Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1389: The person who went to bed with you on the evening of August 27 last year is me

Chapter 1389 The Person Who Got To Bed With You At Night On August 27 Last Year

"I want to see three or three ..."

Ruan Mengmeng was thrown into the big bed by Li Junyu.

The next second, she struggled to get up from the soft bed and wanted to see her son.

She thought about three or three, and thought about it, thinking of the poor three or three in the days when she was absent, no one hurt and no one loved, and she was always bullied by Li Peacock like she is today.

Her family is so good, why does Li Peacock bully it?

Unfortunately, Ruan Mengmeng just lifted half of her body from the big bed, and was ruthlessly stunned by Li Junyu.

The man's tall and large body weighed down strictly from Ruan Mengmeng.

"Well, Li Junyu ... you let go ..."

Ruan Mengmeng pushed him away.

I thought that with his strength, she might not be able to push.

Who knew she was pushing hard, Li Junyu was pushed away by her.

The girl's crystal clear eyes scratched a trace of confusion.

The next moment, her entire body was held by Li Junyu, and she rolled over on the big bed.

The black coat that was originally wrapped on the girl slipped off during the tumbling.

Ruan Mengmeng's fair and flawless body, so nestled in Li Jun's arms, was completely exposed.

"Clothes ..." There was a cold behind the girl, only to find out that the situation was wrong.

Although she pushed Li Junyu away as expected, because of Li Junyu's big palm, one was fastened to her waist and the other was pinched on her back.

After a tumbling, the two of them turned into a female up and a male down position.

At first glance, it seemed as if she pressed Li Junyu under her.


What a familiar scene.

For two seconds, the girl's brain flashed white.

As if long, long ago, she was also on a large bed, sitting like this on a man's waist.

What exactly matched the scene at the time was that not only was she sitting on Li Jun's waist, but she was also wearing no clothes at the time.

"I ... you ..."

Ruan Mengmeng can't even take care of it, to cover his sprung spring.

She stretched out a slender forefinger and pointed Li Junyu staggered and surprised.

"Are we ..." The girl frowned slightly, tilting her head slightly, suddenly wondering how to ask.

After all, Li Junting was involved in the events of that year, which was a past she had buried in her heart for a long time.

Even Ruan Mengmeng, who has grown up, will still have a mustache.

However, the girl's uncle was understood by men.

Li Junyu's dark and cold eyes were condensed on her pink mouth, slender white neck, cute collarbone and ...

Soft on the chest.

His eyes gradually became deep, hot, and bottomless.

Just like bewilderment, Li Junyu's long and narrow phoenix eyes froze slightly, and the handsome and immaculate features became a little lazy and sexy.

He reached out and gently stroked the girl's hips, the girl's waist, and the girl was soft and rounded ...

When he saw the blush rising from the girl's face, his thin lips lightened: "On the evening of August 27 last year, the Presidential Suite on the top floor of the Royal Hotel ..."

Li Junyu's voice was low and deep, coming from his **** husky throat.

Ruan Mengmeng doesn't know why this man suddenly mentioned this.

She has been resisting reminiscing about the night, and the girl deliberately identified and opened her eyes: "No, you don't ..."

"I want to." Li Junyu's deep and strong voice, without any hesitation.

"Meng Meng, I want you to know exactly who your first time was. The person who went to bed with you on the evening of August 27 last year is me."

[Next chapter before 23:30]

(End of this chapter)

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