Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1691: Smashed the desert

Chapter 1691: Smashed War Desert's Study

Ruan Mengmeng patted two slender and soft hands, and placed the right hand lightly on the computer screen on the desk.

This turned to look at Zhan Mo.

The little woman arrogantly said, "Zhan Mo ... Do you think that only you have great strength?"

The words fell away, and a corner of the computer screen broke in response.

Zhan Mo's eyes narrowed fiercely.

She turned the computer screen off with her bare hands.

"You ..." Zhan Mo then remembered that, according to their later investigation, Ruan Mengmeng was extremely powerful since childhood.

It was just that the father and mother thought she was not a child of the warring family, so they didn't pay much attention.

These days, Ruan Mengmeng behaves calmly and well-behaved beside him, making him completely forget her ‘excellence’.

"Ruan Mengmeng, the things here are not something you can move." Zhan Mo's complexion had returned to coldness, warning her with a serious and rigid tone.

Much of the information here is related to Jiaer.

Fortunately, she only broke the computer screen, as long as she changed a screen, it would not cause the loss of important information.

"Really? But I want to move." Ruan Mengmeng ignored Zhan Mo's warning at all.

After breaking a corner of the computer screen, she raised her feet and flew directly to the computer case placed under the desk before the war desert had time to stop it.


The computer case hit the wall and fell heavily to the ground, making a loud noise.

"Ruan Mengmeng--" Zhan Mo gritted his teeth, his face was cold and heavy.

The right hand dangling to the side clenched into a fist, and the blue tendons on the forehead appeared because of resentment.

Ruan Mengmeng is not afraid at all, looking to him: "Did you see? Not only can you threaten me, it is stronger than strength, and I am not inferior to you at all. It is different from you who take me at all. , I can do whatever you want, but you can't. "

Even if she smashed the fighters, Zhan Mo could not move her for his dear sister Zhan Jiaer.

How could she have stayed here without going back without this recognition.

"..." Zhan Mo's face was already iron-blue, and cold black eyes stared at Ruan Mengmeng.

If the eyes can kill people, I'm afraid Ruan Mengmeng has already been stared at several holes.

Ruan Mengmeng, but not afraid, raised his small face and stared at the terrible eyes of war.

The water Lingying apricot eyes, shining, extremely powerful.

After a short while, Zhan Mo took out her mobile phone and dialed a phone number.

After a while, a man in full black and black pants appeared at the door of the study.

"Master." The comer's tone was low, and he could say one word less, and never say more.

Hearing this voice, Ruan Mengmeng felt a little familiar, and she turned around to be an acquaintance.

The man in front of him was tall and thin, and his whole body was stern.

He had a very cold and cold face, not the horrible coldness, but the indifference as if the machine had no emotion.

Such a face, once seen, will not be easily forgotten.

Ruan Mengmeng raised her eyebrows and hooked her lips: "The warrior's humanoid machine is fighting Qingze ... Zhan Mo, you asked him to come out, did you want him to hold me?"

Last time at the Duanjia ball, Ruan Mengmeng met this man named Zhan Qingze.

Li Junyu told her that this was the man who represented the country S in the International Special Forces Special Training League and won the title of "Bing King".

Lost contact ten years ago, everyone thought he was sacrificed in the mission.

In fact, he left Z country with Zhan Yang.

"Take her down." Zhan Mo ordered.

Zhan Qingze walked to Ruan Mengmen expressionlessly and made a gesture.

(End of this chapter)

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