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This is the end of the episode of "The Hidden Marriage and Sweet Wife of the Big Chaebol", thank you all for being with us all the way.

The new article "Time is Sweet because of You" has opened a pit, a healing sweet pet article, welcome to enter the pit, come to meet by fate.

Nanxiang CP's specialty: slapping the face and throwing dog food.

Not only do we slap other people in the face, we slap ourselves in the face.

Eighteen-line dzgrdjt. Little singer Nan Qiao and Huo's chaebol Huo Sanshao broke the scandal, and the reporter interviewed Huo Yunxiang.

"Mr. Huo, it is rumored that you and singer Nan Qiao are secretly dating, is it true?"

"My eyesight is not that bad." Huo Yunxiang replied.

\u0026nyyywbt.bsp; Not long after, Huo. Doted on his wife, Mad Demon. Vinegar King. Yun Xiang frantically slapped his face.

"Mr. Huo, what hobbies do you usually have?"

"Nan Joe."

"Mr. Huo, what's your favorite place?"

"Where there is Nan Qiao."

"...Mr. Huo, do you have any ideals you want to accomplish?"

"Have a baby with Nan Qiao."


.whsxsh.;face slaps and dog food, come off guard.

Healing sweet text, full of dog food

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