Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1401: She is going back to her parents

Chapter 1401: She Wants To Return To Her Mother

Outside the garden gate, invisible smoke was billowing.

President Zhan Kai took the guard and personally blocked the gate of Liyuan with a bazooka.

The Li family ’s bodyguards, headed by Ling Nan, lined up in four rows, blocking the president's way with a wall of people.

President Zhan Kai held a bazooka in his right hand and was facing Liyuan Mansion. Seeing the steward who had been waiting for a long time to say that he hadn't come out, and he didn't see any of his baby granddaughter, he became slightly impatient.

President Zhan Kai shouted, "Inner servant, tell the second battalion commander to let him pull out my stunner--"

The internal waiter quickly wiped his sweat: "Mr. President, sullen, the second battalion commander has retired and returned home with his grandson. Besides, if you are now the president of a country, it will not be good if you pull the cannon!"

President Zhan Kai: "What, he has a grandson! My family is still cute ..."

Not only did his family Meng Meng not have a baby, he didn't even have a marriage partner.

No, after taking Mengmeng back from Li's home today, she must prepare her husband's banquet as soon as possible.

"Grandpa ..." When President Zhan Kai was anxious, a sweet voice came from not far away.

As soon as Ruan Mengmeng came out of the mansion, she saw her grandfather carrying a bazooka in front of him, ‘training’.

Ruan Mengmeng, who learned all the truth from Feng Yizhen, is no longer planning to hide her identity.

She wants to inherit the warring family, and she wants to stand next to Grandpa with a fair face.

She wants-to force Zhan Yang back and force him to fight face to face with himself.

"Grandpa ..." The girl raised the volume again and ran toward President Kay with a smile.

But as soon as she stepped forward, her little hand was caught by a domineering palm.

"Huh?" Ruan Mengmeng turned back, looking at Li Junyu puzzledly.

The man behind was narrowing his eyebrows and his eyes were low: "Meng Meng, will you leave with your grandpa?"

Li Junyu knew that the relationship between him and the girl was only temporarily eased.

They seem intimate, but this relationship is fragile.

Family obstacles are nothing.

That period of separation from Mengmeng had long taught him what true protection should be.


Seeing President Zhan Kai carrying a bazooka not far away, Leng Aogu as high as Li Junyu did not feel a headache.

That's why he kept grabbing her to bed and loving her so hard in these days.

Only by letting her conceive their children early, can he keep her adorable around him.

"Of course. I have been here with you for a few days and it is time to go back." Ruan Mengmeng allowed Li Junyu to grab her hand, but she was still walking towards the gate.

The man's dark eyes narrowed: "You are my wife, we are husband and wife, you should have stayed with me."

Ruan Mengmeng stretched out her other hand and waved to her grandpa, without turning back: "But the husband and wife can also go back to their mother's house, I will go back to her mother's house now."

Li Junyu: "..."

For the first time, the tyrant has realized what it means to eat.

However, he couldn't persecute the girl with domineering force as before.

The man who had just coaxed his wife back is still in a dangerous observation period.

Li Junyu glanced at the little milk dog that followed Ruan Mengmeng's feet: "Sansan just found Ma Ma, are you willing to throw it away?"

I can't coax my wife, so I can only get my son.

[Continuing, there is a little bit later ~ I played with Li Yunlong's stalk on it. Young readers may not know (laughs). 】

(End of this chapter)

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