Hidden Corner

Chapter 418: 418 Study Four

 Chapter 418 418 Study 4

Wang Zhijun was helpless and felt that it was his failure to handle the situation that caused Wang Yichen to step forward and be cheated.

 For a moment, he felt guilty and powerless.

 On the other hand, Li Chengyi had some ideas in his mind.

 After comforting Wang Zhijun, he quickly returned to his residence and took out the Secret Art of Flesh and Blood Samantabhadra he had just obtained and read it over.

This set of secret techniques is indeed specially created for the transformation of flesh and blood, and it is an extremely natural transformation.

It is not a one-time direct transplant, but uses a special secret method to generate its own tissue. After studying a large number of specialized biological processes of various types of natural growth, this secret method is derived from the natural extension of plant growth. coordination.

The ancestor of the Wang family discovered that there is another growth system in the human body similar to that of plants. As long as this system is activated, it becomes the control subject, and then directly gives instructions to it without interfering with its process, it can maximize the growth rate. Grow the necessary organs and limbs in the most natural and harmonious way.

 This is the secret art of flesh and blood Samantabhadra.

Confirming that this secret technique might be effective, Li Chengyi quickly began to practice it.

He combined the Songlu Sword Technique and the Wang Family's Qingyuan Dan Technique into one, and practiced them together. Anyway, the extracted Qi can also be integrated.

 Then after practicing Qi, practice this secret method.

Huge consciousness and advanced comprehensive quality knowledge system bring about a powerful and terrifying learning speed.

 In just three days, Li Chengyi mastered the entire secret of flesh and blood Samantabhadra and began to try to use it on himself.

 Originally, he was very surprised as to why the ancestors of the Wang family created such a powerful secret method but failed to reach the level of integrating the true seal.

Only when he actually started to use it did he realize the troubles of this secret method.

 Mid January.

 In the residence of Li Chengyi's official wife.

He stood quietly in the courtyard, his gray energy swirling and wrapping around him like clouds.

 A large amount of zhenqi re-infiltrated into the skin, as if something had been activated.

 The muscles and bones under the skin suddenly began to wriggle, and a large number of small sarcoma nodules grew on the surface.

These sarcomas and nodules are like living creatures, rapidly increasing in number and size.

 This also caused Li Chengyi's body to begin to undergo abnormal deformations at this time.

 With the consumption of a large amount of Qi in a short period of time, his entire body quickly elongated.

 The buttocks of the body begin to enlarge, the pelvic bone becomes larger and thicker, and begins to extend backward rapidly.

Then, in less than ten seconds, the **** grew into a second pair of legs and feet that resembled a deer's body, and a tail that also looked like a tail.

  Immediately afterwards, Li Chengyi's front half was wrapped with a large amount of true energy, which penetrated into the body and stimulated a new round of changes.

His skin began to pierce white ribs. The ribs became longer and wider, and soon joined together to form a piece of armor, covering the vital parts of his chest and abdomen.

 The lower body shrank into the abdomen, and a large amount of white bone armor began to grow in the rest of the body.

 The skull on the top of the head quickly pierced the scalp, grew two spikes, and branched around, like a branch, quickly connecting into a large piece.

With his head also covered with a gray bone mask, Li Chengyi had grown to more than two meters tall at this time, and his body width was also wider than before.

From the appearance, it looks like a strange creature with the head of a deer and antlers.

  ‘That should be enough. ’ He felt helpless as he felt that only a little bit of Qi was left in his body.

 You must know that he now has more than two hundred years of true energy cultivation.

 Such a huge amount of infuriating energy was actually consumed until only a little was left.

It’s no wonder that the ancestor of the Wang family couldn’t practice successfully before.

 After the transformation was completed, he paced around the yard on four legs to adapt to his new body.

 When he was almost used to it, he went back to the room and started trying to seduce the spirit of the true seal with his eyes closed.

This time, squatting on the ground, Li Chengyi entered the state of refining the true energy, and felt that the essence of the true seal was obviously closer to him than before.

If the essence of the true seal came in little by little like small water pipes before, now they are like a crazy influx of large buckets.

There is no need to control the flower language ability at all, just rush in by yourself.

 And soon, the large influx of the marrow of the true seal seemed to bring about another change.

 A trace of weird, thin consciousness is slowly flowing into the body along the marrow of the true seal.

This consciousness is very strange. When normal consciousness enters other living beings, it will instinctively conflict with the consciousness in their bodies.

 Because there can only be one will in a body, this is biological instinct.

But these weird consciousnesses are different. As soon as they enter, they quickly decompose and turn into a large number of small dots, which naturally merge into Li Chengyi's consciousness.

  ‘This should mean that it has been recognized and the seal has started to be integrated, right? ’ Li Chengyi guessed in his mind.

 The fact was exactly as he expected.

After that weird consciousness merged into his consciousness, the essence of the true seal, which was still somewhat unfamiliar before, suddenly became closer to him.

 Suddenly he knew that this was the beginning of spiritual filling.

 The so-called spirit filling is to forcibly infuse the body of the seal warrior with a large amount of the marrow of the true seal until it reaches the level where the seal can be condensed.

This is a life-and-death test of blending seals. Whether you are a Zhenqi martial artist or a bloodline martial artist, you need to pass this test.

 This point was mentioned in a large number of secret books that Li Chengyi read.

 You must have a strong enough body to withstand this spiritual infusion.

And the more stable the naturally powerful body is, the more spiritual energy it can withstand, so after the seal is finally fused, the more strength will be improved.

 So many people will continue to choose to exercise physical strength after transforming themselves. The transformed body is tempered until it is as hard as iron, and then the soul is filled with spirit. Li Chengyi was at this stage at this time.

A large amount of spiritual consciousness of the true seal poured in, and so did the marrow of the true seal.

 His body began to expand and grow. It was like blowing air and began to bear tremendous pressure.

 But unlike others, his body has been strengthened by multiple powers, and its strength is far beyond that of ordinary people. Even blood warriors are not as good as him at this time.


  ‘Flower language: fortress. ’

 Li Chengyi instinctively added another layer of strengthening to himself.

Huge consciousness can attract more consciousness of the spirit of the true seal. A strong body can hold more complete nutrients.

As a result, other warriors can only support the spiritual filling stage for a few seconds at most. When it comes to Li Chengyi, it becomes a considerable expansion process.

 His body grew crazily with a large amount of nutrients.

 The two imprints of the two true seal spirits are both corresponding growth series sublimations.

It can be said that Li Chengyi is the only one and the first person in the Wang family who has truly begun to successfully integrate seals and infuse spirits since he created the black-level martial arts Qingyuan Dan method.

 Time passes little by little.

  Blood-red sunlight casts down from the gaps in the fortress, illuminating the courtyard into a brilliant red.

Li Chengyi's clothes had been completely torn to pieces, and his whole body was covered with a set of huge bones that looked like armor.

At this time, he has grown to three and a half meters tall, his body is extremely strong, and the antlers on his head have grown to a full two meters, like dense gray coral.

What is even more unusual is that the surface of his body, after incorporating a large amount of spiritual consciousness of the true seal, seems to have stimulated the characteristics of the shadow dragon bloodline itself.

There are many black hard scales growing on the surface of the body.

 A pair of eyes also changed from black to black gold-rimmed pupils.

With the head of a man and the body of a deer, this is Li Chengyi's state at this time.

 There is also a giant mark of strength and another circular symbol made of a large number of K's superimposed on his chest.

Both are gray and twisted in the center of the bone armor. You may not be able to see it unless you look carefully.

 Compared with the Juli engraving, the new circular symbols are lighter, somewhat blurry, and the edges are somewhat incomplete.

 ‘Soon. New engraving’

Li Chengyi did not expect everything to go so smoothly.

 Compared with engraving the ball route, it is much easier to blend the route with martial arts.

  Although the imprint he created is a harmless growth imprint.

 ‘Next, the filling of the spirit is over, and there is only one last step left: melting the spirit. ’

 In fact, it is to eliminate the thin consciousness of the true seal spirit and completely replace it with one's own.

 This step is equally difficult for other Zhenqi warriors. After all, although the consciousness of the Zhenyin spirit is weak, its total amount is too large, so this is a long-term task that requires persistence.

  But for Li Chengyi.

 The bright light in the Seven Meanings Holy Spirit Skill lights up, and combined with the hands of addiction, the consciousness of all the true seal spirits is quickly brought together.

Then use a piece of love thread to catch it, and finally use the death energy flame to completely burn it out

 In this way, the consciousness of all the true seal spirits disappears.

 After completing all this process, when he woke up, the sky had turned dark.

 In the courtyard, Li Chengyi lowered his head and saw that his body was bigger than before.

  Not counting the antlers, he had reached a height of four meters at this time.

The whole body is covered with a large amount of thick gray bone armor, and there are two gray engraved patterns on the chest.

 One is a giant seal, and the other is a growth seal that combines the Qingyuan Dan method and the Songlu sword method.

  ‘The body has not grown to its limit yet, so the engraving has not yet been fully condensed’

A large amount of infuriating energy has completely disappeared at this time, and it has all been integrated into the body, becoming a powerful and hard terrifying body at this time.

 ‘The engraving is a sign of sublimation after reaching the limit. This body of mine is far from reaching the limit’

 Three levels of dragon realm, shadow dragon bloodline, seven-mind Holy Spirit Strengthening, Flower Scale Clothes strengthening, all added up, he himself didn’t know where his limit was.

He only knew that although his speed, strength and physical strength had been greatly improved at this time, he was much stronger than before.

 However, it can continue

 There is no hierarchy in this world, and each martial arts has its own level.

Which one is higher or lower can only be known by actually fighting.

Those who have practiced martial arts for many years and have strong Qi, but lack actual combat experience and are killed in a few blows, will not be able to make the list no matter how high their cultivation level is.


 ‘The true energy has disappeared and merged into the body’s blood. So, is this the truth about bloodline warriors? It is practiced to the extreme with true energy, blended into the blood, passed down from generation to generation and then strengthened from generation to generation. ’

Li Chengyi suddenly realized something.

 At this point, wait for some time to complete the last step, and then the mark of his growth will be completed.

This set of martial arts can be considered to have come to an end, which is equivalent to him completing the journey of several generations for others in a few months.

Once the seal is obtained, he can start the next set of martial arts.

“It turns out that whether it is martial arts or engraving balls, the ultimate goal is to condense engravings.” He was delighted.

  If this is the case, then in this world, a large number of various Zhenqi martial arts are just avenues leading to different seals! ?

And bloodline martial arts is probably the path to discovering, fusing and combining seals!

 ‘It seems like the Ouyang family can think of something after I finish the second engraving.'

Soon, a series of frame-up schemes appeared in Li Chengyi's mind.

With the help of flower language, it will cause chaos inside, and it should not be too easy to frame someone.

 Just how to get the maximum benefit from it is the key to his consideration.

 (End of this chapter)

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