High Priest in Japan

Chapter 10 Please collect and recommend

Then, without waiting for Qin Heqing to answer, the woman who fell on the ground laughed to herself, Oh, I see, you want to pick up the corpse and take me to the hotel to do something indescribable, am I right? ?”

A self-satisfied appearance that I have seen through everything, if it is not for the drunkenness, and the slurred, inattentive articulate words that may not be able to be heard clearly, it is really possible to shock passers-by who have that kind of thinking, and make people feel dirty The mind is scared off.

Then, still not giving the stunned Qin Heqing a chance to speak, he continued, You have good eyesight, you know how to find a woman like me, how about I have a great figure, right?

Um, it seems that you are really drunk. Do you need me to take you back? Qin Heqing was speechless, feeling that he had run into a female hooligan, he couldn't help but shook his head, stretched out his hand to pull her up from the ground, and asked casually road.

Then the smell of wine invaded, a warm and soft body leaned against him as if it had no bones, handing over all the weight to him.

Okay. It just so happens that I haven't had enough, so you can accompany me. The woman leaned her head on Qin Heqing's shoulder, squinted her eyes and smiled softly.

You really let go. Qin Heqing said in a confused mood.

Is there anything you can't let go of what you love and what I want. The woman waved her arms indiscriminately, and said boldly, Or...are you afraid that you won't be able to satisfy me?

In the end, he actually teased him, which is quite 'like'.

Aren't you afraid that I'm going wrong with you? Qin Heqing didn't respond, he supported the woman, and asked casually while walking forward.

After all, the woman is already quite drunk, who knows if she will completely relax her consciousness and fall asleep on the way to send her home because of the reliance, in that case, there will be no second choice but to take her to the hotel Select optional.

As for taking it home directly? How much heart do you have to bring such a strange woman home? Even if the other party is a 'good citizen' and there are no special circumstances, as a mature person, he would never expose his personal address to strangers casually, right? It's okay if you didn't do anything, but if you really did something, you'd be sure to catch one, and you wouldn't even be able to run.

Yue'er was in charge of controlling the bicycle, and moved slowly behind Qin Heqing and the woman.

Intentions are wrong? Apart from doing those indescribable things to me, what else do you want to do to me? Killing your money? At this point, the woman nestled in Qin Heqing's arms shivered violently, and her eyes followed Sober for a few minutes.

Obviously, it was frightened by the possibility of thinking.

What? Are you scared? Qin Heqing, who clearly felt the changes in the woman's body, asked.

Yes, I'm scared, little brother, do you think you can let me go? The woman straightened her body slightly, brought the control of her body back into her control, and asked in a soft and gentle tone .

Okay. Qin Heqing was equally straightforward, stopped walking, and released the woman from his arms.

Immediately, the woman took two steps and stood down in front of Qin Heqing.

Qin Heqing grabbed the handlebars calmly, and looked at the woman in front of him with a half-smile.

The figure is really good. It needs to be protruding and protruding. The most important thing is that the woman's legs are straight and slender. She doesn't have the thick calves that are formed by kneeling and sitting habits of ordinary island girls. The black silk pantyhose hidden into the skirt is really not to mention how attractive it is, anyway it fits Qin Heqing's idea.

Are you really willing to let me go? The woman looked at Qin Heqing in front of her with a slightly clearer gaze than before, and asked suspiciously.

A duck with a full mouth can be released as soon as it is said. This kind of integrity is not something that scum who can 'pick up corpses' can have.

Otherwise? Qin Heqing asked with interest.

Pretend to let it go, but actually follow behind, and then when I get home, you will suddenly appear again... The woman stated in a serious manner.

It's a pity that you don't become a screenwriter with your brain. Qin Heqing looked at each other amusedly and sighed. After a pause, he straddled onto his own bicycle, and while making a gesture to start, he said, But since you don't believe me, then I won't stay here to be annoying anymore. Be careful, I'm leaving.

After finishing speaking, Qin Heqing pedaled his bicycle and drove out.

The woman didn't stop her, she just watched him disappear from sight on a bicycle.

It seems that I have blamed the good man. After a while, the woman let out a long breath, shook her head, which was drunk again, and moved in the direction of home again.


At about 1:30 in the morning, Qin and Qing returned to their rented apartment.

When Qin Heqing returned to the house, without any nonsense, he directly called out the demon refining pot in his body, opened the lid, poured out a soybean-sized pill from it, and handed it to Yue'er.

What should you do if the spirit pill is given to me? Yue'er looked at the Yuan Lingdan in Qin Heqing's hand, that is, the basic medicine made by compressing and refining ghosts after returning them to the original spirit and spiritual energy , and looked at Qin Heqing as the master, and asked.

I can practice. Qin Heqing said. Then he passed his hand forward, and sent the elixir to Yue'er with a very clear will.

Yue'er looked at him again, without being pretentious, she reached out to take the Yuanling Pill and put it into her mouth.

Okay, you can digest on the side, I'm going to take a shower.

Then Qin Heqing put away the demon refining pot, got up and walked into the bathroom to wash Shu before rest.


It's getting more and more difficult to collect resources. It seems that we need to think about it and see if there are other ways to get ghosts. Qin Heqing, who let the water spray on his unkempt hair, thought to himself.

Ten minutes later, Qin Heqing finished the bath, changed into pajamas and went back to the bedroom. He glanced at Yue'er who turned on the computer again and turned into an Internet addicted girl. spiritual power.

Exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale...

Gradually, Qin Heqing's mind entered into a state of forgetting both things and me, and only a spiritual light was born from his body, like a fire like a candle, ethereal but firm, lying across the boundless darkness like a star, fine fragments of light came from Emerging from the void, like moths rushing towards a flame, they flocked towards the star-like rays of light one after another...

In this situation, two hours passed in a blink of an eye. Feeling that his body was plump, Qin Heqing finished his spiritual meditation practice, looked up at the time displayed on the wall watch - 3:22, lay down his body, and fell asleep directly.

The weather in the island country in May is not cold. Even at night, it looks like 17 or 8 degrees. Coupled with pajamas like ordinary clothes, there is no need to worry about catching a cold without covering the quilt.

What's more, Qin Heqing didn't sleep too long. About three hours later, at around 6:30 in the morning, Qin Heqing woke up again.

After simply eating some high-energy items to pad his stomach, he picked up the wooden knife placed in the corner of the room, left the apartment and jogged towards the nearby park.

PS: It’s really hard to write the daily category, and I want to be unobtrusive and deliberate, and I want to index the lines, but I can’t look like I’m in the water... I’m going crazy! ! !

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