After the nuclear bombing, Black Mountain was ten meters shorter.

A large hole was dug out in the center.

The Black Mountain Research Institute inside was completely reduced to ruins.

As they were in the center of the nuclear explosion, countless mutants did not even leave a complete body.

The space halfway up the mountain was rippling.

Yao Yuan and the leader of the Maka tribe slowly emerged.

The leader of the Maka tribe gritted his teeth and said,"The hunt is over!"


"Don't let me know who did it!"

This trick is really clever.

When a nuclear bomb came down, he almost turned to dust with the mutant.

Yao Yuan looked up at the direction where the nuclear bomb had just hit.

"There is also a secondary hunting target"

"Let's go and have a look."

The leader of the Maka tribe said coldly:"I want to see which stupid bird hunter did this!"

"Didn’t they see the announcement released by the Maca tribe?"

"This hunting world belongs to our Maka tribe!"

Yao Yuan frowned slightly.

He was against this kind of cooperation in his heart.

But the weakness of the human race made him powerless.

Yao Yuan was actually a little happy that the hunting mission was snatched away.

The source of the world did not fall into the hands of the Maka tribe after all.

The two flew into the air and ran quickly towards the direction of the military base.

Not far away, Aries and Gemini also lifted the protection of the source of the world.

"Why didn't the nuclear bomb kill them?"

Aries expressed deep regret for this.

""They've left, should we still chase them?"

Pisces was a little impatient.

Aries' eyes flickered:"Of course we should chase them!"

"Today, I will help you to accomplish great deeds!"

Yao Yuan and the leader of the alien race had just fought a great battle, and his blood and mental strength were greatly depleted.

If he didn't take action now, when would he?

Shuangyu rolled his eyes.

Achieve great deeds?

It would be good if he didn't get killed by Yao Yuan's sword.


【The pollution source has been removed】

【The main hunting mission has ended】

【Secondary hunting target has been marked, hunting countdown 23:59:59]

Half a minute after the nuclear bomb was launched, a new key prompt appeared in Qin Ze's mind.

New hunting target?

Qin Ze looked up at the queen.

He was stunned.

Oh my goodness.

Already a red name.

Is the new hunting mission serious?

The queen is at least a level 7 warrior.

I am just a rookie who has just broken through to level 1.

Hunting with the head

"Qianrou, don't you remember me?"

On the other side, Nangong Xingye's eyes were moist.

This 1.8-meter-tall rough man rarely showed tenderness.

BT's voice was as calm as ever.

"My name is BT-21, the last humanoid combat weapon in the BT series"

"You've made a mistake."

Nangong Xingye clenched his fists:"Your name is Nangong Qianrou, my daughter of Nangong Xingye!"

Data flashed quickly in BT's eyes.

"Sorry, you got it wrong."

"And there is no name Nangong Qianrou in the search directory."

Lin Zhiyuan laughed:"Nangong, open your dog eyes and see clearly."

"She is the humanoid combat weapon BT-21.

Nangong Xingye could no longer hold back.


Nangong's blood burst out, and the whole person was as fast as lightning. His hot fist even made a deafening sonic boom in the air.

However, the fat man disappeared in an instant and appeared a few meters away, looking at him with a smile.

Just as Nangong was about to attack again, BT blocked him in front of him, firing at full power.

Nangong Xingye couldn't bear to attack his daughter, so he had to keep blocking and retreating.

"Qianrou, I am your father!"

But BT could not hear anything.

She just followed the procedures.

If the commander's life was threatened, she would eliminate the threat immediately.

"Little ghost, no one will help you now."

The queen showed a cruel smile.

Qin Ze sent the Black Mountain Research Institute into the sky with a nuclear bomb.

Her decades of hard work turned into nothing.

The look in her eyes that wanted to kill someone could not be hidden.

Qin Ze was anxious.

"Lao Deng, look at me!"

It's a pity.

Nangong Xingye can't see.

He can't see at all.

He only has his daughter in his eyes now.

Qin Ze counted the number of clones left.

It was enough to buy time to escape.

Qin Ze was about to gather all the attributes of the clones to act, when a sigh suddenly came from the door.

"It's really lively."

Qin Ze looked in the direction of the sound and saw Yao Yuan and the leader of the Maka tribe appear at the door.

At this moment, Qin Ze seemed to see his relatives.

Zila -

Qin Ze was surrounded by lightning and rushed to Yao Yuan in an instant.

"Brother, you are finally here!"

"I have completed the task you assigned to me, and you can handle the rest."

Yao Yuan was confused and didn't know what Qin Ze was talking about.

At first, when he arrived at the base and saw those clones wearing animal masks, he was very surprised.

On the way, he thought of many situations.

But he never expected that the new hunter would be a circus

"You are the leader, right?"

Yao Yuan looked at Qin Ze, who was wearing a black and white mask.

He was just a first-level warrior.

Qin Ze:"Brother, now is not the time to reminisce about the past, let's kill monsters quickly."

The queen went completely berserk:"No matter who you are, no one wants to leave today!"

Yao Yuan looked at the queen.

She looked familiar.

It seemed that he had seen her somewhere.

The leader of the Maka tribe was angry again.

"She is the secondary target."

""Hurry up!"

Without saying anything, the leader of the Maka tribe rushed forward first.

Then he was slapped by the queen and flew more than ten meters away.

Yao Yuan drew his sword.

A sword energy slashed past the queen's shoulder, splitting the glass curtain wall behind the control panel in two.

"Fatty, help me."

The queen was still in shock.

She felt an unprecedented danger from Yao Yuan.

The fat man sighed.

He teleported to Yao Yuan's side, firing continuously with the particle pistol in his hand.

Yao Yuan seemed to have expected it, dodged the particle pulse, and raised his hand to slash at the wheelchair.

The fat man teleported again.

Yao Yuan raised his eyebrows:"Interesting ability."

Qin Ze quietly left the battlefield���

When gods fight, mortals suffer.

They are all high-level warriors, and it is no longer possible for a rookie like him to intervene.

Yao Yuan was besieged from both sides.

The queen attacked head-on.

The fat man kept teleporting and harassing.

Yao Yuan gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Qin Ze was really afraid that Yao Yuan would be hacked to death.

Then he would be the next one.

"Lao Deng, please stop caring about your daughter!"

"Let's deal with the queen first!"

Nangong Xingye knew what was more important.

He gritted his teeth and turned to assist Yao Yuan.

BT was about to chase but was blocked by Qin Ze and Brother Swallow.

Qin Ze:"BT, you are a human, not a weapon!"

"Hurry up and recall the bond between us!"

Brother Swallowed had a black question mark on his face:"Is this useful?"

Qin Ze:"You actually underestimated the power of bond?"


BT didn't listen to Qin Ze's nagging at all, and punched him in the face quickly.

Fortunately, Brother Swallowed reacted quickly, dragged Qin Ze behind him, and caught the punch with his own face.


Brother Swallowed's head exploded into a ball of blood mist.

BT took advantage of the victory and grabbed Qin Ze's chest with his backhand.

At this moment, a blue thunder rushed into the control room.


"The protagonist has arrived, get out of the way!"

The King of Thunder, his whole body covered in lightning, flew all around like snakes the moment he landed.

One of the bolts of electricity hit BT's forehead, and then a sound like a short circuit sounded in her head, accompanied by a wisp of white smoke.

BT froze in his hand, and a hint of"humanity" appeared in his eyes."

"What am I...doing?"

BT put down his hands, his face full of confusion.

(The dungeon will be released tomorrow)

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