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Chapter 955: There is a ghost behind

Xue Gao snorted, covering his kicked belly, looking up at the back of the two leaving, his heart was very depressed, these two masters were really unbearable! Seeing this posture, Tian Tianran must not be able to keep it, it is estimated that even early Xu Xia will be strengthened by them!

Oh, what a bad luck! I knew that I would not play such a small cleverness and would not come to them for help! As a result, he lost his wife and lost his soldiers. He didn't talk to Xu Xiaxia, and almost put his life in!

Jingzhi Community, Xu Chuxia's home, the two are packing and preparing to go to school.

"Sour sour, are you all organized? Don't get confused anymore." Xu Chuxia asked casually as he packed.

"It's okay! Sour sour sister won't be so forgetful!" Tian Suanci took the big bottle of shampoo and shower gel, threw it directly into the schoolbag, pulled the zipper and stretched his hand for a moment, feeling a bit heavy and mumbled. Complained: "Well, it's really inconvenient to have no man in the family! When Xiao Qiang was still there, he could help with something. Now the bitter and sour sister should be self-reliant, and the goddess will soon become a man. ! "

Xu Chuxia smiled, and was about to make fun of Tian Shuang, a sudden and heavy knock on the door suddenly sounded.


Tian Tianran was startled. How could anyone come to their house this early morning? Shouldn't it be a water meter? There is no water meter at home!

♀ding ♀ point ♀ Xiao ♀ said, m.23w↖¤m Xu early summer was far from the door, seeing the field sour, did not want to open the door, but was blocked by the field sour finger joints, and had to stand At the door of the room, his expression was a little confused.


No one came. Still knocking on the door, Tian Tian's expression changed. Gritting his teeth, he moved cautiously to the door, and looked out through the cat's eyes.

The two faces that greeted me were two familiar faces. Bai Qi and Black Feather! And at this time, both of them were very embarrassed, a cannibalistic look!

"Early ... Early summer, it's not good, the two bad guys of Jia's family came to the door!" Tian acidity suddenly frightened his legs and pulled Xu Chuxia's sleeve anxiously: "What should I do? They are How did you find it? You help me think of a way in early summer! "

"I don't know ..." Xu Chuxia looked at Tian Tianran's panic, and was a little nervous, thinking for a moment, "Otherwise, we will pretend not to be at home? Maybe they think there is no one in the room. , Leave after a while? "

Not waiting for sour answers. Just heard a sudden roar from outside.

"Tang Suanjiao! Hurry up and open the door, I know you are hiding inside, don't want to pretend to be stupid! You can't run away today, if you don't open the door, we will just break in and go in!" Bai Qi said with a kick On the door, I saw the steel door recessed immediately.

If it wasn't for the trouble, he would have broken the door, but after all, he is a person in Neiwulin, and he must be cautious in doing things.

"Early summer. What to do! They're going to break the door! Why ... why don't we just jump through the window? Sour Sour Sister doesn't want to be caught back!" Tian Suan was so anxious that he couldn't care much and rushed to the balcony. On the side, I opened the window and wanted to jump down.

"Are you crazy? We live on the fifteenth floor. You just jumped off without falling apart!" Xu Chuxia was shocked and hurried to hug Tian Tian acid. Pulling her in, I was afraid she was not careful. Really stumbled and fell.

"What to do? Now Xiao Qiang can't be contacted. Instead of being arrested by them. It's better to fall to a hundred!" Tian Suan crouched on the window sill, crying.

Xu Chuxia frowned, and suddenly the light flashed, "Yes, Xiao Qiang didn't say, we are in trouble, can I ask Nie Xiaoyu for help? You can send her a message, maybe you can deal with those two A guy? "

"Oh oh, yes! I have forgotten the female ghost Nie Xiaoyu, and I will immediately send her a message! Let her come over and scare the two assholes!" Tian Tianran overjoyed, jumped off the windowsill carefully, and immediately He took out his mobile phone, sent a message to Nie Xiaoyu, and then rested nervously while waiting for the other party to talk.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Nie Xiaoyu to say that she would immediately bring a master to help, and Tian Suantian was relieved.

"Specially, isn't the door open yet? Don't blame us for being rude!" Bai Qi waited for a while at the door, but no one opened the door, a little impatient, but also afraid that Tian Tingran would run away and hit directly. Slap it on the door!


A loud noise came, and the steel gate was suddenly broken into pieces. Hei Yu and Bai Qi stormed in, and saw Tian Tianran and Xu Chuxia hiding in the corner at a glance.

"Hahaha! Tang Suanjiao, you are really hiding here! It seems that the kid really didn't lie to us." Looking at Tian Suan acid with trembling in fear, Bai Qi smiled evilly: "Farewell Hidden, obediently go back to Jia's house with us! Master is still waiting to marry you! "

"You ... don't come here, even if Sour Sister is dead, she won't go back with you!" Tian Suan quickly ran to the window, staring at Bai Qi and Hei Yu with her eyes, holding the edge of the window sill in her hand. , Bluff said: "If you dare to take a step closer, I will jump right here!"

"Haha! Do you think your speed can be as fast as us? If I want to catch you ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But it's easy ... oh my oh!" Bai Qi sneered, his body moved suddenly, Asada soared quickly, but only half of what was said, but slammed into a wall for no reason, suddenly Venus was blown out, and even nosebleeds came out.

Wiping a nose, Bai Qi was wondering, what's going on? He rushed in clearly, so he hit the wall? This mistake is too low-level!

"Be careful, there's something weird in this room!" Kurowa scanned the room in a wary voice, and whispered.

When he came in just now, he felt that the whole room was spooky and weird.

"What's weird, but it's just an ordinary house!" Bai Qi wiped his nosebleed and turned to look at Hei Yu. The next moment, he was scared by the scene in front of him!

"You ... there is something lying on your back, okay ... it seems like a ghost!" Bai Qi stretched out his hand, pointing at Hei Yu's shoulder.

Bai Qi saw a dark shadow with a shawl on his shoulders, sitting on the shoulders of Black Feather, looking like a "face", with two eyes emitting green light, staring at him with a smile. , But Black Feather didn't feel at all.

"What stupid thing to say? How can there be a ghost? Didn't you wake up ..." Naturally, Hei Yu didn't believe it, and just wanted to teach Bai Qi a few words, but saw a woman with a pale face suddenly appear behind him, and he was shocked by a shock, Immediately changed his words: "I rely! You ... there is a female ghost behind you!" (To be continued ...)

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