Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1559: divorce

Chapter 1559 Divorce

"Grandma, don't get angry ... I wasn't run by him. It was Grandpa who asked us to spend our honeymoon." Ruan Mengmeng quickly stood up and sat down next to Miao Qiugui.

Although she always buried the tyrant in her mouth, she still remembered to speak for her husband at the crucial moment.

Ruan Mengmeng's original intention was to move out of grandpa and let her grandmother be angry.

Who knows, it ’s okay. The old lady Miao was even more mad at the mention of this matter: “I know that this old man is giving you a blind idea. Your Chen family has not agreed yet, Meng Meng, do n’t be fooled by you. The man's rhetoric lied. "


President Zhan Kai sat aside and saw a pot of dumping on his head.

He was ashamed of the Chen family, and was not good at losing his temper. He could only explain patiently: "Meng Meng Meng, I also watched that Meng Meng and Jun Yu were married, and Jun Yu's child was willing to enter the burden again, and they were relieved. The two are in a good relationship. The children and grandchildren have their own grandchildren. Why should we be elders? "

"Well, what is Sun Fu, that's when you haven't seen our family Meng Meng suffer!" The old lady Miao Qiugui was really hot-tempered and scolded people, even Mr. President.

She turned to look at President Zhan Kai and gave her a stern glance. .

"Meng Meng lost her college entrance exam and was kicked out of Li family with her mother. You did n’t even know what Meng Meng was like at that time. I ’ve seen it with her grandfather and will never forget the indifference of that family. We Chen The family doesn't want wealth, it just wants Mengmeng to be happy. "

Speaking of this, Miao Qiugui grabbed Ruan Mengmeng's hand: "Meng Meng, this marriage is really unnecessary. Grandma didn't stop you on purpose, but Li's family is not a good match, shall we not marry him?"

Miao Qiugui said that his eyes were red.

Her family, Mengmeng, suffered in the past and was tired of eating. Others were unclear, but she and Chen Xiangming were deeply impressed.

Ruan Mengmeng finally came out after such difficult days.

Such unreliable men, if they come again, what will they do?

Thinking of this, the old lady even shed tears, and some choked to persuade: "Your mother was purged by the family, and even your brother was sent out of the country by them. This cruel means, such cruel people, Our Chen family really can't afford to climb, and doesn't bother to attach.

Meng Meng, you are good, separate from this man. You do n’t want the child in the belly, we do n’t. If you want, then we are born.

Yes, grandma knows that the family is rich and powerful, richer and stronger than us. Although Grandpa and Grandma have little money, Grandma and Grandma promise that we will take out all our savings to take care of your child for as long as you need it. We don't have much, but we can give you all. Meng Meng ... "

"Grandma, stop talking, stop talking ... I listen to you." Ruan Mengmeng was emotionally disturbed by her grandmother's words.

Seeing her grandmother's tears bursting out of her eyes, she only felt deep pain.

She knew that her grandmother hurt her, and everything was done for her.

No matter what grandmother said, at this moment Ruan Mengmeng just wanted to promise grandmother, coax her grandmother, and don't want to see her grandmother's tears again.

"Really?" Miao Qiugui frowned, and she jumped.

She didn't seem to think at all that Mengmeng was so good at talking.

"Well, you listen to everything you say." Ruan Mengmeng nodded hugging her grandmother.

As soon as the words fell, I heard a deep, good voice coming from behind me: "Mengmeng said, of course, true. Grandma and I will definitely listen."

Li Junyu's tall body approached, and his slender hands fell on Ruan Mengmeng's shoulders.

With a cold and serious attitude, he said to Miao Qiugui: "Grandma, we are still listening to you, and go to the divorce formalities immediately. Afterwards, do you want to kill the child or stay?"

[Complete the update, see you tomorrow night]

(End of this chapter)

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