This job is not easy.

Diogenes syndrome is a mental illness named after the ancient Greek philosopher Diogenes, also known as dirty and messy syndrome. It is also a behavioral disorder.

This disease is more common in the elderly population.

The main manifestations are inattention to hygiene issues, compulsive hoarding of garbage, no sense of shame, emotional indifference, weak interpersonal relationships, and extreme self-centeredness.

Oh my god.

Shen Bei and others were overwhelmed after seeing this scene.

Everyone thought it was just small jobs such as cleaning up garbage, wiping glass, mopping the floor, etc.

But it turned out to be a king bomb!

What the hell is this!

Even people can't get in, you can imagine what the situation is in the house.

Moreover, not only that, the cockroaches and even rats were crawling all over the floor.

Shen Bei glanced upstairs, and the doors upstairs were covered with dust.

Obviously they couldn't stand it anymore and moved away.

Shen Bei swallowed his saliva:"Dude, this is the small job you mentioned?"

""For laborers like you, isn't it better than carrying cement under the sun?"

Little Li explained.

Shen Bei shook his head:"You can't say that, carrying cement is also a pleasure."

"And this job."Shen Bei pointed to the old man lying upstairs:"Let's not talk about other things. There is no problem in cleaning up the garbage in the house, but how do you deal with this old man? These garbage are his treasures, and he will naturally not let us do it."

Xiao Li didn't care about these:"Anyway, you can do it. Your task is to clean up the garbage. How to clean it up, no one will stop you, it's your own business."

Some laborers immediately turned their faces away:"Fuck! I don't want to do it anymore, I'm leaving!"

But Shen Bei had to do it.

This job is really interesting, maybe it can give some strange attribute values.

Shen Bei pressed his hand and said,"Don't leave in a hurry, I'll think of a way."

After thinking for a while, Shen Bei decided to give targeted drugs. He walked to the old man and said,"Uncle, I just saw a lot of cardboard shells thrown out from the community opposite."

Instantly, a strong and excited light burst out in the old man's eyes.

With a bang, the whole person seemed to be activated as if he had been injected with super adrenaline!

The old man stood up directly, holding the woven bag, disappeared in front of everyone in a few blinks, and ran out of the gate of the community.

Shen Bei waved his hand and called to other workers:"Speed up!"

The workers widened their eyes and exclaimed:"This works?"

Shen Bei laughed:"The routine is no longer the same, it is still excellent."

Several people took advantage of the old man's absence and hurried to work.

They dragged out all kinds of garbage in the house.

The most uncomfortable part of this job is that the smell is too strong. It's irritating to the eyes.

Moreover, it's quite dirty.

The long period of lack of ventilation has formed a faint poisonous gas-like air in the room.

On the spot, a laborer fainted because he took a breath of air. He made a V with his hands, his mouth was crooked, his eyes were slanted, he foamed at the mouth, and he was unconscious.

In the end, he was carried outside and gasped for a while before he recovered.

You know, these laborers are at the bottom of society. What kind of dirty and tiring work have they not done?

Even digging out manure is not so life-threatening.

It has to be said that this is no longer a problem of bad smell, but a miasma-like magic barrier formed in the room.

In the end, Shen Bei and others had to put on masks and attack the"magic cave" again. Fortunately, it was on the first floor, so they didn't have to walk far and could just throw the garbage out.

At this time, Xiao Li held up the camera and started recording:"Today is another day of giving love. My friends and I cleaned the room of an elderly person living alone. Look at it, everyone, how messy it is."

"But we are not afraid of hardship or fatigue, and we are only working hard for a better tomorrow for our motherland!"

"Please click the little red heart, click the attention, let me become popular."

After recording, Xiao Li threw away the cardboard in his hand with a look of disgust.

He also walked out and found a junk collector.

Various kinds of garbage were classified and weighed, and they were sold for just 500 yuan.

Shen Bei was stunned by Xiao Li's operation.


Can you get something for nothing like this?

However, Shen Bei didn't bother to care. All he wanted was to pay the wages and activate the daily settlement panel.

As for Xiao Li's behavior... no comment.

When Shen Bei and others were busy.

The whole room is not to say how clean it is, at least it can be lived in..

All the places that needed to be cleaned up were cleaned up.

All the places that needed to be wiped were wiped.

The work was done.

Xiao Li started to record the second video. In order to show authenticity, he poured some mineral water on his face to make him look sweaty.

Shen Bei and others rolled their eyes.

The recording was finally completed.

The wages were settled.

A wonderful day of work ended!

After several people left the room.

The old man walked home empty-handed.

When he saw that all the treasures in the house were gone, he almost fainted.

He scolded Xiao Li:"I warned you not to touch my things!"

"Master, I am doing this for your own good and for your health." Xiao Li said slowly.

""Fuck you!"

The master picked up the stick he used to pick up garbage and chased after him and beat him.

In the end, he called the police.

The police from the patrol station were all confused when they arrived.

You said Xiao Li was in charge of the burglary?

But he is a serious and caring person.

Shen Bei didn't know how it was handled in the end, and he was not in the mood to be curious.

It had nothing to do with him. There are all kinds of people in life and all kinds of people in society.

There are all kinds of monsters and demons.

Whether they are selfish, despicable, or noble.

They are all indispensable parts of the society with the flavor of fireworks.

There is no purely noble society, and there will always be people to fill the despicable vacancies.


The next day.

The daily settlement panel arrived as expected

【Yesterday’s reward settlement was as follows:】

【Complete electrical work, gain money +100, resist electric current damage +50℅】

【Complete the room cleaning task, get money +100, strength +1, constitution +1. Poison resistance +50℅】

Shen Bei smashed it.

What can I say about yesterday's reward.

The work of the electrician is still below expectations.

None of the four-dimensional attributes were given.

But think about it, it seems that there is nothing wrong.

I didn't do any work.

All rely on solving cases.

But the fifth-dimensional attribute is good, and the resistance to electric current damage is increased by 50℅. This attribute is rare.

You know, between heaven and earth, the most pure and mysterious power is thunder.

Jian Tong is on this martial arts path

"Well, my family status has improved, and I am not afraid of electricity anymore."

Shen Bei was a little satisfied.

The most important reward for cleaning the house is resistance to poison.

In addition, he had encountered several harsh working conditions.

Shen Bei calculated that his resistance to poison has now reached 90%.

This resistance to poison does not refer to a single toxin, but to all toxins.

That is quite abnormal!

Even if a warrior is good at using toxins to attack, Shen Bei can almost ignore their damage.


"Sure enough, the end of the universe is working."

I got up happily.

Washed, ate, and went to class. It was still the boring alien linguistics.

Gu Xinrou's teaching level is still relatively high.

But Shen Bei's learning ability...

Gu Xinrou can only say that it is a stain on her teaching career.

After one class.

According to the normal progress, Gu Xinrou has to tutor Shen Bei in martial arts.

In this regard, Gu Xinrou is not as good as Shen Bei.

Shen Bei can only say that Teacher Gu Xinrou is a stain on his student career.

Anyway, the two are the same.

Shen Bei got up and was about to skip class and continue to do odd jobs, but was stopped by Teacher Gu Xinrou.

She said,"Don't leave in a hurry"

"Anything wrong?"

"Last time, because of your performance, Wuda sent us all the supplies that were supposed to be given to us."

"So fast?" Shen Bei was a little surprised.

Gu Xinrou nodded:"I was transferred from Wuda University in Shenyin City, so it's not fast. Principal Zhang decided to reissue the benefits you deserve on the spot."

Shen Bei was excited after hearing this.

Apart from anything else, the pills alone can be sold for a lot of money.

When the two came to the door of the resource library, a truck was parked at the door.

Many students and teachers had arrived here, queuing up to distribute supplies.

At this moment, a boy who looked like a student jumped out of the car.

This person's facial features were extremely unbalanced, and he had a ferocious face.

His face was unhappy, and his eyes were full of sinister energy.

He looked around, his voice was not loud, but it was unusually loud:"My name is Qiu Qianren, a junior student at Wuda University in Shenyin. I want to ask, who is Shen Bei? Stand up!"

Shen Bei:???

Who are you?

So arrogant?

Do I know you?

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