Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 873: Watch me not kill him

Chapter 873: I Will Not Kill Him

"Mom ..." Zhang Wanyu heard Wang's words and pushed the child in front of the old lady.

The old lady looked down and looked into her arms. She was sleeping obediently, and seemed to be a very sweet little great grandson.

Suddenly, the old lady was so timid that she didn't dare to open the hoe.

Li Hongyang was still aside, and he was really curious. He couldn't help but reach out— "Okay, then I'll take a look at what's going on with this kid."

Shen Lan's words just now made Li Hongyang believe his son.

He felt that Shen Lan was right that Jinghui was his own son. If even his father did not believe in Jinghui, then Jinghui would be too pathetic.

Therefore, at this moment, Li Hongyang felt that he had to see clearly.

If the child is not king, things will become complicated.

He is Jinghui's father and must bear witness.

Li Sanye reached out and opened the quilt wrapped around the child, and at the same time, everyone's eyes gathered on the little baby.

Not only Li Jinghui, Shen Lan and others were nervous. Even Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junting couldn't help but stand up and stretched their necks to look.

The only person who seemed calm and indifferent was Li Junyu.

He didn't arrange this event, and he didn't expect that Wang's mother would run out suddenly-but keen intuition told him that God was on his side.

Li Hongyang's hand finally opened the puppet.



"This ... this is ..."

Several gasps sounded in the living room, and the old woman stepped back, muttering to herself, her lips trembling.

Wang's mother hid her face and couldn't bear to look directly-at this point, it really felt like a slap in the face of the old lady.

This child is more than Li Junyu's seed. This child clearly is--

"Pop—sin, sin, you sin!" Li Hongyang turned his head and slapped his backhand on Li Jinghui's face.

This time, he was furious, and his anger was irresistibly burning from his chest.

"You wicked man, I killed you, watch me not kill you-at that time, you can still lie without changing your face, you dare to lie to me and your grandma, you wicked boy, I am today I will kill you! "

Li Hongyang hit Li Jinghui several times in a row, and Li Mingyang reacted immediately and hugged him.

"Boss, don't fight, what do you say—"

"Say, how to say, how to say this kind of thing! This wicked man actually made the woman's belly bigger and wanted to shove him to the lobby brother. I was pierced by Jun Yu, but he dared to quibble here and speak eloquently. Dirty water! Such a son, Li Hongyang, I don't want it, just as if I had not given birth to him! "

Talking about it, Li Hongyang still has to stretch out his feet.

Even if stopped by Li Mingyang, never stop.

"Hongyang, even if you want to kill Jinghui, you must give Jinghui a chance to explain!" When she saw her son was beaten, Shen Lan immediately went to protect him.

She was crying with pear blossoms and rain. She was blocked by other people just now. She and Li Jinghui could not see the face of the child at all.

I don't know what Li Hongyang saw before he suddenly convicted Li Jinghui.

But Shen Lan was determined that even if there was any evidence that the child was not Li Junyu, it could not prove that it was Li Jinghui.

She has decided that she will bite it, and she will not admit that Yao Yuqing has a relationship with Li Jinghui.

So, Shen Lan stretched out his arms to stop Li Jinghui and confronted Li Hongyang-"You must condemn Jinghui, at least make him understand! Even if the child is not king, that does not mean that Jinghui is, I ... I don't allow you to do this to Jinghui! "

[Next chapter before 23:20]

It ’s inevitable that there are typos in writing. You can mark them in your thoughts. I will change them later.

(End of this chapter)

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