Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1431: Arrogant girl moe

Chapter 1431 A proud girl cute

Keep it, poor him! ?

The girl who was watching the show with her cheeks almost slipped her hands and fell off the sofa.

She just agreed with him to sit in the seat. He was so embarrassed that she was half a friend of hers. Ruan Mengmeng simply thought so.

This has nothing to do with acceptance.

And, poor?

This is called Shen Yu, oh no, how poor is Huo Bai's man.

He clearly seemed to have the upper hand, and even in the presence of Shen Lan and Li Jinghui, who seemed to have a more distinguished status, he did not show a half-strike.

Poor ... Oh, it doesn't fit him at all.

However, she would be happy to have Shen Lan and Li Jinghui apologize to her.

The girl changed her position very cooperatively, plunged half of her body into the sofa, leaned lightly on the back of the sofa behind her, raised her eyes and drew the eyeliner.

She raised her sharp little chin, showing a little arrogance, and stared straight at Shen Lan and Li Jinghui with those apricot eyes.

"Well, hurry up if you want to apologize, and the evening dance will officially begin. The two of you old pestles are here, which will affect other guests."

Slap face and show no mercy.

The pride and pride on the girl's face really made Shen Lan's mother and son intolerable.

A wild Ruan's wild seed, why contempt them with that high look!

She Ruan Mengmeng is in front of the Shen family and Li family, it is nothing at all!


Ruan Mengmeng not only did it, but also showed no mercy.

The girl's charming little face is full of Ao Jiao, which is simply an unreasonable girl image.

But the more she behaved ‘rude and willful,’ the more Shen Lan had nowhere to reason.

For example, now Shen Lan is lowering her voice and warning: "Ruan Mengmeng, it ’s better to stop at everything. You can stay on the line and see each other in the future. Do n’t take advantage of the opportunity to kick your nose, I will not at least investigate your rudeness. In the future, I would like to say a few more good words for you in front of the old man and the old lady. But if you do n’t know what to do now, you and Jun Yu will think about it ... ”

"No. I just don't make sense, I don't know if it's enough, and everything won't stay on the line."

The girl looked up at her head with a chuckle and looked at Shen Lan, who was clearly desperate, and soon lost her breath. Jiao Jiao said, "I don't understand the way Mrs. Li San said, I just want to know one thing, Mrs. San Would Hehui Shao apologize in the end? If you do n’t apologize, please go further, you ... block me from admiring the dance floor. "

Shen Lan gritted her teeth: "You ..."

She did not expect that this humble girl dare to take the opportunity to embarrass her.

Li Jinghui beside Shen Lan could not hold his breath anymore, he reached out to Ruan Mengmeng: "Little bitch, don't give you shame, you ..."

"Wow, why is Hui Shao so rude!"

"It's too poor."

"It's still Li's noble son, it's really eye-opening-"

Some of the guests around me wanted to settle for Li's home, but others didn't look down on Li Jinghui.

At this time, I heard Li Jinghui's words, and disdain.

How expensive is your son, compared to Shen Lan, Li Jinghui's effort to raise qi is too far away.

"Li Jinghui, pay attention to your words." Li Peacock has jumped up directly, blocking the girl.

On the other hand, Jing Yizhen, who also looked up at those demon phoenix eyes, was coldly locked in Li Jinghui's face, and his handsome face was hidden deep.

At this point, it was the gloomy side sitting, and suddenly said, "Okay, don't apologize to Mengmeng. Sister, Jinghui, you can go."

[More late]

(End of this chapter)

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