Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Chapter 1340: It turned out that President Zhan Kai was a child of the Jing family

Chapter 1340: President Zhan Kai's Destiny's Children

After Ruan Mengmeng got on the car, after a group of people's eloquent explanations, she roughly understood what was going on.

It turned out that Jing Xiangjin, Ye Lingxi and others, after losing contact with her, inquired about her everywhere.

Because they had a special contact group in high school, after the group contact, they learned about Ruan Mengmeng's situation from Mu Jingxing and Yuejun Che, which may not be good.

Yue Jun Yu is Li Jun Yu. His exposure led everyone to know Yue Jun Che, the identity of Li Jun Che.

Ruan Mengmeng, who was once associated with Li Junyu, is well known.

Then contact Jing Xiangjin heard from the circle, Li Dashao cancelled the marriage contract on the eve of the college entrance examination, and everyone immediately understood that it must be Ruan Mengmeng and Li Junyu's relationship changed.

Anyway, the end result is that all of them are on Ruan Mengmeng's side.

Including-Li Junche who later joined them as a 'protective team'.

The reason why it is Jing Xiangjin rather than Jing Yiyi who appears in the presidential palace today is also very simple.

King Fat turned the car key and said proudly, "Hey, I am cut off! Last night, my brother put his cellphone in the living room, and I just received a call from Mr. President. I was just telling it for my brother, who knows what I listen to It ’s your name. Mengzhu, you are amazing. You did n’t know how much I admired you when you watched TV last time ... You are indeed our boss, and I am just my idol! "

Jing Fatty also wanted to hug Ruan Mengmeng when he talked. Unfortunately, Lingxi, who was hugged by the girl, gave a glance and shook.

Ruan Mengmeng is still somehow confused for this.

She couldn't help asking: "I understand the truth. You are so skinny that you are not afraid to be taught by your brother. But ... I have two questions. Answer me first. First, you are familiar with Mr. President? How can he ask you? help me……"

The fat man Jing Jing waved his hand: "President Zhan Kai has a good relationship with my brother. He almost watched me grow up. It's been a long time ago, and I don't know how my brother knew President Zhan Kai. Not long after that, I found out that the uncle who often appeared on TV, often went to my house. "

Ruan Mengmeng understood, so it seems that there is a source.

But the second question ...

Jing Fatty can't wait to ask: "Don't you say there is a second question, what is it? I will answer it, Master."

Ruan Mengmeng glanced at Jing Jing Xiangjin's smug face, and couldn't help hitting it.

But this question is not clear, I am afraid she will think about it all day.

So Ruan Mengmeng asked: "Ah ... the second question. I want to know, why do you think that you are handsome, perfect, and good-looking, young and promising, with such a face on your face? Don't tell me Because you look good. Jing Xiangjin, you, true, no, good, look. "

"Well, Xiao Cheche, Mengzhu bullied me!" Jing fat man's big mountain-like body, anxious to get into the arms of the beautiful young man sitting in the co-pilot seat.

However, Li Junche was relentlessly pushed away: "You are not good-looking at first, and President Zhan Kai is mostly speaking kindly."

"Of course not!" Jing Fatty said excitedly: "Zhan Kaibo watched me grow up, always said that I look good, but also said that I am handsome and beautiful. Do not lie to you, really, I was not thin as a kid now ... then He also said that if he could, he really wanted to marry my granddaughter to me. "

Sitting in the back row, Ruan Mengmeng, the granddaughter of President Zhen Zhankai, could not help but sneeze.

No, never.


Just as Ruan Mengmeng said they laughed and drove all the way to the Ruan's house, a ‘catch’ drama was being staged in the Ruan's house.

[Next chapter before 21:50]

(End of this chapter)

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