.

That's right, this is exactly the vision produced by the proximity of the two worlds. And the scenes projected in those mirages are not inexplicable historical pictures, but real ordinary scenes in my world, and this phenomenon is not limited to your world. , Our world also has many mundane projections from your world appearing frequently, causing all kinds of chaos and influence, which shows how dangerous the current situation of the two worlds is. Qin Heqing affirmed.

Then why do I wait for the heavens to see nothing abnormal? Another immortal jumped out and asked.

How do you know there are no abnormalities in the heavens? Qin Heqing asked back.

I've been living in the heavenly realm. If there is something abnormal in the heavenly realm, how could I not know about it? the fairy retorted with a look of disdain.

The heavens are nine levels and thirty-six immortal heavens, hundreds of millions of miles of immeasurable realms, vast and boundless. I don't know who you are and what position you occupy. To be able to spread all over the heavens with a single thought, and capture the changes of dust in your eyes, it must be the Buddha Lord Tathagata. You can’t do this kind of thing with luck, right?”

The fairy's expression froze, and he was speechless in embarrassment.

So if we want to truly understand the situation in the heavens, we might as well call the two great immortals Qianliyan and Shunfenger, as well as four valued meritorious officers, Sifang gods, Wugan Shengdi, Wufang Jiedi, etc. Let me tell you, all the gods and gods in the world, whether there has been a similar abnormal phenomenon in the heaven. Qin Heqing did not rush to make additional attacks, but turned his eyes, and looked at the two immortals with obvious characteristics, clairvoyant and shunfenger. Sweeping, said loudly.

That's right, Clairvoyance, Shunfenger, tell me, is there any vision similar to the mirage in the lower realm in the heavenly realm? The other immortals who had reacted kept asking.

And Qianliyan Shunfenger, who was stared at by everyone, looked at each other, and couldn't help but look up at the Emperor of Heaven, wanting to ask him if he should tell what he had observed in his daily life.

The matter has come to this point, there is no need for the two lovers to hide anything, just speak out. The Jade Emperor sighed and ordered.

Yes! Clairvoyant and Shunfenger both commanded in unison.

Even before they said anything, the immortals in the temple guessed the outcome of the matter from the interaction between Qianliyan Shunfenger and the Jade Emperor——

The heavens should be like the mortal world, a similar mirage phenomenon has occurred! It's just that the place where it may appear is not in the center of the heaven where Lingxiao is, nor near the fairy house where the immortals live-after all, these places are suppressed by the magic power of these immortals, even if there is a change in the space, it will be because of the existence of magic power. And it is offset, so that the abnormality does not appear.

But it does not mean that some remote places in the heavens, the places where the immortals seldom go, will continue as usual, and nothing will happen...

This also explains why even humble immortals like Clairvoyance and Shunfeng Er, who serve as eyes and ears for the Jade Emperor, or who become the scouts of the immortals when needed, can know things. They can speak in the Lingxiao Temple The great immortal of politics is ignorant of the reason.

Sure enough, the next moment, certain circumstances were revealed from the mouths of Qianliyan and Shunfenger, which made the expression of the group of immortals who had been prepared change again, and their expressions became dignified——

It seems that the world may indeed be in crisis.

The immortals couldn't help but look at each other, and all their eyes fell on the Jade Emperor sitting high above.

Then what's Sanxian's countermeasure for this crisis? After the voices in the hall died down, Taibai Jinxing played the role of communicator again and asked Qin Heqing.

Our idea is to unite the eastern and western gods of the two worlds to formulate a unified combat plan, and then select the great gods to take action, gather the power of the two worlds to kill or suppress the evil gods outside the void in the void, and eliminate the evil spirits they imposed on this side. The invisible force above the world, and then exert force in all directions, trying to stop the world. Qin Heqing was not pretentious, and gave out the concept of the plan that Athena told him before he came.

Then what if it can't be stopped? A certain celestial master with a broad forehead, who looked like the Antarctic fairy or the Antarctic longevity emperor, but was actually an ordinary and experienced celestial master asked more and more.

Then find a suitable method to complete the fusion of the two worlds while preserving the creatures of the two worlds as much as possible. This is why I have been saying that this catastrophe is a crisis, not a danger. Qin Heqing replied.

Thanks to kingsj119 book friend for the reward.

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