Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1696: Ruan Mengmeng on a hunger strike

Chapter 1696 Ruan Mengmeng Hunger Strike

The housekeeper knows these photos, all of which are the treasures of Miss Jiaer, which has been treasured by Miss Jiaer.

He waited cautiously for war, and never dared to deal with it without authorization.

Zhan Mo heard the steward's voice and raised his eyebrows.

Deep and cold eyes fell on the pieces of photos held by the butler, and there was even a slight wave.

For a moment, he almost blurted out and asked the housekeeper to throw away the photos.

But reason suppresses the body's abnormal behavior.

The man said with a cold voice, "Re-stick the photos and put them back in Jiaer's album."

The steward took the order and respected it.

Sure enough, at any time, Miss Jiaer is always the most important in Mo Shao's heart.

Zhou Jiaojiao, who was standing in front of the study, naturally saw this scene.

If it started, she still didn't know how Ruan Mengmeng angered Zhan Mo.

So now she finally understood it.

The corner of a woman's lips unconsciously hooked ... Oh, even if Zhan Meng did not inject Ruan Mengmeng with drugs.

She has now found another good way to learn about Ruan Mengmeng.


Later in the day, while out in the desert, Zhou Jiaojiao came to the villa again.

But this time, instead of looking for war deserts or the trouble of Ruan Mengmeng, she directly found the housekeeper over the cottage.

"You have also seen that Ruan Mengmeng has completely annoyed you today, and has committed the taboo that Mo Shao cares about most.

You teach this shameless woman to Mo Shao and let her know what should be done and what should not be done in the future. Mo Shao has ignored her now, and she is locked in, and she can't see Mo Shao's complaint. Listen to me, you will definitely not have any trouble doing this. "

Zhou Jiaojiao said, putting a check into the housekeeper's hand.

The housekeeper on the cottage side, though, is a warrior.

But because Zhan Yang and Zhan Mo have not been in the country for a long time, in fact, if he wants to have a good life, he still has to get closer to the next Zhou family.

The steward glanced down at the check in his hand, and glanced at several zeros before the decimal point, his eyes widened.

Zhou Jiaojiao took the opportunity to encourage her: "It's not a big deal, it's just to take down the food cooked in the kitchen every day and starve her hungry. You can also see that she has such great strength that she can't be hungry for a few days. These days, If you are indifferent to her, you are too kind to her, so that she will be left out of sight, and she will even dare to commit taboos. "

The housekeeper was right.

Mo Shaorang gave Ruan Mengmeng two meals every day just to starve her.

But now, it is just a little heavier punishment.

An adult can't get hungry if he doesn't eat for a few days.

Ruan Mengmeng is just taking himself too seriously to offend the indifference, just to teach him.

The steward had his own selfishness, and naturally thought according to Zhou Jiaojiao's brainwashing method.

He collected the check in his hand and said with a smile, "Miss Zhou, please rest assured, I know what to do."

Hearing the words of the housekeeper, Zhou Jiaojiao's smiling eyes glanced over a shadow of Yin.


For the next few days, Zhan Mo ignored Ruan Mengmeng, and even seemed to avoid the news of her deliberately.

The housekeeper did not allow other servants to deliver meals every time, and Mei Qiming said that he would serve himself.

Just two dishes a day, when he arrived at the door of Ruan Mengmeng's room, he would put guards on guard and let them go for dinner.

When the guards came up, the housekeeper would look like a bitter bitter persuasion.

He sighed: "Well ... Miss Ruan is so hard. In order to breathe with the master, she wouldn't even take a bite to eat."

(End of this chapter)

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