Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 806: Tyrant Slap

Chapter 806: Tyrant Slap

The girl hugs San San and hasn't slept yet.

When he heard the door open, he turned his head and looked at the door.

Outside the heavy curtain, the door opened, and a figure of tall and mighty shore appeared in front of it.

Hmm, good ... What a familiar figure ... Who else is there besides her tyrant?

Ruan Mengmeng held Xiao San San and decided to pretend to fall asleep.

She guessed that Li Junyu must want to kiss her secretly as a good night kiss before going to bed.

The girl hugged the little milk dog in the bed and buried half of her face into the pillow to hide the delicate expression on her face.

When Li Junyu approached the big bed, he saw the picture of his little wife hugging the stupid dog and sleeping so hard.

Li Junyu picked up the mobile phone that fell on the pillow and placed it on the nightstand for Ruan Mengmeng.

I must have fallen asleep playing with my mobile phone.

The man gently turned off the bedside lamp in the back, went around the bed, lifted the quilt and went to bed.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was holding the 'three-year-old', suddenly discovered that the situation was wrong!


Did n’t you just come for a kiss? Why did you run to bed?

Say goodbye to bed?

Would you like Mr. Li to be so quick?

Before the girl understood what Li Junyu was going to do, the little milk dog in her arms was suddenly held up.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh", she slept soundly, humming twice, and opened her eyes in protest.

A pair of familiar, icy ones, every night while sleeping under ‘Mama’, they will abuse their cold faces.

'Li three years old' immediately chose silence.

The little milk dog was embraced by ‘Daddy’ from the warm embrace of ‘Mama’. It can only be honest, and slowly move to the foot of the bed in accordance with each previous route.

Then nestled at the feet of Ma Ma, pitifully crouched a little bit by the bed, and crouched there.

From leaving Ruan Mengmeng's embrace to shrinking to the foot of the bed.

‘Li three years old’ is self-conscious throughout the process, and does not require Li Junyu to issue any instructions.

Pretending to be asleep, Ruan Mengmeng couldn't help it anymore, and immediately opened the rolling apricot eyes, staring directly at Li Junyu.

"Wow, I said why every morning when I woke up, San San would lie on the foot of the bed, trembling ... It turned out to be scared by you!"

At this time, the girl forgot to pretend to sleep, and directly spoke to her heart.

Li Junyu, who was “intimidating” the little milk dog with cold and deep eyes, did not find Ruan Mengmeng pretending to sleep.

Suddenly heard the voice of the young wife Jiao Yan, turned back, facing the twinkling glittering, as if there were countless stars of Xingmu.

The man's eyes sank insignificantly.

"While you are asleep, you sneak up to crawl on the bed, and bully Sansan ..." Ruan Mengmeng leaned on his neck and accused the tyrant.

"Li Junyu, what do you say ... what do you want to explain?" After all, she had the upper hand, and the girl's bright eyes were hidden with pride.

Hum ... see how Li Junyu's sophistry this time ...

Just now I said in earnest that I would ‘divide the bed’.

See how long it took ... An hour, he ran over to crawl on the bed, and was caught on the spot!

Ruan Mengmeng's bright eyes flashed a sly light. She raised her small face, and Li Zhe smiled slightly, with a smug smile on her face.

The whole person looks very cute and sweet, and it makes people want to love.

Li Junyu's dark and deep eyes instantly changed from the deep icy coldness when he faced 'three years old' and became unrelenting.

The corners of his cold lips were suddenly aroused--

"No explanation needed, Mrs. Li, Mr. Li regrets ..."

(End of this chapter)

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