Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 863: Counterattack (1)

Chapter 863: Counterattack (1)

Shen Lan's words were finally finished.

The moment she uttered all her words, she breathed out inconceivably, and finally the stone in her heart fell.

However, the big rock had not settled yet, but he saw Li Junyu's hands meet and suddenly applauded.

"Yes, the story of Misaki is wonderful and well-founded. It's a pity not to be a screenwriter."

Li Junyu's sight was clear and cold, and he swept across the faces of Shen Lan and Li Jinghui, and his sight was sharper than usual.

However, the sight finally rested on the old lady's face.

"Grandma ... Mikasa said just now, do you believe it?"

In the end, Li Junyu still wanted to give the old lady a look.

He knew that the old lady cared about the younger son and Li Jinghui.

If the old lady said now that she was willing to believe him, then the matter would be simple-he would look at the old lady's trust in him and press this down beforehand.

When the Wus leave, and Li Jingyao and Li Jingjing are not here, he will reveal the truth.

In this way, it is considered to have reserved the face of the Li family, and it is also considered that the two juniors of Li Jingyao and Li Jingjing are not disappointed with their parents and elder brothers.


The old lady Li frowned after a moment of hesitation and said, "Jun Yu, is it true that your third concubine said it? Yu Qing's stomach is pregnant with your child, but the venom is not eaten. How can you ... ... "

Li Junyu's cold and handsome face was still faint.

No drastic changes have occurred.

But at this moment, when Ruan Mengmeng was sitting in the back, watching her tyrant adult ask Li old lady, and old lady Li answered like that.

She seemed to see herself not long ago.

She always thought that her tyrant was omnipotent and strong.

But at this moment, Ruan Mengmeng really felt that her family tyrant had such a bad and unhappy family environment.

It's similar to how she hoped to convince her dad to believe her, but her dad would not trust her.

The girl instantly felt a bit sore on the nose, how she wanted to hug her tyrant and give him warmth and comfort.

However, just as Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help but want to stand up, Li Junche grabbed her wrist.

"Shh-don't worry, watch with patience. If anything happens, the elder brother will solve it ... Sanqi, they won't be very happy ..."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."

She, she didn't worry that Li Junyu would be hurt.

She ... She just wanted to pass by and hug him.

Finding that she was lost, Ruan Mengmeng sat down quickly, and she was glad that Li Junche grabbed her in time, so she didn't go out in public.

But at this moment, Li Junyu's deep, cold eyes had gradually returned to indifference.

"Well, grandma is right. Tiger venoms do n’t have any food. How can a human be a poisonous hand to his child ... In this case, I will let grandma see something interesting."

After that, Li Junyu clapped again.

Soon, Ling Bei and Ling Nan calmed their faces and walked in with three people.

The three people were sent by Ling Xi when they received a notice from Li Junyu temporarily.

Because he was in a hurry, he didn't even have time to change his prison uniform. He still looked like he had just gotten out of the detention center.

Mrs. Li's expression changed dramatically: "Well, who are these three people ... what do they have to do with this?"

These three people are not only wearing prison uniforms, but each of them looks like they are about to die and die soon.

They don't have four or two flesh on their faces, and their entire bodies are choked, so that they can't see the original outline at all.

Ling Bei stood side by side and respectfully said, "These three are unknown juniors. It is normal for the old lady to not know them. But the third lady is familiar with them. Take a look at the third lady, do you recognize them?"

[Today I have to add more to make up less before, this is the 7th today, the next chapter before 23:20]

(End of this chapter)

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