Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1815: Ruan Mengmeng is surrounded by groups

Chapter 1815 Ruan Mengmeng Surrounded

Zhan Jiaer raised her tears: "I don't want ... Brother, this is the best opportunity. At the banquet, there are many eyes, and Jun Yu won't notice that his red wine has been moved by me. I ... I like Jun Yu , This is the best opportunity. "

Zhan Mo's face disapproved: "But your body ..."

Zhan Jia'er's eyes glanced calmly and calmly: "I'm okay, I asked Professor Maestre, and there is no problem in using my feelings in my current situation. Besides, isn't my heart still Ruan Mianmian? Brother, Ruan Mianmian's bone marrow can help me, right? "

Zhan Mo's eyes lightened, and then he rubbed Zhan Jiaer's hair and nodded, "Huh."

"That's good. Brother ... you said, I'm your only sister. I don't want Ruan Mengmeng to replace me, but since she's here, let her look good.

Brother rest assured, I will no longer act on my own, love is for you, I will use love as you say, let Li Junyu be my person.

Just let Ruan Mengmeng look at ... Let her see who Li Junyu likes, so that she can completely die. "

At this moment, Zhan Jiaer's bright and innocent eyes seemed to be mixed with too many desires.

And this desire makes Zhan Mo strange.

However, the tears on her eyes and the tears on her face reminded Zhan Mo.

He almost hurt his sole sister for a half-woman.

Zhan Mo said, "Okay, everything is yours."


When Zhan Mo brought Zhan Jiaer from the flower gallery back to the banquet hall, her cold eyes could not help but tighten.

Ruan Mianmian is still in his hands. Zhan Mo is not afraid of Ruan Mengmeng to publicly reveal her and Jiaer's identity.

But what happened?

When he left just now, Ruan Mengmeng, who looked ordinary in a human skin mask, sat obediently.

But now, Ruan Mengmeng is full of people, she is surrounded by groups.

"Brother, did she take off the mask!" Seeing this scene, Zhan Jiaer's eyes narrowed.

There was a panic under her eyes, and she had not yet begun to act. Ruan Mengmeng did not even care about that little girl in order to hit her?

Knowing this, she should have her mother bring Ruan Mianmian, or at least let Ruan Mengmeng cast a jerk.

Zhan Mo: "Don't panic, I'll take a look. You go back and sit down, remember ... your current body is not suitable for great sadness and joy."

Zhan Jiaer was really flustered, she was worried that her plan would be blocked.

"Brother, don't forget what you said just now, Jiaer is only you ... you must help Jiaer." Warm desert was again urged.

Zhan Mo: "... I know."

Then, Zhan Mo staggered the crowd and stepped towards Ruan Mengmeng.

Before getting close, I heard Ruan Mengmeng's voice, and came from the crowd-

She changed her habitual intonation, her voice a little bit heavy.

"Sisters, all said no ... My name is Mingming, not Jiaer. The news has reported that Zhan Jiaer was ill in the hospital ward and was under the supervision of the procuratorate. The accusation of bad accusation must be sentenced to at least three years, she How dare you come here if you did something bad? "

It turned out that after Zhan Mo left, a dozen ladies came suddenly and surrounded Ruan Mengmeng.

And these dozens of celebrities are not bystanders. It was the young ladies who became friends with Ruan Mengmeng after they fell in love with Li Jun.

They learned from the population that the pregnant woman was Zhan Mo's younger sister. Although they didn't feel right, they knew that the only sister who could be protected by Zhan Mo was Zhan Jiaer.

(End of this chapter)

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