Hidden Corner

Chapter 387: 387 crazy one

Chapter 387 387 Madness 1

 The endless black sea washes around us.

Li Chengyi is like a fish swimming in black water, his whole body shrouded in a beam of white light, quickly passing through layers of black water, rushing towards a huge colorful vortex in the distance.

 Different from last time, this time after he opened the non-door, he could already sense the surrounding situation.

The Black Sea is still pitch black and cannot be sensed, but he can sense the many dead ends and mysterious things floating in it.

The beam channel in the black sea is like a white silk thread, rushing straight towards Midran silently.


 In the blink of an eye, others have disappeared into the whirlpool.

In the black sea in the distance, a vague and huge shadow with countless wings on its back is gradually becoming clearer.

 The moment Li Chengyi submerged into the vortex, the clarity of this huge shadow seemed to be covered with a layer of fog, and it became even more blurry in an instant.





The harsh and unpleasant crow call woke Li Chengyi up from his drowsiness.

 The cold rain hit his face, slid down the skin of his cheeks, and fell into the moist black soil below.

In the middle of the huge black earth, he lay quietly in a large pit. The heavy armor all over his body was silently decomposing, turning into black particles and slowly floating away.

Not only that, everything he carried on his body was decomposed into black particles at this moment.

Not even a shred of covering clothing or life clothing was left behind. All that was left was the small door for returning, which was forced into the flesh of the arm halfway.

“Hmm” Li Chengyi slowly got up from the ground. There was no trace of hair on his body, only a trace of strange gray air lingering around him.

 That is dead energy.

look around.

In the distant sky, a **** sun is gradually sinking, dyeing all the clouds blood red.

 The earth was pitch black, with no grass, only black soil that looked like a mixture of mud and ink.

 Looking left and right, you can see the plain with no edges.

Several dark, twisted dead trees standing dozens of meters away.

There were several crows with black feathers and red eyes standing on the tree branches.


Li Chengyi took a deep breath and faintly smelled the smell of blood in the wind.

  ‘This is Midran? ’

With a thought in his mind, he tried to put on the flower scale clothes.

 But strangely, countless purple petals appeared quickly, and then quickly and feebly dispersed.

  Can't gather any flower scale clothes at all.

  ‘What’s going on in this place! ? ’

Li Chengyi was startled and raised his hand to release the radiant force field.

 Fortunately, the language of flowers can still be used, but the intensity and scope are much smaller.

  ‘No, that’s not right. ’ He suddenly reacted.

  quickly changed to another language.

 Jie Mao Feilian flower language, shadow dragon bloodline, dragon transformation!

In an instant, a large amount of black energy emerged from his body. The black energy was mixed with death energy and quickly enveloped him, as if to completely submerge him.

 The dragon scales grew rapidly, and the size quickly expanded.

 In the blink of an eye, Li Chengyi transformed from an ordinary person into a three-meter-tall humanoid shadow dragon.

 Pair of wings, dragon tail, horns, blood eyes, except that the body is smaller and human-shaped, he has all the characteristics of a shadow dragon.

  ‘This place has no effect on the power of Death Energy and Shadow Dragon, but on the contrary, it greatly suppresses everything else’

 Li Chengyi understood instantly.

 But soon, he released his dragon transformation and returned to his normal body.

 Looking down at the engraving on the chest, there was no influence there, and there was still a steady stream of power flowing out.

This mark seems to be located on the chest. In fact, even if the entire body is dug up and this part of the flesh is dug out, the power of the mark cannot be removed.

 This is a sublimation that is integrated into existence itself. The mark on the chest is just a symbol, nothing more.

 The Juli Seal was still there, and Li Chengyi felt relieved.

 Returning to his naked state, he began to find a random direction and started running quickly.

 The **** sunset shone on him, still giving him a touch of warmth.

 This is unmatched by any other blind spot.

 Obviously, this Midran's blind spot is very likely to be a very large blind spot just like the reality he lives in.

 The cycle period of this type of dead zone may even reach more than 10,000 years.

Puff puff.

Running all the way along the black soil plain, Li Chengyi's feet kept leaving footprints on the ground.

 But soon, his footprints were restored to their original shape by the soft black soil.

It is getting later and darker.

Red-eyed crows flew across the sky and screamed in panic.

 It seems that they are also afraid of the coming of night.

 The light rain fell all over Li Chengyi, giving him a free bath.

 He did not run at full speed, but ran at a speed of 100 meters per second while observing the surrounding situation.

 At Li Chengyi's explosive speed at this time, the fastest he could reach was two to three times the speed of sound.

If you only look at the straight-line burst speed and do not control the turns, under the imprint of huge force, he can even reach four times the speed of sound in an instant.

 Speed ​​will increase significantly as strength increases.

 The strength is increased, and under the explosive reaction force, the straight-line sprint speed is naturally greatly increased.

I ran like this for more than ten minutes.

 All the timing devices on Li Chengyi's body disintegrated and disappeared, and he could only make an approximate estimate.

 Finally, before it got completely dark, some traces of people slowly appeared on the black plain ahead.

It was a winding loess driveway, lying quietly between the wide black soil.

 The loess driveway has no edges visible from left to right, and is about three meters wide.

On both sides of the driveway, some rotten wooden wheels were scattered, as well as a smashed carriage carriage. and several corpses lying on the ground.

Li Chengyi frowned and walked closer.

The carriage fell to the ground. The gray-brown fur cushions inside were soaked by the rain and were half exposed. They were already covered with blue-gray mildew spots.

 The side of the carriage has incomprehensible words and a white stag forming a circular pattern that looks like a family emblem.

 Look at the clothes of the corpses lying on the ground.

 Five corpses, including three men and two women.

 Men wear mainly gray and black long-collared clothes, loose and tied with ropes at their hands and feet.

 The material is made of thick cotton cloth, inlaid with some hard black animal fur.

Women wear long black and gray skirts with a high waistline and a cloth belt **** to the chest.

 Overall, it is similar to the traditional Korean clothing from the previous life.

Hair accessories are long hair **** into a bun, leaving a wide forehead.

Moreover, the two women were wearing black veils with white lace.

 He bent over and walked to a male corpse and kicked the body.

 The other party's body actually still had blood slowly flowing out of his mouth and nose.

 This is a very young-looking man, probably only in his twenties, and the youngest among all the people present.

 He was also holding a finely crafted black iron sword in his hand.

The guard on the hilt of the sword is made into the shape of antlers, which is somewhat decorative.

Looking at the opponent's appearance, Li Chengyi knelt down, stretched out his hand, and the radiant force field poured into the opponent's body with difficulty.


The young man actually coughed and suddenly came to life.

 He just faked his death.

Li Chengyi also used the radiant force field because he judged this.

 Sure enough, he saved the other party.


Just the young man struggled to raise his head and said a few words. After a few words, he hit his head on the ground again. There was more and more blood in his mouth, and there was no movement again.

 There were no wounds on his body, and it was not known what fatal wound he died of.

 Watching the young man fall down again, Li Chengyi exhaled, his eyes faintly glowing with golden vertical pupils.

 The bloodline belonging to the shadow dragon flows rapidly in his body.

 Soon, another innate ability besides Shadow Flash slowly emerged at this time.

 ‘Shadow Replacement: It can melt itself into a shadow and merge with the target’s shadow, thereby completely replacing the target, swallowing the target, and becoming the target. ’

 ‘It seems that this place is very suitable for Death Energy and Shadow Dragon to survive.’ Li Chengyi looked at the young man who was beginning to lose vitality again.

 I didn’t hesitate immediately, and a golden light flashed in my eyes.


In an instant, his whole body melted like a candle and pounced on the young man, like a piece of liquid, blending into the shadows beneath him.

 The safest approach is to hide yourself first and understand and test the surrounding environment through an aboriginal person.

 After integrating into it.

The young man's body shook rapidly, his eyes suddenly opened, and a stream of black air came out of his mouth and nose, dissipating in the air.

 He slowly got up and moved his body.

 ‘The fatal wound was in the heart. The heart was broken, but there was no external wound. This is interesting. ’

 He got used to this body.

 Shadow Dragon's shadow substitution ability is actually much stronger than he imagined.

 Not only did he obtain this body, he also obtained a lot of physical memories, language, and even a little residual emotion from the body's remaining brain cells.

Even though he didn’t have many memories due to physical injuries, they were all fragmentary, but it still gave him great convenience.

 After adapting to his body, Li Chengyi used the radiant force field to forcefully treat him for a while.

 Then he went to other places and checked on the rest of the people.

Soon, there was another middle-aged man, coughing and slowly waking up.

 This is all

 The rest of the people are already hardened.

Helping the middle-aged man sit up and leaning on the carriage, Li Chengyi stood up straight and sorted out the fragmented memories in his mind.

 ‘A business, transporting goods, picking up people, being attacked.’

The young man he was shadowing was named Wang Yichen, and he was the third son of Wang Yifeng, the head catcher in Xinmeng Town.

Xinmeng Town is an ordinary town in the Shaoyin Kingdom on the Heifeng Plain.

 A town can only be designated as a town if its population reaches 1,000 households.

 Xinmeng Town is barely up to standard.

Li Chengyi rubbed his temples, the memories in his mind were intermittently fragmented.

 The most vivid images and sounds are the ones when he was killed at the end.

The person who killed them was a crazy old woman in red clothes who was wearing tatters. She didn't say anything when she saw them. She just slapped each of them when she came up.

His movement speed was extremely fast, like a phantom, and he knocked five people to the ground in an instant.

 “Ah Chen! Ah Chen!” Just as he was trying to understand more about the general situation here.

The middle-aged man who was rescued suddenly screamed.

 The words they spoke were all in the Shaoyin dialect, but with the shadow substitute, Li Chengyi could understand them at this time.

This middle-aged man is called Chen Zhong, and he is the policeman who came to pick him up this time.

 “Go back to town quickly, once it gets dark, we will definitely die!”

 Chen Zhong climbed up with difficulty, without looking at the other corpses around him, he staggered up Li Chengyi and ran forward along the loess driveway.

 After running a few steps, he put a pair of hands in his mouth and blew heavily.

 A sharp whistle sounded from his mouth.

 (End of this chapter)

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