Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1553: Pregnancy tests

Chapter 1553 Pregnancy Test Stick


Li Junyu's precious pen between his long fingers fell on the table.

The dark eyebrows were deep, the man raised the chin of the small woman in his arms, and the cold eyes were mixed with a rare shock.

"Just now, say it again."

A deep, condensed voice could hear a slight tremor.

Ruan Mengmeng sat on Li Junyu's lap and couldn't help but stunned. She didn't expect that it was just a sentence that could make her see Li Junyu's rare shock.

Seeing the man's deep, dark eyes staring at her momentarily, Ruan Mengmeng's lips slightly raised, revealing the pear vortex: "I said, let Ling Bei buy me a pregnancy test stick and come back."

"You are still in the physiological period." Li Junyu pinched the finger of the little woman's chin and rubbed it lightly.

The burning eyes tightly fixed her moist apricot eyes, as if to see her through.

At this moment, even Li Junyu couldn't guess what his little wife was thinking.

Although he is a man, he doesn't know enough about women, but he still has basic common sense.

She was clearly in the physiological period, why suddenly she wanted to buy a pregnancy test stick.

"I ... when Xiao Ai left, he told me a secret, so I want to try it." It's so embarrassing, in fact, Ruan Mengmeng also feels psychedelic, how is this possible?

But the words of children are always very accurate.

Li Jun's eyes slightly stunned: "What did she say?"

"They said it was a secret ..."

As soon as the words came out, her tender lips were rubbed by the man's slightly cocoon-like fingertips, numb.

Ruan Mengmeng was too late to react, and there was a cool feeling on the lips.

She was eaten by Li Junyu.

He didn't eat an inch, all his breath was taken by him, and his lips and teeth were full of familiar male hormones.

Her mind was getting more and more confused, her head was blank, and she was still gasping for mercy: "Well, say ... I can't say it. Little ... Little cute told me that when she slept last night, she In my stomach ... there is a baby in my stomach ... "

Ruan Mengmeng's face, which had been powdered, became even more red.

The fact that she wanted to cover her face was too shameful.

How could she be pregnant when she had just arrived?

But they all said that the child's intuition was the most intelligent, and she had a very determined look before leaving, and she said that she had to believe it.

Although the child was jealous, but Xiao Ai suddenly mentioned this sentence somehow, but Ruan Mengmeng's mind moved slightly.

"I thought, wouldn't it be really cute to be cutie? It's not a big deal to buy a pregnancy test stick anyway, that little guy suddenly mentioned something inexplicably, I always ..."

"Yeah, Li Junyu, let me down ..." Before she finished speaking, Li Junyu suddenly hugged him.

The man frowned, hugging his little wife, and strode out of the study.

"Ling Bei, immediately go to the pharmacy to buy a pregnancy test stick ..."

Ling Bei, who was waiting outside the door, heard this, and her jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Wait a minute ..." Ling Junyu called Ling Bei who was about to leave in a hurry.

Ling Bei quickly turned back and controlled his eyes. Don't glance at Mrs. Da's belly: "Master, what else do you want?"

"Hmm ..." Li Junyu hesitated a little before finally saying, "Buy ten."

Ruan Mengmeng: "..."


Half an hour later, Ruan Mengmeng watched and discharged ten pregnancy test sticks on the marble table in the bathroom, and swallowed.

Okay, she's starting ...

[Continue to write, there is a little later ~]

(End of this chapter)

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