Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1876: Zhan Yang's Story (3)

1876 ​​Zhan Yang's Story (3)

"I remember that moment, when I saw her face clearly, there was a moment of joy in my heart. Because I didn't expect that she would appear in front of me again, and she would sleep next to me, out of reach.

But the next moment, when a rational reply, all the wrong things I have done in these years are swept up one by one. Only then did I know exactly what I did and what I did to a woman I really loved ... what did I do ... "

Zhan Yang finally opened his eyes, and He Shen's eyes were already dim.

For a moment, Ruan Mengmeng felt as if there was nothing in his eyes.

This is a sad and desolate man, telling his final heartfelt: "I have no face to face your mother again, and I dare not appear in front of her again, disturb her life ... So, after that night, I I sent her out of Duan's house. And the diamond cufflinks, I pretended to forget to drop them intentionally, and stayed with your mother.

I know your mother doesn't know who I am, and to her I'm an abominable stranger. Therefore, she must put away the diamond cufflinks, hide them, and keep them as evidence of future charges against me.

And I, with selfishness, kept a cufflink beside me.

I wishfully thought of these two cufflinks as the only token between me and her. "

Two cufflinks, one for her and one for him.

She may never know who he is and she may hate him forever.

He may never dare to appear in front of her, and dare not disturb her life.

Therefore, Zhan Yang put the remaining diamond cufflinks in a small black brocade box as if it were a treasure.

"My story is finished. Meng Meng ... I used to be a very good person, but then I became dirty. After I was awake, I also knew everything Xiu Hui had done. She did a lot of wrong , But I have no way to find her accounts.

In this life, even if I don't love her, I can only be tied to her. I couldn't give her the heart, and I gave her the whole person, because ... I owed her. "

Zhan Yang's low magnetic voice sounded slowly in the empty study.

Ruan Mengmeng didn't know how he heard it last, nor did he know when his eyes were wet.

She just remembered that she took out the diamond cufflinks and put it on the desk.

At that moment, Ruan Mengmeng couldn't say a word, because she was afraid she would cry as soon as she spoke.

She just glanced at Zhan Yang with wet red eyes and left her study without looking back.

Looking at the back of Ruan Mengmeng Cangjie, Zhan Yang reached out and picked up the diamond cufflinks on the table.

The fingertips lightly rubbed the 'yang' character on the bottom of the cufflinks, and Zhan Yang's dark and deep eyes sank little by little.


The next day, after Ruan Mengmeng got up, the housekeeper respectfully invited her to come downstairs for breakfast.

Looking at himself who had slightly swollen eyes in the mirror, Ruan Mengmeng took a deep breath and went downstairs.

This is the first time she has eaten at the same table with her family when she came to the family.

Her hatred for Duan Xiuhui still persists.

Her aversion to Zhan Jiaer remained unabated.

Her disappointment with Zhan Mo never dissipated.

But her mood for Zhan Yang has become more and more complicated.


"Meng Meng, come down ... come and have breakfast." Zhan Yang originally sat expressionless on the table and found Ruan Meng Meng, who was slightly hesitant at the entrance of the restaurant, immediately smiled on his cold face.

Zhanyang Chao Ruan Mengmeng beckoned, and when she saw her indifferent, she even got up and walked towards her.

(End of this chapter)

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