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Chapter 921: 1 face shocked

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"I'm okay, maybe I was too tired to collect clothes just now." Watching Cheng Mengying adjusting the temperature of the air conditioner, Ling Qianyu kept rubbing his clothes corner, calmed his nervousness, and asked: "Yao Yao, that ... 绫 晓Did Xue ask you anything? Or something strange? "

"No, she is very enthusiastic and has no heart. She often asks me questions. I introduce you to know the three of us and we can go out and play together!" Cheng Mengying blinked, her heart was a little confused, she always felt Ling Qianyu Seems weird, seems to be particularly interested in Qian Qianxue.

"No, I mean ... uh ... how do you say that? Oh ... Actually, I just want to ask her if ... that ..." Ling Qianyu was so anxious that he almost got sweaty, and didn't Act straight.

"What?" Cheng Mengying was totally confused and could not understand the meaning of Ling Qianyu. She could only answer a few questions that she could understand.

I happened to have Cheng Mengying's cell phone ring. Xiao Chen called and picked it up.

"Sister Xiao, what room are you in? Why didn't I find your name at the front desk?" Xiao Chen asked.

Just now, after talking with Jia Musen, he went to the hotel to find Cheng Mengying and 绫 Qianxue, but he didn't find anyone after asking at the front desk for a long time.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you. The hotel was full, and Xiaoxiao Xue and I came back. This was just when we arrived in the bedroom." Cheng Mengying was eating potato chips, her hands were greasy, she simply held her phone by her shoulders. Said.

Xiao Chen said, "It looks like I can't open a room with you today. I'll look for you in a moment! Let's go out for dinner at night."

Xiao Chen's voice was not loud, but Cheng Mengying held the mobile phone on her shoulder and accidentally touched the hands-free button on her chin. As a result, she completely released all of what Xiao Chen said, but Ling Qianyu heard it clearly.

"Uh ... you come here first." Cheng Mengying was embarrassed. She looked at Ling Qianyu embarrassedly, and couldn't care about rubbing her hands. She hung up the phone quickly.

Xiao Xiaochen looked depressed when she saw the phone that was hung up quickly. What happened to her sister? I just hung up without saying a few words. Is it just changing clothes?

气氛 In the bedroom here, the atmosphere suddenly became subtle. Cheng Mengying was chewing potato chips silently, and she didn't know what to say. Xiao Chen said that, there was no way to explain it!

Ling Lingyu looked at her in shock, wondering if there was something wrong with her ears.

"That ... Yaoyao, did I hear you right? The three of you are going to the hotel ... to open a room?" The two stared at each other for a long time, Ling Qianyu finally couldn't help but break the deadlock first.

Ling Lingqian Yu was really surprised. In her impression, Xiao Yi was just a silk, and she actually got Ling Qianxue up?

绫 Qian Xue is not an island nation ninja? How could I fall in love with an ordinary student? And also to open a room with each other? !! It's incredible, what's going on?

What's more surprising is how did Cheng Yaoyao agree? Three people went to open a room together?

"Well, you heard me right, we are indeed going to open the room." Cheng Mengying helplessly put down the potato chips and nodded. After all, she accidentally pressed the wrong key, and it was useless to hide it.

"Aren't you and Xiao Yi a boyfriend and a girl friend? Why would you agree to ... Xue Xue's intervention? Did she catch your handle to threaten you?" Ling Qianyu was puzzled. .

她 In her opinion, although Cheng Yaoyao looks very ordinary, it is not necessary. Which woman would like to share a man with other women? Is there any inside story?

Moreover, if Qian Qianxue really caught Cheng Yaoyao's pain and threatened her to share a husband, would she also let her secretly assist in the future, which would be disadvantageous to herself?

After all, she and Cheng Yaoyao live in the same bedroom. If she wants to start, she has a chance at any time!

"It's not as serious as you said! Actually, in the middle of this ... something wrong happened, and I can't help it, so this will happen." Cheng Mengying waved her hand and explained helplessly.

"That's not necessarily true! I think it's the Xiao Xiaoxue who played a plot and deliberately made a stalk, but she's not as good as you think, before ..." Ling Qianyu said half of a sudden, and probably realized that she had leaked , Quickly turned his head.

Although Cheng Yaoyao is her roommate, Ling Qianyu has not planned to tell her everything, after all, they are not good enough to talk about anything.

And if Cheng Yaoyao has been captured by 绫 Qianxue, what should I do to turn her around?

"Before? What happened before? Qianyu, you seem to have a prejudice against Xiaoxue? Did you know each other before? What happened?" Although Ling Qianyu said only half, Cheng Mengying heard and couldn't help wondering Road.

"No! I just don't quite understand your strange relationship." Ling Qianyu shook his head, Yakou denied.

"This way ..." Although Cheng Mengying wasn't convinced, Ling Qianyu wouldn't necessarily say it even if she continued to ask questions.


I was knocking on the door at this moment, and Cheng Mengying ran to open the door. It was Xiao Chen.

"Hello! Just now I saw that the clouds outside were very hòu, and it might rain ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ We went out to bring an umbrella." Xiao Chen said to Cheng Mengying, who knew nothing about the dormitory just now.

"Know, you come first, wait for a while, I'll take a shower, change a new dress, you can accompany Qianyu Xuejie chat for a while!" Cheng Mengying gathered her heart and said to Xiao Chen.

"Oh ..." Xiao Chen responded, her heart was down, her sister didn't change the problem of changing clothes frequently.

While picking clothes, Cheng Mengying joked: "Don't be impatient, this is a rare opportunity for you to spend time with Colonel Lang. Other boys dream of coming to Qianyu Xuejie's dormitory! I didn't expect your kid to catch up this time! But I must not have thoughts about Sister Qianyu while I was taking a bath! "

"Okay, you can wash it quickly ..." Xiao Chen agreed reluctantly, a little funny in her heart, Ling Qianyu's dormitory has been here more than once, even if she had seen her whole body, nothing unusual!

He turned to look at Ling Qianyu sitting next to him, Xiao Chen said politely: "Sister Qianyu Xue, Yao Yao usually doesn't take care very much, thank you for helping me take care of her these days, and I'll invite you to dinner someday!"

"You're welcome. We are roommates now, and we should take care of each other." Ling Qianyu said politely and couldn't help looking at Xiao Chen quietly.

She really can't figure it out. No matter from which angle, this Xiao Yi is just an ordinary boy. It attracts the same ordinary Cheng Yaoyao. How can she make Qian Qianxue fascinated? It must be said that there is no problem she does not believe it! (This text is provided by Qi Hang Killing Qianmo @ 陌 丶 小 攻 男 神)

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