Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1820: Mother and child

Chapter 1820 Mother And Son

Therefore, even when Li Jinghui faced this sullen-looking woman, she felt guilty.

But in the presence of Duan Mu'er, Duan's family, and other guests, he must bite the bullet and protect Duan Mu'er.

After hearing this, Duan Muer shrank back to Li Jinghui.

Li Jinghui also held her hand vigorously. What an affectionate pair they looked.

Just then, Duan Yuanxun, Mrs. Duan, Li Hongyang and Shen Lan all responded.

Several people immediately asked the bodyguards and the waiter to drive out this crazy woman who dared to run out of trouble.

Shen Lan, in particular, had the strongest response, and she could not wait to be dragged out and killed by an inexplicable woman immediately.

From the appearance of this woman, Shen Lan's left eyelid couldn't stop.

There was always a very ominous hunch in her heart.

"Heh ... hehe ... hehehehe ... you want to drive me away?"

The mad woman was afraid she was really crazy. She burst out laughing, sullen and angry.

She suddenly looked at Li Jinghui, and with a laughter that was uglier than crying, she questioned sharply: "Li Jinghui, you have to drive me away!"

The woman's smile was terrible.

Li Jingjing will even be held in his arms, and Li Zhechao, the great great grandson of Li family sitting next to the old lady, is scared to cry.

The child's frightened cry, echoing in the wide banquet hall, seemed extremely loud.

The woman who was still laughing and angry just now suddenly put away the horrible laughter when she heard the cry of the child.

Instead, he looked at the child embraced by Li Jingjing with a timid, scared, afraid to approach, and very worried look.

"Chaochao ... Chaochao ... Chaochao don't cry, don't be afraid ... Mom is here, Mom won't hurt you."

Women are crazy, and they all speak inexplicably.

Even if everyone knows, Li Zhechao is the child born of Li Jinghui and his dead wife.

He is also the first child in the fourth generation of Li family, and is highly valued by the second family of Li family.

And Li Jinghui's dead wife seems to be a woman named Yao.

It is said that the birth was low, and he could not get on the table, and he didn't know why he was fancy by the young master of Lijia Sanfang.

Unfortunately, she managed to boil it out, married into Li's family, and gave birth to the only great-grandson of Li's second elder.

But not long after the child was born, he accidentally crashed into the sea and died.

Li Zhechao's biological mother, Li Jinghui's dead wife, has already passed away unexpectedly.

Therefore, the mad woman in front of me was afraid that she had a real brain problem, otherwise how could she say such crazy words to Li Jing's scared little golden grandson.

However, a strange scene happened.

Li Zhechao, who had been crying for a long time, stopped her crying gradually when she heard the crazy woman deliberately put her soft voice into a soft voice.

The dark, somewhat immature pupils, with some curiosity and some doubt, looked at the mad woman who looked very scary not far away.

The fear under the little boy's eyes subsided a little.

His black and white eyes gathered more and more doubts.


Why this person's voice is so different.

Why did she look terrible, but her voice was so warm that it made him feel so familiar.

Hearing her voice, little Li Zhe was full of puzzlement.

He was too young, and the small head of the seeds prevented him from thinking about it at all.

Just following instinct, suddenly, it seemed that I was not so afraid of this crazy woman who looked terrible.

Instead, she wanted to be close to her.

(End of this chapter)

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