Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1434: The audience was shocked

Chapter 1434 Shocked

The scene was very awkward.

Fortunately, everyone is accustomed to Bo Hanyuan's absence or appearance of coldness.

Duan Yuanxun was embarrassed by his wife, and quickly switched off the subject, asking his wife to go to the back lounge to see if the two daughters had changed their clothes.

Then, the waiter was arranged to bring in a thin young man.

It was unexpected for Duan Yuanxun to be able to come.

I think I can surpass my father and marry Li family and Bo family after he succeeds the owner.

In this way, three of the four major families are closely linked.

Even if President Zhan Kai's old and stubborn stubbornness with their Duan family will really fight together in the future, his Duan Yuanxun has no fear.


"Go and ask Mrs. Li San, how long it will be before Li Shao." Duan Yuanxun whispered to the assistant next to him.

The prom officially opened with only a little time left.

Even Bo Hanyuan has arrived, why the young Master Li has not yet arrived.

After a while, Shen Lan came in person.

Even though she was still scared and worried, she would use Yao Yuqing to deal with her family Jinghui.

But now the great opportunity lies ahead, and Shen Lan will definitely not miss it.

She personally came to Duan Yuanxun and said, "Our father asked me to take a sentence. Tonight, let Jinghui take the opening dance instead of Jun Yu and Ling Ye. Due to business, Jun Yu could not come back for a while. But please be assured. The promise promised will be fulfilled, and with him watching, everything will be fine. "

Li's promise was to marry Duan.

Oh, as long as Li Junyu doesn't appear, Jinghui's performance is better to make Duan Muer's heart, then Duan Mu'er will marry Jinghui, naturally it is not a ruin.

Shen Lan had his own mind, and Duan Yuanxun didn't know.

Although somewhat annoyed that Li Junyu did not even attend the engagement banquet, it was obviously contempt of their meaning.

But thinking of the young master of the Li family, with a noble birth and outstanding ability, both the father and mother are first-class nobles.

He does have proud capital.

"Okay, it's too much trouble to worry too much. It's just ..." It seemed to be thinking, Duan Yuanxun lowered his voice and whispered.

"Mrs. Li San and the little girl from Ruan's family seemed to be a little embarrassed. This is the Duan family's banquet. I also ask Mrs. Li San to take care of the young people. Take it to heart. "

"!!!" Shen Lan's originally gentle eyebrows almost twisted together.

What does this mean? Wherever I go today, irrelevant people come out and take the lead for the cheap girl.

First Jing Yiyi and Li Junting inexplicably protect the flowers, and then there is a completely unrelated gloomy sudden favoritism.

Now, even better, even Duan Yuanxun, the elder who apparently saw Ruan Mengmeng for the first time, also showed excessive attention to her.

"Okay, I'll give Duan's face naturally." Shen Lan gritted his teeth and squeezed this sentence, secretly hating.

When she walked back, the more she thought about it, the more unwilling she was, and she couldn't help raising her eyes to look at Ruan Mengmeng—but almost murmured.

I saw that the girl who should have appeared in the rest area of ​​the warring family had even walked to the rest area of ​​the Bo family.

And Bo Hanyuan, who was originally not close to anyone, was never allowed to approach. This time, the bodyguards were not stopped.

In this way, in the eyes of the public, the young girl in a bright red dress with a tube top, sat next to her.

The audience was shocked! !! !!

[Continue to have ~]

(End of this chapter)

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